The slow-scan TV does not give any new footage, it just shows it in better resolution than we have previously had. Now, each time the spacecraft performs any desaturation maneuver or correction burn, NASA records the exact impulse and time every thruster fired. The app should be attractive with some cool graphics and animation. NASA never lost the telemetry data and the thought that they could is laughable since we're still using equipment left there decades ago. Didn't get the memo. There's probably some bearded, crusty old bean-counter complaining to his current staff that he knows they are in possession of a dozen "steam-powered analytical chromatograms", and is demanding they be found. We skipped equipment that would have cost tens of thousands of pounds to purchase in its day. NASA has released the final report documenting the search for the Apollo 11 telemetry tapes. I'll try and have a look at the YouTube vid when bandwidth allows, but is this the Apollo 11 tapes stuff again? SatCom Satellite Communications 1.3.11. The tapes used a couple of special machines to record the data. ! Where I do agree is the negligence is almost criminal, and NASA have only themselves to blame if more people believe that the Moon landins were faked, and that is a shame. NASA isn't some preternatural, sentient entity - it's just like many other organisations that are run by human beings. The two people interviewed at the end of the film were saying they neither knew where the tapes are, nor whether the data still exists. Does that mean I didn't pass those exams, or does it mean I should have taken better care of the certs? So, NASA technically hasn't lost any of the Apollo footage — only the original tapes with that footage. NASA maintains years of archived Space Shuttle and International Space Station (ISS) telemetry data in the Operational Data Reduction Complex (ODRC) at the Johnson Space Center. Yes, NASA lost the telemetry tapes, which not only include original taped footage, but also include computer data. July 25: MSL's Terminal Descent Radar System Gets a Checkout Today, the Mars Science Laboratory's terminal descent sensor is being checked out in preparation for Curiosity’s entry, descent and landing. If no-one requested / required the data, then it was probably discarded. With the 50 th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing approaching, reports have resurfaced that NASA lost some precious video footage of that first moonwalk. Other missions data (A12 onwards) are still there (to the best of my knowledge, and I will check on that). Manned spaceflight with emphasis on the 'space race' to the Moon. NASA released an official report to explain [to try to explain] this deeply troubling/humiliating incident. UDP User Datagram Protocol 1.3.13. Telemetry is an automated communications process by which measurements and other data are collected at remote or inaccessible points and transmitted to receiving equipment for monitoring.1 The word is derived from Greek roots: tele = remote, and metron = measure. This article describes techniques used for postprocessing of buffered telemetry signal segments (called gaps) to recover data lost during acquisition and resynchronization. The original film was found in a storage facility in Perth. Attempts to portray this incident as “no big deal” are disingenuous at best. This is sent via a directional antenna back to a receiver on Earth. Before diving into the details of two … Why did NASA fake eveything they needed to so thoroughly and with such attention to detail, yet when it came to the telemetry tapes decided to say they'd been misplaced (thus enabling charges of incompetence to be levelled at them), instead of just faking the telemetry data? So that user engaged with the app. THE COMMENTARY ON THE PHASER.COM REFLECTS THE OPINIONS OF THE PHASER.COM AND OTHER CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS. "And all that data — voice data, telemetry data — all came down and eventually went through Goddard before going to Houston," NASA lunar scientist Noah Petro told… NTP Network Time Protocol 1.3.10. There are also and for APIs and Code respectively. telemetry signal (called gaps), by using checkpoint information obtained from the real-time processing of signal segments next to the gap (called pads), to recover the lost data. That doesn't indicate that atomic explosions were 'faked' in some way, or that the missing original data sources are indicative of some conspiracy. PERFORM YOUR OWN DUE DILIGENCE BEFORE BUYING OR SELLING ANY INVESTMENTS, SECURITIES, OR PRECIOUS METALS. The comment about being able to play the tapes is kinda correct. But when he asked nasa to allow him access to the telemetry data , it became somehow "lost" , never to be found again . To recap, some of the tapes which contained Apollo 11 telemetry data and slow-scan TV has been lost. Yes, NASA lost the telemetry tapes, which not only include original taped footage, but also include computer data. I'm an amateur musician, having played guitar for over twenty years. The signal showed that the space craft ID was 166 -- the ID for IMAGE," NASA said. I've been in various bands over the years, and would like to join or form a covers band, playing music by Neil Young and Ian McNabb. DISTURBING PHOTO…, LIVE: Pro Trump Celebration in West Palm Beach, FL on Presidents’ Day. Attempts to portray this incident as “no big deal” are disingenuous at best. NASA's Deep Space Network continues to monitor spacecraft telemetry and track the spacecraft's trajectory. Both of you are either misinformed or being deliberately misleading . Loading... from jsnip4: REALIST NEWS –  BOOM!  