Laws 1974, c. 17, § 2146, emerg. April 8, 1974. 1. D.  In addition to the criminal penalties provided herein, the Commission may enforce the provisions of this section by injunctive action. Any interest or dividends accruing from such investments shall be deposited in the Wildlife Land Acquisition Fund. The Commission shall regulate the harvest season, harvest limits, exports limits, size and species to be harvested. Any conviction of violating the provisions of this section shall prevent licensee from obtaining for a period of one (1) year any subsequent commercial fishing or helper's license or a commercial fishing contract. II. Such items, equipment, vehicles or other such property shall be held as evidence until a forfeiture has been declared or release ordered. §29-3-103a. D.  All licenses issued pursuant to this section shall expire on January 31 of each year. April 8, 1974. Added by Laws 1974, c. 17, § 5-407, emerg. A. Added by Laws 2005, c. 304, § 5, emerg. Section 777, as amended. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 8101, emerg. July 1, 2001. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 2103, emerg. April 30, 1992. Added by Laws 1994, c. 318, § 4, emerg. April 8, 1974. Except as otherwise provided in the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Code, no person shall fish, pursue, harass, catch, kill, take in any manner, use, have in possession, sell, or transport all or any portion of fish without having first procured a license for such from the Director or from any of the authorized agents of the Department of Wildlife Conservation. Oklahoma Title & Escrow Corporation (OTEC) has been serving the Tulsa commercial and residential real estate communities since April, 1983, bringing peace of mind to our customers and colleagues. The State of Texas provides for payment to this state of not less than seventy percent (70%) of all revenue collected by Texas for licenses parallel to the one authorized by this section; and. No person may net, trap or seine for commercial purposes or assist in such operations or buy, barter or trade any fish without having first obtained a valid commercial fishing license and without observing the following requirements: 1. Amended by Laws 2004, c. 282, § 1, emerg. Laws 1993, c. 145, § 263, eff. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 182, § 68, eff. Develop and implement a plan to provide step raises for Commission Employees so that discrepancies within pay levels within a pay grade will be eliminated; 6. "Vehicle mounted spotlight" is any light attached to a motor vehicle or water conveyance or of the type designed to be so attached. Laws 2005, c. 214, § 2 repealed by Laws 2006, c. 16, § 11, emerg. April 8, 1974. Condition necessary for act to become effective. F.  Unless a substitute license is purchased as provided for by subsection E of this section, any resident of this state convicted of violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by the imposition of a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or by both said fine and imprisonment. The fur or pelt of legally acquired squirrels may be purchased, bartered, traded, sold or offered for sale. eff. July 1, 2003; Laws 2004, c. 513, § 4, eff. Oklahoma Statutes. The Department is authorized to promulgate rules pertaining to commercial hunting areas. §29-5-204. Public Roads Highways And Internal Improvements. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 6503, emerg. Wildlife Diversity Program - Wildlife Diversity Fund. E.  Such records shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by authorized representatives of the Department. "Public road" means any governmental or corporate roadway where ingress and egress by vehicular traffic is not restricted and the roadway is routinely used by the general public. This guide has been prepared by Old Republic Title Company (Company) to provide a basic directory of title insurance policy endorsements. §29-4-112A. Any species of hawk or owl in the act of destroying domestic birds or fowl; 2. B. D.  Any equipment used in violation of this section shall be confiscated and become the property of the Department or disposed of according to law. April 8, 1974; Laws 1985, c. 91, § 4, eff. A. B. eff. 18. § 67 to be used as a vehicle to establish marketable title for severed mineral interests. Such inventory shall be kept current. If the offense of the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Code is committed within five hundred (500) yards of the boundary of two or more counties and the officer does not know in which county such offense occurred then the jurisdiction shall be in either county. C.  Any person convicted of violating provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than Twentyfive Dollars ($25.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Such invoice shall list: 2. April 8, 1974. The shield symbolizes protection. Any nonresident under fourteen (14) years of age; 8. In addition, all fishing licenses and fishing privileges within the state of such person shall be revoked for a period of one (1) year from the date of such conviction. eff. