There are many factors that are very similar that led to their collapse. The Aztec … What would you say if an Afghan told you that Afghanistan defeated & was responsible for the decline of the British Empire, USSR and USA. The Aztec empire picked up on some of the Toltec religious belief and jobs, they also had more resoures for daliy life (Suggestions: Social classes, jobs, daily life) Image: Section #3 - Growth of the Aztecs The Aztec Empire made an alliance with the Tepanec. Were the Napoleonic Wars and WW1 planned & orchestrated wars by a group of people? The Aztecs developed sophisticated agricultural systems which include: irrigation systems, floating fields, called chinampas, and hillside terrace system. In this essay I am going to give a brief overview about the Aztecs and then talk about the factors that led to the fall of this empire. That section of South America became Brazil. Which statements describe factors that led to the decline and defeat of the Aztec Empire? What group(s) benefited from both wars? The Spanish conquistadors was one of the most common and deadliest, due to their advanced weapons and diseases they brought. The … Although numerous battles were … The Fall Of The Aztec Empire 1188 Words | 5 Pages. Consequentially, South Americans had no contact w/ the Aztecs &, thus, no way to develop a resentment towards them. Still have questions? Which was limited to what is now central Mexico. Many contemporary Mexicans are descended from the Aztec, and more than 1 million Mexicans speak Nahuatl, the native Aztec language, as their primary language. Virtual Teaching Assistant: Colleen R. The Spanish took Montezuma prisoner. The Spanish brought many deadly diseases when they arrived in Mexico. The Decline Of The Mayan, Aztec, And Inca Empires 837 Words | 4 Pages. …show more content… Mistreating the people they conquered. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. Collapse of the Inca Empire Four Factors That Led to the Fall of the Inca Empire. Two primary reasons were a Spanish alliance with the Tlaxcalans, which overwhelmed the Aztec defenses; and a series of epidemics, which wiped out roughly 80% of the population. Get your answers by asking now. The Fall of the Aztec empire occured when the a small group of conquistadors led by Cortés reached Mexico in 1519. Match. Answers: 1 on a question: Which statements describe factors that led to the decline and defeat of the aztec empire? c. the spanish took moctezuma prisoner. This broke the power of the upper classes, but did not dissolve the coherence of the indigenous society in greater Mexico. Their decline happened for many different reasons. Was WWII a planned & orchestrated war by the rich people of the world? Cortez was determined to conquer the people and claim their land and their gold for the king of Spain. The Decline of the Mayan, Aztec, and Inca Empires From 250 A.D. to the late 1500’s A.D., three civilizations, the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas controlled Central and South America. Your answer should make reference to the social and political contexts of the region as well as the military campaign. Tenochtitlan (actual Mexico City) was the Capital of Aztec Empire, his population was HUGE, Cortez, the first time when he saw the city from the mountains said, "it's bigger then London" and in that time London was the most inhabited city of Europe. There are many ways this led to the fall of the empire: first of all, killing thousands of your citizens cannot be good in any way. It fell because it was conquered by the Spanish. Flashcards. (B). Gravity. In 1519, Hernan Cortes and his small army of conquistadors, driven by gold-lust, ambition and religious fervor, began the audacious conquest of the Aztec Empire. Smallpox weakened the Aztecs' ability to resist. The Fall of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire, was a decisive event in the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire.It occurred in 1521 following extensive manipulation of local factions and exploitation of pre-existing divisions by Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés, who was aided by the support of his indigenous allies and his interpreter and companion La Malinche.. After some brief and violent contact in 1517, a Spanish force under Hernan Cortes arrived in 1519 to completely subjugate the Aztecs. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. Q&A > History > Which statements describe factors that led to the decline and defeat of the Aztec Empire? "Guns Germs and Steel" is a great book that talks about this. A few most vital factors include: The Aztec Religion, The responsibility of people who were considered "gods" (social aspect), and of course, the events that caused the Empire to decline and forever disappear. (why they let Japan & Nazi Germany build a massive army for war?)? It is estimated that between 10% and 50% of the population fell victim to this epidemic. It seems that wherever the … There were no internal problems that led to the decline of the Aztec Empire. View the answer now. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. One thing that led to the decline of the Aztec Empire was the shortage of skilled farmers. What is the The Sackler Family more famous for their contributions towards art or the Opioid crisis? Religion The Aztecs were religious people, religion played a … The market system included both local and long-distance trade. The fall of Tenochtitlan is an important event in the history of the Americas as it marks the end of the Aztec Empire. c) South America is south of Central America, the patch of land situated between southern Mexico (south of where the Aztecs lived) and South America. On arrival in Mexico back in 1519, Hernan Cortes found key allies within the local communities such as the Tlaxcallans formerly subjugated by the civilization, who used the Spaniards to free … was a Nahua woman from the Mexican Gulf Coast, who played a role in the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, acting as an interpreter, advisor, lover, and … was asked on May 31 2017. Fall of the Aztec Empire. c. the aztecs welcomed the spanish with gifts. Tenochtitlan (actual Mexico City) was the Capital of Aztec Empire, his population was HUGE, Cortez, the first time when he saw the city from the mountains said, "it's bigger then London" and in that time London was the most inhabited city of Europe. After war and disease swept the empire, it fell in 1521. Hunger and smallpox. This event took place on August 13, 1521 and was the result of a three-month long siege. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. What hypothetical things could have made Germany win WW2? There were many factors involved that led to the great fall of the Aztec empire. Several reasons, none of which are mentioned here. Repeated migrations of less civilized people from the north, various kingdoms arise in the Valley of Mexico, many cults of human sacrifice develop, and twin-temples develop for large scale sacrifice . Who knows how it would have been different if these people and their children had swelled the ranks that fought the Spanish, not to mention the other contributions th… Their decline happened for many different reasons. Test. Cortes gave up his desire for more gold. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. The Spanish took Moctezuma prisoner" and "E. Smallpox weakened the Aztec's ability to resist" are both descriptive of the Aztec's fall. That's the MAIN CAUSE OF THE FALL OF THE AZTEC EMPIRE & all the North America Natives from the Atlantic to the Pacific. STUDY. Choose all answers that are correct. The loss of people in a loss that can't be calculated. No attempts were made to go as far west as present-day Mexico. e. the aztec empire had … a) This would pertain to the Aztec monetary system, but that system was not as debilitating as maintaining hostile relations with their neighbors (who, in turn, allied themselves with the Spanish when they arrived). Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. What were the decisive factors that led to the fall of the Aztec empire? 7 Factors That Caused The Fall Of The Aztec Empire. The diseases, like smallpox, caused many Aztec die. The Aztecs ruled from 14th century and their power expanded into Guatemala. The fall of the Aztec Empire came about due to the Spanish conquest of Central America. Decline of the empire There are many factors that led to the decline of the Aztec Civilization such as sacrifices, disease and the Spanish conquest. Wow. Your answer should make reference to the social and political contexts of the region as well as the military campaign. None of the four answers make any sense. (A). STUDY. One of the biggest reasons of the fall of the Aztec Empire, was due to the amount of people being killed as “sacrifices”. By August 1521, three Mexica emperors were dead or captured, the city of Tenochtitlan was in ruins and the Spanish had conquered the mighty empire. choose all answers that are correct. The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, also known as the Conquest of Mexico (1519–21), was one of the primary events in the Spanish colonization of the Americas. Which statements an event that contributed to the decline of the Aztec empire. SMALLPOX OR "VARICELA" was the cause of the decline of that empire, and the cause of the death of all North American tribes. d. smallpox weakened the aztec's ability to resist. The fall of that tribe lead to the Aztec empire to get more land in Central America. The diseases also weakened many people which gave the Spanish an Mistreating the people they conquered. How do you think about the answers? Which statements describe factors that led to the decline and defeat of the Aztec Empire? The Spaniards, to consolidate the diminishing population, merged the survivors from small towns in the Valley of Mexico into bigger ones. Regarding the four choices above: there is no evidence of A, they never had any contact with any Portugese, or for that matter any peoples in South America, nor were there any English colonists in their sphere of influence. a. You can sign in to vote the answer. C. The resentment of South Americans