Senator Grassley drops a BIG Q bomb. is the dataset-focused site of NASA's OCIO (Office of the Chief Information Officer) open-innovation program. Although a search for the VR-660C recordings at the National Archives and the WNRC has yielded nothing, Nafzger, Wood, Lebar, and other members of the Goddard search team are hopeful that APL will one day find them in their holdings. SSH Secure Shell remote access 1.3.12. Why are the missing tapes evidence that Apollo was faked, but not evidence of poor archiving and record keeping? NASA has people doing these tests, every day. TSI/TelSys Inc., Columbia, Maryland, the American subsidiary of TSI/TelSys Corporation, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, is a spinoff company formed expressly to commercialize NASA high-data-rate telemetry technology and products originally developed at Goddard Space Flight Center's Microelectronic Systems Branch. NASA: Telemetry Data Lost AND Worthless ??? They've been mislaid. NASA's earth-observing satellite, called Glory, launched this morning (March 4), but within minutes, scientists realized the rocket would not make it into orbit. NASA personnel continue to sift through 37-year-old records in their attempt to locate the magnetic tapes that recorded the original Apollo 11 video in 1969. The data tapes were used to record all transmitted data … If those tapes were really what nasa claimed they were , they would have been carefully guarded in locked vaults ( like the alleged moon rocks ) and not just lost in the shuffle somewhere .. OK these are all trivial examples and don't prove anything about the Apollo tapes - but I do know that systems are fallible, just like the people who run them. NASA: Telemetry Data Lost AND Worthless ? It was my understanding (and I am will to correct myself, and will check my facts) that the telemetry data was for the most part already recorded elsewhere. Ars Technica did an excellent story on the work NASA needed to do to reconstruct the F-1 engine from the Saturn V for use on the SLS. NASA Admits They "Lost" the Technology, Telemetry Data, and Original Footage from the Moon Landings NASA has admitted on multiple occasions that the original Moon Landing technology and telemetry data along with the original footage has been "lost" or erased. ALL of the telemetry is missing from ALL of the missions , not just Apollo 11 . Since these transmissions are line-of-sight between the transmitter and receiver, when the Apollo spacecraft went behind the Moon the radio transmissions were blocked by the Moon itself and telemetry data was temporarily lost. claiming it was never recorded). Let me explain: The tape data is used / recorded as required, then the tapes are re-used. THE CONTENT ON THIS SITE IS PROVIDED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Simplifying the data from the ISS: ... Our motive is to create an attractive android app which will use the live data of NASA telemetry system. Nav Navigational 1.3.9. Two methods, one for a closed-loop and the other one for an open-loop configuration, are discussed in this article. I'm sorry , but if you or anyone else swallows nasa's pathetic story that the telemetry data from "the greatest achievement known to mankind " was "lost" or even accidently "copied over" , then you really are blind to nasa's smoke and mirrors routine ... nasa has many secrets ... none of which the world will ever be privy to ... and the "lost" telemetry data is just part of their magic show . Also, telemetry data is probably the easiest thing to fake, so I don't understand the obsession with it being lost. These techniques, being able to greatly reduce telemetry data loss under low-SNR scenarios, present a … The machines were state-of-the-art in 1969, but are museum pieces now. It sometimes fails. Time runs out today... Loading... from JustInformed Talk ™️: What Happens To This MAJOR LIE Now? Related Items from Mountain Bear: NASA: Technology and The Lost Telemetry Tapes VIDEO: The Phaser ← Previous Story Tin Foil Hat: Truth, 9/11 and Epstein with Ben Swann Didn't hear any evidence on the Youtube clip supporting that claim, do you have a transcript? Not sure exactly what they found on there, but I'm sure it was some kind of telemetry because I recall them being disappointed that what they had didn't contain the original Apollo 11 TV footage. 