In No Quarter, Vincent learned that the son of a witch he was interested in Maxine, had gone missing. Nutty Influencer Leaks Sex Tape of Her Ex-Girlfriend - FULL VIDEO. Vincent immediately started unpacking Freya's tools, very concerned that Hope had just created a hybrid. Hayley said that the wolves would remain in the Bayou and the three waited for Josh's report, but the vampire was too busy chatting on his smartphone. Vincent regains himself for the first time in months since he was possessed, looking terrified and questioning who those around him were. Vincent complained about Klaus and his inclination to disappoint every benefit of the doubt they give him; Casting spells for him, helping him whenever necessary wasn't enough. He later meets Rebekah Mikaelson, who inhabits his wife's body. Over the course of the display, her smoothly shaved pussy gets pounded, much to her joy. Following his impeachment, Vincent worked closely with the Mikaelson Family and their closest allies, in an effort to kill Lucien Castle and stop the Ancestors once and for all. Cami goes to Rousseau's to find her co-workers and all the customers compelled in silence, she spots Vincent and Cortez in the back room, she rushes to Vincent's side but Cortez gets in the way and threatens her and everyone in the bar. Freya's talisman is on the ground and Vincent tries to reach for it, but Elijah grabbed it. Vincent went out with Marcel to the old Strix base, and explained what they were up against, saying it involved both of their pasts. They were ready to perform the sacrificial ritual, scratching Klaus with the rose thorns and staking him in the heart, quick and painless, but were interrupted by the Hollow's Acolytes threatening Maxine's life. While Cami and Klaus bicker, Vincent decides to leave, but tells them they might want to finish it up before someone finds out about the weapon. After they complete the spell and release the ancestors, he is sits with Ivy and he cries as she passes away. Sprinkling blood with his fingers from a bowl, he chanted the invocation to the Ancestors in both English and French Creole. His real occupation is unknown as he has faked being an adviser of a university while being possessed. Vincent has also shown to be a compassionate man, feeling remorse for the actions Finn performed while possessing him, even though Vincent himself is not responsible. Vincent plead with Freya to heal Cami, going so far to have her channel him to cast a healing spell (she claims that will not stop the inevitable), to place her soul in her pendant like she did with Finn (she claims it can only house the souls of her family since Dahlia created it), or even place her soul into another body (claims the possession won't take hold because she wouldn't accept it). Vincent ponders her words and when she walks away, he turns when he hears Emmett speaking. By placing the skull on the altar, Vincent marked it with a bloody cross and started chanting in French Creole. Since the book was gone, he needed something connected to Hope through blood to make the transition successful. The she-wolf woke up with the aftermath of the fight on Vincent's sofa, with Vincent gathering necessary ingredients for the powerful ritual he was going to perform. Klaus informs her that it is no use, she stands glaring at him angrily and shoves him out of her way and leaves. From Rebirth to Sanctuary, Vincent is only seen as Finn's vessel. In order to comfort him, Ivy revealed ha she took her ex-husband to a burlesque club on their anniversary, and he left her for one of the dancers. As he once told Camille, his family were some of the meanest witches New Orleans had ever known. January 03, 2021. While Elijah tried to state that they accomplished their goal despite the harsh means, Vincent pointed out how little humanity was left inside Elijah. After a last and firm "No", Vincent stored the items in the cabinet and left the church without knowing Elijah was about to steal the dagger. Angered, Vincent left the abandoned house and headed to the Abattoir, but Ivy stopped him, reminding him not to let rage having the best of him. In Save My Soul, Vincent learns from Marcel (who took him hostage, and put Lobelia flowers in his food, so he won't be able to concentrate and do magic) that he was possessed for nine months by Finn Mikaelson. Vincent invited him in only when Elijah admitted that they were detaining Marcel in order to be sure he was free from the Hollow's influence. In that very moment, The Ancestors took control over Vincent's mind, showing him images of the prophecy coming to life. After the Seer made a joke about the place chosen as their first date, Vincent and Ivy sat at the table and concentrated. Later, Vincent found shelter at the jazz club, mourning the loss of his friend, and warning Marcel of the great danger waiting for them in the near future. Once Vincent fainted, the acolyte stole the book from the altar. In One Wrong Turn On Bourbon, Vincent met with Freya in Jackson Square, and the Mikaelson witch gave him a cup of "Americano with extra remorse," meaning coffee with lots of whiskey in it. In The Devil is Damned, while possessed by Finn, Vincent was killed in a gas explosion after a confrontation with Finn's younger brother Elijah Mikaelson. Vincent was surprised that the "Greatest Seer in New Orleans" doesn't believe in it, and begged her for at least some kind of guidance. For the safety and privacy of your Pornhub account, remember to never enter your password on any site other than or He gave the last instructions, telling Hayley to hold Hope as close as possible, removing the cursed shackles from Hope at his signal, and to the four Original Vampires to leave immediately in the four directions as soon as the spell was over. Freya was able to use Vincent's power (channeling him) to create an illusion that disguised Camille - who was in transition at the time - as Aurora. Marcel enlisted Vincent to help him in a power play by creating a barrier for Klaus to be brought to display him for the visiting vampires. Vincent, then, instructed Marcel on the procedure.
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