: As in, “Is it a bird? Below is a collection of food-related visual puns and meme-type images. A bear. How do you stop two blind men from fighting? I told my doctor I was paranoid my life was being filmed. I invented a drink today called ‘the Shutter Island Iced Tea’. Quasimodo was the best detective in France. The other half. Thanks! Food puns mostly revolve around puns on particular food items (especially vegetables, herbs etc. Asked my wife to dress up as a nurse tonight... How many Conservative economists does it take to change a light bulb? Teacher: "If I had seven oranges in one hand and eight oranges in the other, what would I have?". ), or just manually add the email addresses you'd like to keep in your contact list. A man visits a televangelist and asks him to help him with his hearing. It's always a good time for hilarious one liners and funny short jokes. In the interests of being a good influence on y’all, we’ve stayed away from puns that are a bit rude, and ones that are about unhealthy foods or foods which cause animals to suffer (dairy, meat, eggs – warning, has footage from factory farms). When I see lovers' names carved in a tree, I don't think it's sweet. I mean, what a thing to say to a friend. If you’re got any food puns (image or text) that aren’t included in this article, please submit them in the comments and one of our curators will add it as soon as possible. Man says to his boss, "Can we talk? What do lawn ornaments do over winter break? Where am I going? ... 70 Delicious Chocolate Puns! Ugh, I’m such a spoon (what English people call a doofus). Why did the Grinch go to the liquor store? Otherwise, please let us know what you were looking for in the comments, below! Are you looking for puns for text messages, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or some other social media platform? What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus? A magic kit. What’s the difference between a hippo and a Zippo? Includes cute, clever sayings by Oscar Wilde and others. Mama fly and baby fly were hanging out at the coroner’s office. Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. I wonder what my parents did to fight boredom before the internet. We’ve curated a huge gallery of artfully terrible puns for you, separated into sections of puns to do with general art … What’s the difference between a general practitioner and a specialist? 12. A robber walks into a bank and points the gun at the receptionist. The coroner was enjoying a sandwich while he performed an autopsy. So it doesn’t Hang Solow. Surprised, she looks at the ancient man and asks how old he is. Guess who just woke up to 19 missed calls and 30 messages from his ex? Because it's about the heartless con man who's obsessed with finding oil. If you come up with a new pun, please share it in the comments! ... 150 Puns From All Walks of Life 100 Knock Knock Jokes! Is it a plane? I was taking care of my friend’s snake while he was on vacation, but somehow it crawled into our freezer and died. What does marriage do? From riddles to knock-knock jokes — they're easy to learn, but make for huge laughs. –, Why did the students eat their homework? Thanks for visiting Punpedia . If you had to decide between a diet and a piece of chocolate, would you prefer dark, white or milk chocolate? What do cats wear at night? PaintingRainbows is a YouTuber and ItsFunneh's eldest sister. if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen, a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips, What did the baby corn say to its mamma corn? What do get if you cross a duck and Santa? Now you can easily and quickly add contacts from your email account (such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo etc. If you’ve created your own visual food puns or found one that we’ve missed, please post us a link in the comments section , Did you find the food-related pun that you were looking for? I once asked my grandfather how he'd lived so long. With a woo-key. You might also like to visit the Punpedia entries on vegetables, fruit, bread, cooking, pasta, potato, curry, corn, watermelon, pie, tacos, pizza, apples, candy, coffee, beer and tea. ️ Whether you’re looking for a pun for your photo’s caption, the latest recipe on your food blog, or whatever else, I hope this entry of Punpedia will serve you well. Common phrases, idioms and cliches which are related to food can be used for some subtle and witty word play. Whatever the case, please let us know, and help us improve this Punpedia entry. Paw-jamas. which don’t involve cruelty to animals or crude humor. –, Why couldn’t the sesame seed leave the gambling casino? What is a French cat’s favorite pudding? 100 Jokes for Kids! I haven’t owned a watch for I don’t know how long. How do you unlock doors on Kashyyyk? A man with a horse for a head gives you a blender. He felt his presents. Go gnome for the holidays. A sad candy cane. What do you get when you cross a robot and a tractor? All of these one-liner-style food jokes use puns in their punchline. 