toward Aztec rule, D. Distrust of the Aztec by the English colonists. The Decline of the Mayan, Aztec, and Inca Empires From 250 A.D. to the late 1500’s A.D., three civilizations, the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas controlled Central and South America. Cortés was not satificied with the amount of gold, so he went to Moctezuma. why didn't people run through streets like today in the past? Created by. Moctezuma sent Cortés gifts, including gold. The mysterious epidemic that devastated Aztecs may have been food poisoning. What were the decisive factors that led to the fall of the Aztec empire? Favorite Answer The Spanish conquered the Aztecs by using guns and horses and spreading diseases to which the Aztecs had no immunity. Most of what made up the Aztec Empire strongly contributed to the decline of the empire. b. the spanish took moctezuma prisoner. b. the aztecs welcomed the spanish with gifts. (C). That Means, in every 5 aztecs or america natives, 4 died. The Spaniards conquered and subjugated the Aztecs in a complex process that only took several years and involved numerous players. choose all answers that are correct. The four major factors that were obvious to the downfall of the Aztecs was the bloody sacrifices, religion, diseases, and the Spanish tactics used against the Aztecs. One thing that led to the decline of the Aztec Empire was the shortage of skilled farmers. In 1520-1521, an outbreak of smallpox swept through the population of Tenochtitlan and was decisive in the fall of the city. Subsequently, the Valley of Mexico was hit with two more epidemics, smallpox (1545-1548) and typhus (1576-1581). The Aztec Empire had super... 140 … (D). The reign of the Aztec empire was cut short soon after the Spaniards arrived. First, killing thousands of people, whether you or your neighbours, simply can't be good for a society. What did most of the population in Tenochtitlan die from. Why do people claim that Karl Marx was Jewish when was a Lutheran? In this essay I am going to give a brief overview about the Aztecs and then talk about the factors that led to the fall of this empire. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. Write. There are multiple 16th-century narratives of the events by Spanish conquerors, their indigenous allies, and the defeated Aztecs. 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Throughout the Spanish conquest of Mexico, there is a huge quantity of astounding coincidences that led to the Aztec's demise. SMALLPOX OR "VARICELA" was the cause of the decline of that empire, and the cause of the death of all North American tribes. After the Spanish conquest, the empire of the Aztec was destroyed, but their civilization remained an important influence on the development of Mexican culture. There's little doubt that the ritual Aztec sacrifice contributed to the fall of the Aztec Empire, and in more ways than one. August 13, 1521. the great empires fall due to "ego war" and nothing else. Aztec Economy Aztec economy was based on three things: market exchange, tribute payment and agricultural production. Aztecs were conquered by Spain in this year. a. the spanish attempt to recruit allies among the people the aztecs had conquered failed. The Aztecs are also known as Mexica or Tenochca. In Mexico City, excavations continue to uncover temple … PLAY. As it turns out, it seems like the incredible Empire of the Aztecs was destined to fall. Fall of Roman Empire Introduction: In the history of world, from the very beginning to till now many empires and civalizations rose to the glory some for decades, some for centuries, but after glory every empire falls, after their decline and fall that left are their remains which tells the tales of their glory and might, but some of the empires fall so bad that thier … Both empires were Spell. b) By mandate of the Pope, the Portuguese were to stay east of a certain longitude that cleaved thru South America. La Malinche. PLAY. When did Cuauhtemoc surrender to Cortes. Mexico - Mexico - The rise of the Aztecs: The word Azteca is derived from Aztlán (variously translated as “White Land,” “Land of White Herons,” or “Place of Herons”), where, according to Aztec tradition, their people originated, somewhere in the northwestern region of Mexico. Moctezuma II, the Aztec leader, believed that Cortés wasa god. Which statements describe factors that led to the decline and defeat of the aztec empire? The Aztecs ruled from 14th century and … a. the spanish attempt to recruit allies among the people the aztecs had conquered failed. Justin_Chediak. The Rise and Fall of the Aztec Empire. Both the Aztec and the Inca empires were mighty at their height but they were both defeated by the Spanish. The population before the time of the conquest is unknown and hotly contested,but disease is known to have ravaged the region; thus, the indigenous population of the Valley of Mexico is estimated to have declined by more than 80% in the course of about 60 years. … Learn. Over the years they Aztec had grown a lot over the Tepanec.
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