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 2142, emerg. License usage - Revocation - Violation - Penalty. Sept. 1, 1991. eff. Any line or lines to which mechanical fishing devices are attached shall be: 2. eff. April 8, 1974. Added by Laws 1986, c. 23, § 2, eff. B. April 8, 1974; Laws 1985, c. 172, § 3, emerg. Provided, however, nothing in this Code shall prevent the use of motordriven land or water conveyances for following dogs in the act of hunting, when use of said conveyances is restricted to public roads or waterways. City and town wildlife commissions - Powers. Legally taken nongame fish and their parts may be utilized for bait in turtle harvesting operations. eff. §29-5-401. Sept. 1, 1991. The Director of the Department of Wildlife Conservation may permit the hunting or taking of wildlife by the use of a crossbow by persons, otherwise qualified, who have a permanent disability to the extent that they cannot physically use a conventional longbow, as certified by a physician licensed to practice medicine in this state or in any state which borders this state. Except as otherwise provided for in this title, no person may breed, possess or raise native wildlife, except fish, amphibians, aquatic reptiles, aquatic invertebrates or exotic livestock, for commercial purposes without having first procured a commercial wildlife breeder's license from the Director. Article 17. Jan. 1, 1982; Laws 1982, c. 154, § 10, eff. April 8, 1974. Disability hunting license, residents of this state for at least six (6) months and who are receiving Social Security Disability benefits, Supplemental Security Income benefits or disability benefits under the Railroad Retirement Act, 45 U.S.C.A., Section 231a or residents who are one hundred percent (100%) disabled and are receiving disability payments from the Multiple Injury Trust Fund pursuant to Section 173 of Title 85 of the Oklahoma Statutes, may purchase a disability hunting license from the Director for Ten Dollars ($10.00) for five (5) years. The importation of exotic livestock into this state shall be regulated by the State Board of Agriculture pursuant to the Agricultural Code in the same manner and with the same authority over livestock as is delegated to the Board by this title. Any person who is sixty-three (63) years of age shall be eligible for the senior citizen lifetime license, hunting and fishing license or senior citizen fees provided by this section during the calendar year in which such person turns sixty-four (64) years of age. 1. Operating provisions for commercial fishermen. §29-3-307. §29-6-102. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 178, § 5. §29-3-310. Parts. §29-4-104A. Amusements and Sports (277KB) Title 4. C.  Any person convicted of violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than Twentyfive Dollars ($25.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). Sept. 1, 1991. B. The fee for a substitute license purchased pursuant to the provisions of this subsection shall be: b. for nonresidents, One Hundred Forty-five Dollars ($145.00). eff. April 8, 1974; Laws 1991, c. 182, § 67, eff. eff. No person may place or cause to be placed in any creek, river, or stream in Oklahoma any stationary dam, net, trap, or obstacle of any nature for the purpose of blocking or partially blocking any minnow or fish movement up, down, into, or out of any creek, river, or stream. eff. June 18, 1985. F.  Mussels shall be measured by passing the mussel, shell included, through a circular measuring device with the appropriate inside diameter. The fee for the three-day special use permit for residents shall not exceed Five Dollars ($5.00). eff. The funding is meant to help students who are at risk of falling behind academically. Nov. 1, 1983; Laws 1984, c. 6, § 1, eff. Any electrical device used for shocking purpose. This chapter shall be known as the penal code of the State of Oklahoma. Creation of Department and Commission - Rules, regulations and policies - Successor of former Commission and Department. A. Persons concerned with the scientific study of the natural resources of the state, who are authorized by the Department. Condition necessary for act to become effective. §29-6-502. Any person who is fishing with a pole and line, trotline, or throwline in streams, natural lakes, natural ponds, and mine pits in the county in which the person is a resident, or in streams, natural lakes, natural ponds, and mine pits which form a part of the boundary line of the county in which the person is a resident, when using any bait other than commercial or artificial bait, blood, stink bait, cut fish, and shrimp; and. Sept. 1, 1991; Laws 1997, c. 133, § 442, eff. Prior to the apportionment set forth in subsection C of this section, an amount equal to the total amount of refunds made pursuant to this subsection during any one (1) year shall be deducted from the total donations received pursuant to this section during the following year and such amount deducted shall be paid to the State Treasurer and placed to the credit of the Income Tax Withholding Refund Account. March 2, 1995. Amended by Laws 1994, c. 318, § 15, emerg. Washboards, less than four (4) inches minimum in diameter; and. Said fee shall be submitted to the game warden. 3. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 178, § 5. Repealed by Laws 2002, c. 295, § 8, eff. Legal residents of Oklahoma who have a valid lifetime fishing, hunting, or combination license; 4. There is hereby created within the Wildlife Conservation Fund an account designated as the "Law Enforcement Officer Training Account". E.  