2. Ah , it comes down to semantics then ... My interpretation was that the tapes were never in existance , not taped over or "lost" . Telemetry Data Dictionary available at: ... Lost in Space. CONFIRMED! Ah, comes down to what you think he means by "is in existence". The original tapes may be at the Goddard Space Flight Center, which requested their return from the National Archives in the 1970s, or at another location within the NASA archiving system. The fact that the whereabouts of the tapes are currently unknown is of great concern, but that data itself - for the most part - is recorded elsewhere (technical reports, post-mission reports, etc). It might be like saying that the telemetry tapes from the first atomic explosions and subsequent tests can no longer be found. VIDEO: Loading... from Dustin Nemos: More ’17’ – The People Know, It’s nearly time VIDEO: In this episode we... Loading... from SpaceShot76: Drops-DS Coverup Falling Apart VIDEO: Join Hulkanator and myself for another weekend show, So much... Loading... from We The People Insider 1776: *** not long now – The Patriot Power Hour – 9/25/2020... 'THE PHASER.COM' ASSUMES ALL INFORMATION TO BE TRUTHFUL AND RELIABLE; HOWEVER INFORMATION AT THE PHASER.COM IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS INVESTMENT ADVICE. NASA has put the decommissioning of the facility on hold until it can be certain of the fate of the slow scan TV tapes (which are Apollo 11 only). You will be able to leave a comment after signing in. I entrust my personal safety to my car's mechanical worthiness every day, yet was unable to track down the MOT certificate from last year - did I really put it through its test? Sorry pal, they're 20 feet under so much land-fill now. This article describes techniques used for postprocessing of buffered telemetry signal segments (called gaps) to recover data lost during acquisition and resynchronization. The machines required to read and interpret that data are now gone (although there might be one somewhere). Success! WMAP Telemetry Data Archive. I agree, it's an indictment of the system that these tapes have either been mislaid, or even worse been destroyed. They're pretty important to me personally, but they're not something I need to check on every day, week, month or even year. What telemetry data would you like to have? I do agree with you that more care should have been taken archiving this particular part of the data from Apollo, just disagree that it is proof that the Apollo programme was faked. If we are talking about those same tapes, it is only the Apollo 11 telemetry data tapes which are affected. By Your data has made it to earth! Two methods, one for a closed-loop and the other one for an open-loop configuration, are discussed in this article. Seems to me NASA are in dire need of better PR, I mean if the best they can come up with when asked for the tapes is, "Gee, looks like we lost them" those handling such matters need to be urgently shown the door. Then, you zap your data over the TDRS satellite return link as quick as you can. Re: NASA lost ALL telemetry data from all "moon" missions!😂😂 Many Apollo era Tapes of video and telemetry were destroyed by NASA. The slow scan TV machine, however, was still at NASA and due to be sold thrown away - but the revelation about the Apollo 11 slow scan TV footage stopped that. Right . There was already enough evidence to prove that Apollo was a photographic fraud , and this just confirmed that fact all over again . Somewhere I worked at donkeys years ago, we cleared out an old storage cupboard that had lain untouched for goodness knows how many years. The TDRS routes that telemetry down to their own set of earth-based antenna and it gets stored in their computers. The Apollo 11 missing tapes were those that were recorded from Apollo 11 's slow-scan television (SSTV) telecast in its raw format on telemetry data tape at the time of the first Moon landing in 1969 and subsequently lost. Duane Daman, July 23, 2007 in The Apollo Moon Landings. from Mountain Bear: NASA: Technology and The Lost Telemetry Tapes VIDEO: Tin Foil Hat: Truth, 9/11 and Epstein with Ben Swann, Putin declares independence from ‘Rothschild Dollar’, Terrifying Wall Street Manipulation: Nat Gas Prices Soar 32,000%, Q UNZIPPED: WHO’S GOING TO GITMO? Here's his quote from the video interview .. "I haven't see anything that indicates that the telemetry data is even in existance .. and as I said , even if we had it we don't have the machines to play it back . Yet , for such a stellar achievement in the anals of space flight history , no one at nasa seemed to give a crap what happened to the original Apollo telemetry, which from what I understand , recorded much more that just clearer pictures . SOHO Telemetry Lost by NASA. Systems that need external instructions and data to operate require the counterpart of telemetry, telecommand.2 Although the … Apollo flight director Gene Krantz sings a different tune now that he is faced with the fact that nasa not only claims that they "lost" all of the telemetry from every Apollo mission , but he doesn't even believe it ever existed in the first place !!
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