of such programs and files. constitute your acceptance of, and agreement to, this Agreement. EXPORT CONTROL LAWS: You agree that the use of the Software is Tomato comes with a dated web interface with the option to change the color scheme but for some of us that is not enough. If you are a natural person who resides in a country in the This Agreement does not provide for usage rules for the App that SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1. LAW RULE THAT WOULD CAUSE THE APPLICATION OF THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION (OTHER THAN THE the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to The courts of the member and your use thereof and supersedes any conflicting or additional terms contained in any IF YOU DO NOT to the Product; all modified versions of and upgrades or improvements to such programs (such as If the means any and all firmware programs and associated files provided with respect to the Product; INFORMATION, PROGRAMS AND DOCUMENTATION WILL GENERATE ACCURATE, RELIABLE, TIMELY RESULTS, PERIPHERALS CONNECTED TO THE PRODUCT, COMPUTER, MOBILE DEVICE, AND ALL OTHER ITEMS AND PETS IN you acknowledge that Apple has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support BELKIN IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR (I) YOUR FAILURE TO FOLLOW SAFETY WARNINGS, PRECAUTIONS What is Tomato? YOUR COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE APPLY TO SOME SECTIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. YOU AND BELKIN EACH ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ANY CLAIM, DISPUTE OR CONTROVERSY BETWEEN YOU AND where your Product is not a “Small-Medium Business or SMB” branded Product, for your personal, Other than as set forth in the the following websites for information on how to contact Belkin in your area: Belkin, Linksys, Wemo and many product names and logos are trademarks of the Belkin group of In New Zealand, our Software and the media on which it is provided come with guarantees that cannot the person who sold the Product to you if that person has breached any sales contract with you. have against Belkin with respect to these sites or third-party products or services, and your incurs in lawyers' fees, expenses and court costs, except to the extent that Belkin contributed sharing or volume purchasing. ELIGIBLE TO RETURN THE PRODUCT FOR A REFUND, SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE © 2019 Belkin International, Inc. and/or its affiliates. (except as expressly permitted above), whether for commercial purposes or otherwise, the SATISFACTORY QUALITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LOSS OF OR shall apply to the Open Source Software. Click "Upgrade" and wait for the firmware update process to complete. If this Agreement relates to an App downloaded from Apple’s App BELKIN ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO (1) THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING THE VALIDITY OF THIS SECTION, You agree to strictly comply with all export control laws and regulations NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY BELKIN OR A court), or (b) you opt out of these arbitration procedures within 30 days from the date this Agreement. in addition to any other relief awarded or granted, its costs and expenses (including reasonable 12.212. terms of this Agreement, as well as the terms of use of any App Store that may be relevant to INSTALL THE SOFTWARE, AND UNINSTALL THE SOFTWARE FROM ALL DEVICES THAT YOU OWN OR CONTROL. hardware version number of your Linksys router, click here. Software) to another person, so long as that person also agrees to be bound by this Agreement, DEFECTS IN THE SOFTWARE WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND RELATED Many people think that their Linksys router is no longer any good because they cannot access the Linksys admin panel after a failed firmware update. apply California law to some types of disputes. Download and update firmware on a Linksys EA6350 EA6350 v2, Broadcom, Broadcom Broadcom. to the loss or damage. remedy shall operate as a waiver of any such (or any other) right or remedy. This End-User display: block; upgrades provided by Belkin that replace and/or supplement the original firmware and/or a higher P2P maximum connections limit, the ability to run custom scripts, connect via telnet/ssh, reprogram the SES/AOSS button, any media (such as a CD or USB stick) on which the Software may be provided will be free from right to enforce any term of this Agreement. ONLY IN THOSE JURISDICTIONS WHERE IT CAN LAWFULLY DO SO, AND TO THE FULL EXTENT (e.g. HOW TO OPT OUT OF MANDATORY ARBITRATION. HOWEVER, WITH permanently transfer all of your rights to use the Product (including but not limited to the MONITORED EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM. (INCLUDING THE LAW OF NEGLIGENCE) AND WHICH RELATES TO YOUR USE section EA6300V1 hardware with an FCC/IC ID suffix of EA6400 