30 Funny Poems! What is a cats favorite vegetable? My girlfriend tried to make me have se* on the hood of her Honda Civic…. If you disagree with any omissions, please let us know in the comments – we’re happy to discuss and make changes For now, most (but definitely not all) of the entries should be healthy food puns (fruits, nuts, grains, vegetables, etc.) A blue man gives you a pineapple. Chocolate Milk. He was looking for the holiday spirit. 11. I've had enough, I'm going to leave her.". –. Chocolate mousse. A sheep dog says to the farmer, "I'm going to round up the sheep.". As a substitute teacher, I get up every morning and ask myself the important questions in life; Who am I? What does Santa bring naughty boys and girls on Christmas Eve? A blonde walked into the dentist office and sat down in a chair. Submit it below and if it's terrible enough, our curators will add it to the entry! What do you get when you cross a dog and an octopus? Conductor on a train: “But sir, you cannot travel with this! A Mathematician, an engineer and a physicist were traveling through Scotland when they saw a black sheep through the window of the train. I really hope corona virus can't spread through s*x. What do you call Chewbacca when he has chocolate stuck in his hair? “Olive you so much!” and “Cutecumber”), so if you’re looking for cute food puns to message your partner, I think we’ve got you covered. Food puns! As-purr-agus. If you know of any puns about food that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! –, Waiter, this food taste’s kind of funny… –, What do you call a peanut in a space suit? If you took all the people in the world who fall asleep during church, and laid them head to toe in a straight line. A Christmas Quacker. What is red, white, and blue? A teacher sees a knife in Jimmy's backpack. Betty, who is popularly known online as PaintingRainbows, is a Canadian YouTube star who specializes in gameplay videos. 90 Anti-Jokes So Serious They're Hilarious. email addresses were disqulified from the list and couldn't be sent. This entry also covers diet puns to a certain extent, but we’ll eventually get around to giving diet puns their own entry. –, Did you hear about that famous Italian chef who died? Some are phonetic puns, others are based on a slang phrase or cliche related to food. We’ve also got quite a few food puns about love (e.g. I was getting a record player down from a shelf and it dropped on my head! If you’re looking for some very corny food jokes, you’ve come to the right place. A snake slithered into a bar and asked the bartender for a drink. Best Jokes New Jokes Hilarious Jokes Clean Jokes Funny Sayings Black Humor Good One-Liners Funny Riddles Dad Jokes Best Puns Fun Facts Kids Jokes More Awesome Jokes. What do you call a cat that does tricks? Do you know what it's called when you see the sun, the moon and the stars all at the same time? Did you hear about the new Johnny Depp movie? 14. You’re at least 19 years old!”. You know, this entry is full of food puns, and food puns are my flavourites. "Mom, when will I get lipstick like the other girls at my school?". The televangelist grabs his heads and violently shakes it back and forth for several minutes, screaming and shouting. Claustrophobic. Crack up your family's aspiring comic with the best jokes for kids. A pack of batteries with a note saying "toy not included". I called the cops about a murder on my front lawn…, An elderly man went to his doctor and said, 'Doc, I think I'm getting senile.. Several times lately, I have forgotten to zip up.'. 10. Would you like to see more funny food pun images? Why is "There Will Be Blood" George W Bush's favorite movie? Your pun should ideally be of the form Normal --> Pun: "Example sentence". ", The doctor told me I had to start walking three miles a day to get fit. No…it’s. What looks like half a cat? –, What do you call the king of the vegetables? My wife accused me of being a transvestite. I was playing chess with my son and he said, "Let’s make this interesting!". The Best Donald Trump Puns, Limericks, Jokes, Tom Swifties, Wellerisms, Spoonerisms and Coinages ... who called Trump a "Short-Fingered Vulgarian," only to be besieged with photos sent by Trump in attempts to prove he has REALLY BIG fingers! How did Darth Vader know what Luke got him for Christmas? You might spread it! Utinsel. What do you feed an invisible cat? My wife gets mad at me because I always take things literally. Chocolate Chip Wookiee. How do you hide a $100 bill from a televangelist? What has no pants and screams like a bear? Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake. Why does Princess Leia keep her hair tied up in buns? Got a new pun that isn't in this Punpedia entry? A Transfarmer. ), but there’s also a few puns based around eating-related words like “supper”, “eat”, “fry” and “swallow”, for example. Instead of manually entering the email addresses you want to send to each and every time, you can now create your own personalized contact list that will be available for you to use any time you want to share one of our posts with your friends and family. Food puns mostly revolve around puns on particular food items (especially vegetables, herbs etc. As the animals left the ark, Noah told them to go forth and multiply. dine, ingest, ate, gobble, devour, taste, sup, graze, forage, chow, tucker, grub, morsel, nosh, munch, munchies, diet, gorge, serving, serve, menu, larder, pantry, appetite, grill, perishable, famine, delicacy, voracious, scoff, fast, fasting, nutrition, rice, nutrient, provender, victuals, cooking, cook, pabulum, cereal, drink, fat, soup, nourishment, agriculture, pasta, feed, sustenance, meal, milk, wheat, ingredients, sushi, hunger, hungry, sugar, maize, plant, vegetarian, vegan, protein, vegetable, potato, vitamin, bitter, foodstuff, consumption, consume, salt, saltiness, edible, salad, soul food, junk food, produce, fruit, restaurant, chocolate, coconut, breakfast, dinner, lunch, bread, foody, eat, kitchen, nuts, nut, baking, baked goods, food industry, food safety, pizza, meal, crops, fast food, supermarket, taste, mineral, loaf, carbohydrate, legume, bean, pea, lentil, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, lasagna, asparagus, cuisine, bean, tomato, pumpkin, eggplant, carrot, repast, onion, spinach, spaghetti, eating, brunch, snack, grain, luncheon, sweets, sweet, macaroni, porridge, omnivore, omnivorous, herbivore, herbivorous, celery, burrito, garlic, saliva, salivation, plate, bowl, over-eat, over-feed, farming, spoon, fork, spork, grocer, break bread, tofu, soy, fry, stew, curry, sandwich, jam, cake, apple, toast, bite, canteen, chew, dish, feast, pudding, savoury, dessert, belly, satiated, chips, glutton, grub, biscuit, peanut, grocery store, soup kitchen, digestion, garnish, roast, ration, raw, refreshment, famish, succulent, tasty, delicious, scrumptious, delectable, oatmeal, airplane food, dietary, ambrosia, appetite, bland, tin can, pepper, saute, nibble, underfed, gourmet, bbq, barbecue, spicy, staple, picnic, topping, risotto, mash, stir-fry, calories, obese, obesity, digestible, recipe, catering, coarse, starve, starving, cinnamon, caloric, wolfish, snacky, swallow, greasy, rapacious, engorge, glutton, gluttonous, banquet, dinnertime, supper, eat up, fried, overindulge, pick at, binge, gobbler, eats, tofurkey, foodtography, bagel, uneaten, perishable, taco, supermarket, brainfood, stomach, napkin, buffet, thanksgiving, dishes, olive, tomato, radish, jello, peas, romaine, crust, slice, pickle, dill, peach, orange, kiwi fruit, maize, berry, ketchup, sauce, spice, butter, cannoli, mint, date, fig, jalapeno, avocado, wonton, papaya, banana, hash brown, sweet potato, kidney bean, bread roll, roll, donut, melon, caramel, cauliflower, pear, pretzel, peal, gnocchi, brown rice, french fries, flavour, grape, appetiser, boil, bran, chick peas, cookbook, cloves, crisp, gravy, jelly, mushroom, oven, order, pot, salsa, dip, refrigerator, relish, rhubarb, rye, spatula, syrup, stove, take-out, wasabi, walnut, wok, yeast, vanilla, vinegar, utensil, toaster, slaw, coleslaw, mayonnaise, sesame seeds, zucchini. : While some of these have a soft “ph” sound, they still work visually for pumpkin soup puns: I’m not telling you. What do the elves cook with in the kitchen? A man with seven feet on each leg gives you a dragonfruit. Apparently you can get the Corona virus if your eye touches someone else's eye. She makes different types of gaming videos with her 4 siblings also known as KREW, namely members Funneh (Katherine La), Gold (Kimberly La), Draco (Allen La) & Lunar (Wenny La). Welcome to the Punpedia entry on art puns! Humor that gets so bad, cheesy, terrible, stupid and dumb that it turns out to be very funny again! An elderly man goes into a brothel and tells the madam he would like a young girl for the night. I have a problem.". After the violent gesture ends the televangelist looks at him and says, “How is your hearing?”, A woman says to the dentist "I don't know which is worse having a tooth pulled or having a Baby.". I almost got caught stealing a board game today. If so, great! Which Star Wars character works at a restaurant? ... unless it is a friend with chocolate.” Linda Grayson ... you might also want to check out our lists of Skittles puns and candy bar sayings. Here is a list of the food themed phrases that we’ve found so far: There are many more puns to be made than could be documented in this Punpedia entry, and so we’ve compiled a list of food-related concepts for you to use when creating your own puns.
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