Any person required to produce a license must also identify themselves as the person to whom such license was issued, and failure or refusal to comply shall be deemed prima facie evidence of a violation of this section. eff. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 5203, emerg. B. Oklahoma Heritage Week §25-90.2. C.  Any explosive, device or equipment, and any boat, motor or boat and motor in which the same may be found shall be subject to immediate seizure by any game warden, sheriff or deputy sheriff and any such items shall be subject to forfeiture pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Code to the State of Oklahoma in a proceeding brought for such purpose in the county where such items have been found or seized. A. July 1, 1996. Aquatic turtles may be harvested for commercial purposes only from private ponds, with permission of the pond owner and from municipal lakes, with written permission of the municipal authority; 4. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 2130, emerg. A. §29-5-401A. Except as otherwise provided by law, no person may possess: 1. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 4109, emerg. If the Commission determines pursuant to Section 5-401 of Title 29 of the Oklahoma Statutes that there is an overpopulation of deer in one or more of the areas, the Commission shall implement such portions of the plan as are appropriate pursuant to Section 5-401 of Title 29 of the Oklahoma Statutes. Setback and conservation easements. This bail will be mailed in an envelope addressed to the court clerk or hand delivered to the court clerk within seventy-two (72) hours after time of arrest by the arresting officer. The cost will be $11 to get a new vehicle title in Oklahoma. The payments shall be made by the Commission within sixty (60) days from receipt of an itemized statement from the county treasurer of the county in which the land is located. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 7-401, emerg. Leaving visibly unattended for a period of more than six (6) hours any mechanical fishing device which automatically recoils when a fish strikes, including, but not limited to, the device commonly known as a "yo-yo"; 2. eff. 7:  Ellis, Dewey, Roger Mills, Custer, Beckham, Washita, Kiowa, Greer, Jackson, Harmon and Tillman Counties. "Shall" is used in this Code as imposing an obligation to act. 7. Permission to trap on inhabited lands. A scientific purposes license may be issued to anyone sixteen (16) years of age or older when the Director is presented with: 1. Permit - Management of depredating animals by use of aircraft - Violations. Exotic wildlife - Penalties for releasing. Oklahoma A&M's three champs in 1939 represented more than double the number of champs from any opposing team that season, a result that guided the Aggies to their tenth title … 2. District No. D.  Persons exempt from the prohibitions of this section shall be: 1. § 101.4 - Food; designation of ingredients. View auction information for vehicle sales in OK - OKLAHOMA CITY. eff. eff. Any monies withdrawn from said fund by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission for investment pursuant to this section shall be deemed to be for the purpose of preserving, protecting, perpetuating and enhancing nongame wildlife in this state. Procedures for suspension hearing. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 7303, emerg. The proceeds from said sale shall be deposited in the Wildlife Conservation Fund. 10. b. each line is attended once every twentyfour (24) hours. A resident holding a valid Oklahoma fishing license or excepted from such by Section 4-110 of this title and fishing only the Oklahoma side of Lake Texoma. This subsection shall not be subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), 29 U.S.C.A., Section 1001 et seq., as amended from time to time, or rules promulgated thereunder, and court cases interpreting said act. April 26, 1999; Laws 2000, c. 237, § 2, emerg. Sept. 1, 1991. 2. The owner or lessee in possession of any private park, preserve, club or resort shall have authority to make and enforce any additional rules and regulations not inconsistent with the wildlife conservation laws for the protection of wildlife within said private park, preserve, club or resort. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 2111, emerg. April 8, 1974. Violation incurs a $100 - 1,000 penalty with up to 30 days in jail. Any game warden, sheriff, deputy sheriff or other peace officer of this state is authorized to seize any item, equipment, vehicle or other property, which is used or operated in violation of any provision of Sections 5411, 5412, and 6301, Section 42 of this act, subsection A of Section 6302, paragraph 2 of subsection A of Section 6303, subsection A, B, C, D, G, H or K of Section 4-129 of this title, Section 32 of this act, or as otherwise specified by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Code. Laws 1991, c. 182, § 8, eff. Game wardens - Enforcement of laws - Operation of certain vehicles and vessels - Refusal to stop - Bribes. Repealed by Laws 1989, c. 249, § 48, eff. §29-2-106.1. No. Sale record in Oklahoma City, OK, 73160. §29-3-105. eff. eff. Sept. 1, 1991. A. 2. In addition to any of the other benefits provided under the laws relating to the retirement and pension fund of the Department of Wildlife Conservation, a retired game warden shall be entitled to receive upon retirement, by reason of disability or after twenty (20) years' service, the continued custody and possession of the sidearm carried by such member immediately prior to retirement, upon his request. No exemptions except residents with proper certification from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or its successor, certifying that the person is a disabled veteran in receipt of compensation at the one-hundred-percent rate shall be exempt from the fees specified pursuant to this paragraph. Definitions of words and phrases. The report shall contain combined and individual rate of returns of the investment managers by category of investment, over periods of time. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). All monies accruing to the credit of said fund are hereby appropriated and may be budgeted and expended by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission for the purposes specified in subsection D of this section. March 27, 1989; Laws 1991, c. 182, § 13, eff. June 3, 1989. Personal uses shall include, but not be limited to: 4. June 8, 1994; Laws 1995, c. 255, § 1, eff. Minnow dealer's intrastate license - Exceptions. Amended by Laws 1986, c. 57, § 5, eff. eff. eff. § 24A.1. §295212. Controlled hunt application fee. f. the main line is constructed of nonmetallic material. G.  Nothing in this title shall prohibit a person from hunting waterfowl exclusively on their own property without an Oklahoma waterfowl hunting stamp or license. May 9, 1979. The trainer notifies the game warden in his region prior to going into the field; 2. Game species open to taking by speargun include all except black bass, crappie, striped bass, walleye, northern pike and trout. Section 32 of this act in cases of deer, turkey, antelope and elk or when violations involve possession of a legal deer rifle or shotgun with slug or buckshot. The Department shall afford the alleged violator an opportunity for a fair hearing within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice provided by this paragraph in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act. Its members also include title insurers, title companies, attorney’s and affiliated professionals. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Except as otherwise provided by law, no person may capture or kill squirrels except between May 15 to January 31, both dates inclusive, nor shall such person bag or possess more than two (2) day's limit after the second day's hunt. B. To obtain a resident cat/bear exhibitor's permit the person shall be required to hold a valid exhibitor's license issued by the United States Department of Agriculture. §294116. Nov. 1, 2002. G.  At the hearing the state shall prove beyond a reasonable doubt by competent evidence that the item, equipment, vehicle or property was used or operated in a violation of any provision specified by subsection A of this section. April 8, 1974; Laws 1977, c. 171, § 2, eff. 8. Laws 1982, c. 134, § 1, operative Oct. 1, 1982; Laws 1991, c. 182, § 48, eff. Read the code on FindLaw Any property received pursuant to this subsection which is not suitable for the purposes of this section may be sold by the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the proceeds from such sales shall be deposited in the Wildlife Heritage Fund created in subsection A of this section. Nov. 1, 2002. Repealed by Laws 1979, c. 153, § 3, emerg. eff. Repealed by Laws 1979, c. 143, § 3, eff. B. The tags, supplied by the Commission at reasonable cost, shall contain such information as the Commission may require and shall be numbered consecutively. "Lease" is a contractual relationship by which one party obtains a right to the possession and usage of a certain space, property, or subsurface rights for a definite period of time. No person may fish in designated trout waters without having first procured a license from the Director or  authorized agents of the Director. Air pollution isn’t limited to our cities; it can blow into any part of Oklahoma from neighboring states. Private parks, preserves, clubs or resorts. Publicize and encourage the conservation and appreciation of wildlife and all other natural resources; 15. March 4, 1975. 3. Prohibited means of taking game or nongame fish - Trotline, throwline, limbline, or jugline. April 8, 1974. July 1, 2003. NOTE:  Laws 1998, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 2, § 23 amended the effective date of Laws 1997, c. 133, § 442 from July 1, 1998, to July 1, 1999. §293309. April 8, 1974. Expenditures from said fund shall be made upon warrants issued by the State Treasurer against claims filed as prescribed by law with the Director of State Finance for approval and payment. June 8, 1994. Added by Laws 1974, c. 17, § 5-401, emerg. Acceptance of the defendant's personal check for cash bail and collection of funds; 2. eff. E.  