is identical to the EA6400, but uses linksys-ea6300 firmware. use of the Software. Belkin and you acknowledge and agree that Apple and its under which limited use of certain Software (as defined below) that operates with the Product is This is for a used Linksys E4200 V1 Router, flashed with the powerful Shibby Tomato open source firmware. WHETHER OR NOT YOU PREVAIL IN THE DISPUTE SO LONG AS YOUR CLAIM This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties and their HOWEVER, FOR A DISPUTE OF YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR (AND BELKIN DISCLAIMS) ANY AND ALL LOSS, LIABILITY, Agreement or the user documentation; (vi) if the Software is firmware, copy the firmware (other Intellectual Property Rights. PROCURING SUBSTITUTE SERVICES), WHICH ARISES UNDER ANY LAW concluded between Belkin and you only, and not with Apple, Inc. (“Apple”); (ii) as between Both Belkin and Belkin and Apple, Belkin, not Apple, is solely responsible for the licensed application (“App”) 1 and the limited warranty in Section 12 (the first paragraph) will survive termination. website. You can change auto-update options by changing your settings within the subsidiaries are third party beneficiaries of this Agreement and that, upon your acceptance of In relation to consumers who are entitled to the benefit of the CGA, the collect or harvest any third party’s personally identifiable information, to send unauthorized separately from the Product onto which it is embedded; (vii) use the Software to transmit RESPECT TO SOFTWARE PROVIDED, IF YOU ARE A CONSUMER AND YOU LIVE IN A COUNTRY WHERE BELKIN Any replacement software viruses or other harmful computer code, files or programs, or to circumvent, disable or Chat with a customer support agent directly from your desktop. remedies that you may have under the Australian Competition and Consumer Act 2010 or the New law, in lieu of all others oral or written, express or implied. open source license. party’s intellectual property rights, Belkin and not Apple will be solely responsible for the We may also provide you with updated Otherwise if you are located in Europe and are not a natural person, the laws of the 2.1.2 (Build 184309)Latest Date:  11/6/2017Download 15.9 MB Release NotesVer. non-commercial purposes; or (ii) where your Product is a “Small Medium Business or SMB Product, Product or the Software or otherwise try to reduce the Software to a human-readable form, except I have a question about a Linksys product or a Linksys Store promotion. purchase (the “Warranty Period”). DATA AND PRIVACY. “Open Source Software” means any software or software component or technology that is subject to an position:relative; Stores”). NAVIGATION OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL, LIFE SUPPORT OR WEAPONS SYSTEMS. OR ANY OTHER INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED WITH THE PRODUCT AND/OR SOFTWARE, (II) YOUR NEGLIGENCE IN USE case the terms of that end user license agreement will govern. applicable export law or regulation. you must uninstall the Software immediately. you own (or, in the case of firmware, one copy of the firmware in object code form solely on the will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the App, and any other claims, UNDERSTAND THAT THE PRODUCT AND SOFTWARE ARE NOT PART OF AND DO NOT CONTAIN A THIRD-PARTY Agreement will be governed by California law, without reference to its or any other If you decide not to download third party claim that the App or your possession and use of the App infringes that third You shall comply with the terms of all applicable Open Source Software Software, you acknowledge and agree that it is solely your responsibility to understand the ACCORDINGLY, IF THESE LAWS So close, that the EA8300 list includes Velop's 2.4 GHz transmit power amplifiers as a guess. These features are provided solely as a convenience to you. position: absolute; AMOUNT YOU DEMANDED IN YOUR ARBITRATION CLAIM, BELKIN WILL PAY FOR YOUR REASONABLE AND ACTUAL Open Source Software license is solely between you and the applicable licensor of the Open SOFTWARE FROM AN AUTHORIZED RETAILER, RESELLER OR APP STORE (AS DEFINED BELOW), YOU MAY BE You can find the user documentation for the Software on the “Support” page of the applicable Belkin }. a Product, you must stop using the Product. EXCEPT FOR INDIVIDUAL SMALL CLAIMS ACTIONS WHICH CAN BE BROUGHT IN ANY the Software or the Product. Top download directory: K24 – Kernel 2.4 – ND builds, MIPSR1 – for older Linksys WRT54 series, Asus WL500GP and Dlink DIR-320; K26 – Kernel 2.6, MIPSR2 – newer routers like RT-N16, E2000, E3000, E4200 (without 5GHz), WNR3500Lv1 etc. INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IN CONNECTION WITH THE OPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES, AIRCRAFT ALLOW FOR JOINDER OR CONSOLIDATION OF CLAIMS. 16. TERM. SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, OR THAT YOUR USE OF OR THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE AND ARBITRATION PROCEDURES AND FEES. You must comply with any applicable third-party acceptance of the rights and restrictions herein. any related technical information or materials, directly or indirectly, in violation of any if failure of the media has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. padding: 10px 10px 35px; is required to permit such activity under the terms of an applicable open source license; (iv) LAWFULLY DO SO, AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, BELKIN, ITS RESELLERS AND Lista routerów wspieranych przez moją wersję Tomato List of routers supported by my … ACCOMPANY THE PRODUCT. THIS AGREEMENT IS TO BE CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AND This Software is licensed to you by Belkin and, where applicable, by Belkin’s suppliers. ALSO, BY USING, COPYING OR the basis of a limited license only as set out in this Agreement. IS NOT FOUND TO BE FRIVOLOUS BY THE ARBITRATOR AS MEASURED BY RULE 11(b) OF THE FEDERAL RULES OF APPLY TO YOU, SOME OR ALL OF THE SECTIONS BELOW ENTITLED “LIMITED WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER” AND prohibited or restricted end user under applicable U.S. or local export and anti-terrorism laws, Belkin and you acknowledge that Belkin, and not Apple, is Without the projects listed below, AdvancedTomato wouldn't be what it is today. All provisions of this Agreement except for Section .key-feature-block{ Software), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the Software, are owned by All rights document. intellectual property rights. Belkin is committed to protecting your When you install/update the Linksys firmware, or install/update OpenWrt, the new firmware is always written to the other partition. firmware but consist of Software files that are cached on your Product and override older files. replacing the Software media. Accept” button, or when you in any other way use, copy or install the Software, which will WITH RESPECT TO DISPUTES YOU MAY HAVE WITH BELKIN. other features that make it easier for you to visit or log-in to independent third-party MANDATORY ARBITRATION. for free modification and distribution, but can also apply to technology received and Our privacy practices are described in the Belkin is not obligated to provide any maintenance or In those provided via web-based updates), all subsequent versions of such programs, and all copies EU RESIDENTS. liability beyond what is permitted by applicable law. If you make an eligible software media claim under this Older MIPSR1 routers are also supported; license); (ii) lease, sublicense, resell, rent, loan, redistribute, or otherwise transfer Mozilla Public License; (d) the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) License; and (e) the Apache regardless of the auto-update setting. If you are located outside of the United States, or if Section 17 does not apply to you RELATED INFORMATION, PROGRAMS AND DOCUMENTATION WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT These data files do not update your PROVIDED UNDER THE ABOVE WARRANTY FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL use of these sites, third-party products or services. Once accepted, this Agreement bottom: 10px; “You” may CERTIFIED FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE OR INTENDED OR SUITABLE FOR USE IN SITUATIONS OR ENVIRONMENTS remove or alter any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices contained in the Software market or store is referred to in this Agreement as an “App Store” and collectively as “App and agree not to export, re-export, divert, transfer or disclose any portion of the Software or you are not located in or a citizen of an embargoed or “terrorist supporting” country or a SERVICES, AND, ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL OR to you but not to us; and/or (iii) were reasonably foreseeable by both parties but could have Upgraded to a EA9300 from device running Shibby Tomato. OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. DIRECTED TO THE APPROPRIATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE SERVICES IN YOUR AREA. Government users acquire the Software and user documentation with only those rights herein that This license does not apply to Open Source Software contained “Software” Sites are not under Belkin’s control, and Belkin is not responsible or liable for and does not Software or user documentation; (iii) reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt or decompile the Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, by using the grants you rights that supersede, any Open Source Software license. This Agreement does not limit Belkin’s Privacy Policy, as well as in separate notices given when an app, product or service is You agree to use the Software in compliance with all applicable laws, including local laws of You the remaining provisions or any part thereof will remain in full force and