Each licensee shall report to the Director at the end of each year the number and species of wildlife taken or killed and any other relative collection data as the Department may require. Regulatory Entity. B. Such devices shall not be set from April 1 to September 30 of each calendar year. No exemptions except residents with proper certification from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs or its successor, certifying that the person is a disabled veteran in receipt of compensation at the one-hundred-percent rate shall be exempt from the fees specified pursuant to this paragraph. Nov. 1, 1986; Laws 1990, c. 64, § 1, eff. b. Sixty-eight Dollars and fifty cents ($68.50) for a professional trapper, defined as a person using more than twenty (20) traps. eff. §29-6-204. §296601. B. Chapter. §29-7-102.1. eff. §29-3-310. All monies received from fines and forfeitures for violation of the Wildlife Conservation laws shall, when collected by the court clerk, be deposited by such clerk as follows: 1. B. There is hereby created in the State Treasury a revolving fund to be known as the Wildlife Conservation Fund, which shall consist of all monies heretofore or hereafter appropriated to, on deposit in, or credited to the State Game and Fish Fund created by Section 115, Title 29 of the Oklahoma Statutes, and, in addition thereto, all license fees, penalties, fines or forfeitures and bond forfeitures collected by the … Job Corps trainees of this state, provided that such trainees shall have on their persons a duly authorized identification card issued by their respective Job Corps Center and shall present such card upon request, in lieu of a fishing license. PDF. b. no more than eight (8) inches for water sets. § 982). May 30, 1975; Laws 1981, c. 195, § 10, eff. Prohibition on removal of wildlife and plants. 800:25-9-3. §29-5-212. B. "Headlighting" is the use of any light or light enhancement device commonly known as a nightscope in conjunction with a firearm, longbow or crossbow, from the period of sunset to sunrise for the taking of wildlife. April 8, 1974; Laws 1992, c. 149, § 6, emerg. Not exchange licenses with other dealers since numbers are preassigned and cannot be transferred; 9. §29-5-301. April 29, 1998; Laws 2000, c. 71, § 1, emerg. A. §29-7-207. Commercial turtle harvester license. The term "qualified domestic order" means an order issued by a district court of this state, pursuant to the domestic relations laws of the State of Oklahoma, which relates to the provision of marital property rights to a spouse or former spouse of a member of any retirement fund created pursuant to subsection A of this section, or to the provision of support for a minor child or children, and which creates or recognizes the existence of the right of an alternate payee, or assigns to an alternate payee the right, to receive a portion of the benefits payable with respect to a member and amounts payable to a plan participant of any retirement plan created pursuant to subsection A of this section. Amended by Laws 1979, c. 194, § 1; Laws 1983, c. 93, § 1, operative July 1, 1983; Laws 1991, c. 182, § 54, eff. Fish or game animal food charitable distribution program. eff. Sept. 1, 1993; Laws 1999, c. 45, § 1, emerg. Within one (1) year of the final retirement, redemption, or defeasance of the obligations created pursuant to Section 168.9 of Title 73 of the Oklahoma Statutes, the Lifetime Oklahoma Wildlife Land Stamp and Lifetime Oklahoma Wildlife Land Stamp fee requirements provided for in this subsection shall terminate. April 19, 2002. G.  Any person convicted of violating any provision of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. 2. §295202. H.  The claimant of any right, title or interest in the item, equipment, vehicle or other property may prove the lien, mortgage or conditional sales contract of the claimant to be bona fide and that the right, title or interest of the claimant was created without any knowledge or reason to believe that the item, equipment, vehicle or property was being operated for the purpose charged. Written permission permits required by this section shall cover a period not exceeding six (6) months; provided, however, that said permits shall be subject to renewal for a like period of time. Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. Sept. 1, 1990; Laws 1991, c. 182, § 27, eff. §29-4-113.1. July 1, 2003. Sept. 1, 1991. §29-5-412.1. 2. Lands contained in the wilderness area. Oklahoma week §25-89. Sponsors of such activities shall provide notice of the date and number of persons participating in the activity to the Department of Wildlife Conservation for approval not less than twenty (20) days prior to the date of the activity. No dealer or employees of the dealer may seine and trap in any river, stream or lake of Oklahoma without having first obtained written permission for such from the owners or tenants of the lands through which such waters flow or lie, and any written permit obtained by the dealer must be upon his person while being upon such lands; 4. Trawl nets may not exceed three (3) feet in diameter with no greater than threeeighthsinch square mesh. eff. B. Laws 1974, c. 17, § 5504, emerg. July 1, 1998; Laws 2000, c. 55, § 1, eff. Promulgate rules to sell fishing and hunting licenses via the Internet; 17. Nov. 1, 2000; Laws 2000, c. 256, § 2, eff. Stringing or suspending any device, described in paragraph 1 of this subsection, from any horizontal line across any channel or navigable waterway, or attaching more than ten of any such devices from any one line or support. The cost of the envelopes and postage shall be paid from the court fund; or. Every Oklahoma citizen who is serving in a branch of the United States Armed Forces, is on properly authorized leave of absence from military duty, has in possession proper written evidence showing such authorized leave, and is serving outside the State of Oklahoma at the time of such fishing; 7. Required clothing for hunting.
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