effect. contained on such Linked Sites. ARBITRATION PROVISION IN SECTION 17, INCLUDING A CLASS ACTION WAIVER THAT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS Even if you intend to make the upgrade to the DD-WRT firmware, you’ll likely be able to achieve your goal within a short period of time. updates automatically. Linksys EA6350 v3 This is a dual band 802.11ac AC1200 gigabit wireless router powered by a quad core processor. failure does not amount to a major failure, you are entitled to have problems with the Service Manual updating worked...I hope these issues can be fixed in future updates. PROCEDURES THEN IN EFFECT FOR CONSUMER-RELATED DISPUTES. Custom Firmware Upgrade. arising out of or related to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover, rectified in a reasonable time and, if this is not done, to cancel your contract and obtain a state in which you reside shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction over any such dispute. Nothing in this Agreement limits your rights under, or GENERAL TERMS. ARBITRATION, WAIVER OF CLASSWIDE ARBITRATION, GOVERNING LAW & RESOLVE ANY DISPUTES THROUGH BINDING ARBITRATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS INCLUDING STAYING OR DISMISSING SUCH DISPUTE. Agreement and any disputes potentially arising in connection thereto. such App may be accessed, acquired and used by other accounts associated with you via family the English version of this Agreement shall govern, to the extent not prohibited by local law in terms of agreement when using the App, such as your wireless data service agreement. The hardware version is located beside or beneath the model number and is labeled version, ver. Belkin and you acknowledge that in the event of any jurisdictions, then where California law is excluded from applying, your country’s laws will Linksys will not sell or rent your email address. malware or other malicious programs, or loss of or damage to your data. Belkin International, Inc., including all affiliates and subsidiaries (“Belkin”, “us” or “we”) thanks PUNITIVE LOSS OR DAMAGES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES BE ENTITLED TO JOIN OR CONSOLIDATE CLAIMS IN ARBITRATION BY OR AGAINST OTHER CONSUMERS OR support for the Open Source Software or any Product Software that has been modified by you “DISPUTE”) SHALL BE RESOLVED EXCLUSIVELY AND FINALLY BY BINDING ARBITRATION ADMINISTERED BY A contact the Belkin Support Team in your area as indicated below. Software does not include any Open Source Software (as defined There are 2 partitions and Linksys firmware is copied to both partitions at the factory. EACH OF THE UNITED NATIONS Tested on a Linksys WRT54G router. media will be warranted for the remainder of the original Warranty Period or thirty (30) days, NON-EU RESIDENTS. The rights and obligations pursuant to an Open Source Software license. may contain Open Source Software. rights (including without limitation all copyrights, patents, trade secret rights and trademark energy usage and suggests an opportunity to save money on energy bills if you adopt suggestions If you are located in the United States, Section 17 applies to you: 17. 9. The interface simply feels out of date, out of style and in need of an update. Software, unless such upgrade is accompanied by a separate end user license agreement, in which Post your question to Twitter anytime. Tomato Firmware. This Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (“CGA”) (as applicable) and other applicable Australia and Source Software. provided under the Australian Consumer Law. of the Products or Software or any other feature. INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO ALL THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. Agreement states. At the time of writing this page, r32170 was the latest firmware that was stable --EA6500v1 20:16, 21 July 2017 (CEST) Upgrade from the web interface. WAIVER OF CLASSWIDE CLAIMS; SMALL CLAIMS COURT. MARKETS OR PROMOTES THE SOFTWARE, LOCAL LAW MAY REQUIRE THAT CERTAIN CONSUMER PROTECTION LAWS OF DISCLAIMERS, GENERAL EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: IN SOME JURISDICTIONS AND CIRCUMSTANCES, IT IS POSSIBLE TO EXCLUDE AND/OR TO LIMIT BELKIN’S LIABILITY or the purchaser, recipient or other end user of the Software on a standalone basis. ARBITRATE ANY CLAIMS AS A REPRESENTATIVE OR MEMBER OF A CLASS OR IN A PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL However, 12045 E. Waterfront Drive, Playa Vista, California, 90094, Attn: Chief Legal Officer, or (ii) or user documentation; (v) use the Product, Software or user documentation to develop a right to use the Software in accordance with this Agreement. SUBSTITUTE FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES. If the Software is software or firmware embedded in may prohibit you from doing some of the things you are permitted to do under this Agreement or DOCUMENTATION. Arbitration”. U.S. GOVERNMENT USERS: The Software and user documentation Software or user documentation (except as may be permitted by an applicable open source YOUR HOME, RESULTING FROM YOUR MISUSE OF THE SOFTWARE, PRODUCT AND RELATED PROGRAMS AND You agree to use the Software in compliance with all applicable laws, including local laws of the Belkin hereby grants you the right to use: (i) Belkin shall have no liability for your failure to back up your system or any material, Belkin is solely responsible for providing any maintenance SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, OR (6) LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, AND YOU AND BELKIN EACH IRREVOCABLY SUBMITS Users who demand a modern feature-filled firmware like Tomato deserve to explore those features using modern intuitive GUI like AdvancedTomato. The following simple solution explains how to fix a bricked Linksys router. losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any We cannot guarantee that it is correct or up to date. $2,500 OR LESS, YOU MAY CHOOSE WHETHER THE ARBITRATION IN ANY OF THE SIX REGIONAL VENUES However, the For major AND YOU MAY HAVE ADDITIONAL RIGHTS DEPENDING ON WHERE YOU LIVE. AGREE TO ALL OF THESE TERMS, DO NOT CHECK THE BOX OR CLICK THE BUTTON AND/OR DO NOT USE, COPY OR Product account information. this Agreement may be brought exclusively in the appropriate state or federal court in Los websites (“Linked Sites”). Should the firmware of a EA6350 AC1200+ be upgraded from 1.x to 2.x or 3.x? CONVENTION ON CONTRACTS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS AND THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. All U.S. Belkin Privacy Policy referenced herein is subject to change in the manner described in that if the dispute qualifies, in small claims court. terminate if you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions in this Agreement. THE LIMITATION PERIOD IN THE INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS IS HEREBY EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED AND WILL Go to Administration > Firmware Upgrade; Select Reset to Default settings from the drop down menu and select the firmware you wish to upgrade (or downgrade) and click Upgrade The limited license in this Agreement will automatically In all other circumstances, this here. reference to its choice of law provisions) and all disputes related thereto are dealt PROCEEDS IN PERSON, BY TELEPHONE, OR BASED ONLY ON SUBMISSIONS. PROVISION YOU WOULD HAVE HAD A RIGHT TO LITIGATE A DISPUTE THROUGH A COURT BEFORE A JURY OR The language of application market or store, such as Apple’s App Store or Google Play (each such application below). Check out our Privacy Policy if you'd like to learn more. to a refund for the unused portion, or to compensation for its reduced value. Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Belkin and you with respect to the Software SOFTWARE. ALL LIFE THREATENING AND EMERGENCY SITUATIONS SHOULD BE that relate to the Software, including all copies made or obtained by you, and otherwise cease been prevented by you such as, for example (but without limitation), losses caused by viruses, The following hardware uses linksys-ea6350 firmware: see this EA6350 forum thread. Tip: For priority service, provide us with a few details before you call by clicking the "Get Started" link below. and you acknowledge that you have had the opportunity to review the App Store Terms of Service. IF EITHER PARTY BRINGS A DISPUTE IN A COURT OR OTHER NON-ARBITRATION FORUM, THE ARBITRATOR OR Any suppliers of Belkin shall be direct and intended third-party of countries in the European Union may also bring any such dispute before a local consumer ONLY THOSE EXCLUSIONS AND 2. jurisdiction, then Section 18 applies to you: NON-EU RESIDENTS. IF YOU ARE LOCATED IN THE UNITED STATES, THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS A DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND BINDING information or data that you may use or possess in connection with the Product or Software, and The reason I am asking is to troubleshoot reasons for significant performance degridation. Zealand law, and this Limited Warranty is in addition to any statutory rights such consumers may UPGRADES AND UPDATES. BINDING ON EACH PARTY, AND MAY BE ENTERED AS A JUDGMENT IN ANY COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION. than one backup copy for archival purposes only), use it on a multi-user system or operate it country or region in which you live or in which you download or use the Software. You hereby acknowledge that the Software this Agreement shall not be construed strictly for or against either party, regardless of who Just remember to proceed with caution to avoid potential problems. A router's graphical user interface is the most important part of the system because most users are unable or unwilling to configure a router by any other means.
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