Addition 4 August, 2019, Montana, Cabinet Mountains .357 and .44 magnum pistols, Grizzly. We are continually working to increase the data set of handgun defenses against bears. Kelley fired a warning shot from his .45 Super. It probably hit the bear in the chest, but also took off the tip of one of Kim’s toes. The Red Dead Redemption 2 Grizzly Bear, also known as North American Brown Bear, is a massive-sized animal featured in the video game developed by Rockstar Studios for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.. I wish I was half that good. They both had bear spray and pistols. There is a considerable incentive not to report such incidents. after being hit by car. 1971, Idaho: From Guides tales of Adventure,.22 rimfire page 62 black bear. Miller managed to pull out his .357 Magnum revolver and squeeze off a shot, possibly grazing the animal. One was a failure against a grizzly bear. I have loaded special ammo and now carry more firepower after those encounters. With eight rounds left in my 10 round clip, I pulled the trigger with my sights on the swaying bruin’s throat. Current law says it’s legal to kill or attempt to kill a grizzly bear in self-defense, or if the bear is “in the act of attacking or killing” livestock. “If I didn’t have the gun, I would have been dead.”, 20. The bear then snarled and hissed before charging Hughes, who shot it with a handgun. Later the bear returned. His partner had fired at the bear, but had missed. One grizzly ran off and was not recovered. They both went flying from the log, claws flying and teeth snapping in midair. Successful bear defenses with a handgun are probably under-reported, much like successful firearm defenses against criminals. I interviewed Bridger. PAYSON, AZ – Authorities found two bear cubs after an archery deer hunter fatally shot an adult female bear with a handgun when it charged him in the Payson area. LDWF records indicate the bear was previously captured in 2008 in Patterson, but had not been reported as a nuisance bear since. The bear showed no signs of leaving, so he stomped on the floor toward her. The attack was finished. A few years ago there was a VERY unwise bear lover named Treadwell. I yelled and started reaching for my pistol, but the bear had shoved it out of reach while rummaging around. In addition, for complete data reporting, are eight cases where bears were shot with both long guns and handguns, and one case where the bear was hit by a vehicle and shot with a handgun, making it difficult to determine the efficacy of handguns alone. He exited the sleeping bag, naked, accessed his revolver and light, and crept to the tent entrance. Fall, 1970, Alaska: From More Alaskan Bear Tales Page 269 grizzly. 22. 2010, Russia:  9.3 mm Makarov (most likely) Police attempting to control bear. Investigators followed a blood trail for half a mile, but could not located the wounded bruin. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; The 63 incidents had 3 failures, for a 95% success rate. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; An LA times article has a quote saying the shooting was “unprovoked”. Seven of the eight uses of the .357 magnum were successful. 7. The bear, a three year old female, broke into Elconora’s tent. Recovery of grizzly bears — and any endangered species — is a lot about minimizing deaths. Hope you have a nice day. All were successful. He had a clear shot at the side of her head but decided not to fire. 2 June, 2006, Alaska:  Black Bear broke into Anchorage home, AK Glock .40. It was finished off at the scene with a rifle brought by the defender’s wife. In Thursday’s attack, the hunter told officials he was eating lunch under a tree when he spotted the bear and her cub in a watering hole. Addition August, 1986, Tsiu River south of Cordova, Alaska, .357 magnum revolvers, grizzly bear. 16 July, 2002, Seneca Lake, San Carlos Indian Reservation, Arizona, .44-40 Ruger Vaquero, black bear. September 2010, Wyoming: Elk Hunters at Bruin Creek, Thorofare Country .44 magnums, .45-70 rifle. Too bad in this case the bear didn’t get a chance to take the dumb S.O.B. Brenner fired twice at the center of the hulking shape closing to four or five feet away. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; We have found eight cases where .357 magnum revolvers were used to defend against bears. The grizzly bear was killed. The bear backed off a bit. Bridger Petrini is attacked by a near 400 lb cinnamon black bear. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "false"; And no, there are plenty of verified feats for grizzly bears, unsurprising for the reasons I specified above in terms of anatomy. He’s goooood. Article from The Blue Press November 2002 Issue #125. So, he recalls, he tried to pull the bear’s jaws apart. Then he rose to his feet and put three more 240-grain slugs in it. The effect also distorts distance, and can cause tunnel vision, focused on the threat. Americas. A black bear with cubs had chased Mr. Nutter up a tree. 6 September, 2015, New Mexico: Failure, .38 revolver  Ocate, black bear. amzn_assoc_title = "Got Bear Spray? Stephen Herrero, a Canadian biologist, reports that during the 1990s, bears killed around three people a year in the U.S. and Canada, as compared to the 15 people killed every year by dogs. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation. In the official report, obtained by a public information request, the revolver was identified as a .38. About 1 am on the fourth day, the bear ignored warning shots and came within 15 yards of the group. “It all happened in really tight quarters,” he said. As of March 2020, we have found 20 more handgun cases, for a total of 93 cases, with three failures, for a success rate of 97%. They said they heard a noise and saw a bear charging at them. Two were against black bears. He thought he had crowded the grizzly bear by following too closely, and wished he had waited a more extended period. The Grizzly Bear is a class 7 predator. He had scared off the animal with some warning shots just three hours before. .44 magnum 3 shots, .357 one shot to head, which stopped the charge. The attack occurred in Pend Oreille County, Washington State, near Petit lake. Eight grizzlies were killed on railroads in near Glacier National Park in 2019, the most of any year on record. A month later, in another tent erected a short distance away. The bear came out from behind the outhouse when he was 20 feet away. More extensive account in Field and Stream Here. Page 160-161 of Safe with Bears, by Larry Kanuit 2018. For this update, we found another .22 rimfire case, two additional 9mm cases, another .38 special case, three additional .357 magnum cases, another 10mm case, five additional .44 magnum cases (included in the 28 total .44 magnum number), another .45 ACP case, another .454 Casull case, four more cases where the caliber was unknown, and one more case where both .357 and .44 magnum revolvers were used. 28. He poped a cap and dropped the bear. It was waylaid by the lunch, which it began to devour. 27. As a gunsmith I have to do both metal and wood, but I prefer metal. In this case, a homeowner in Alaska used a .45 against a brown bear that was trying to get into his house on July 7th of this year. The bear did not notice him immediately. 25 July, 2018, New Mexico:  Man stops New Mexico bear attack with 10mm Glock 20. After what seemed like an eternity, but was perhaps less than a minute, my brother could see the dark form of the bear moving and began to scream. Bear and human populations are increasing. Some cases are still in progress and will be included in the next update. From The hunter, now very much the hunted, shot into the bear’s body, but the grizzly continued to attack him, breaking Bagley’s jaw. The man told authorities that he tried to shoo it away by banging pots and pans and throwing things at it, but nothing worked. They kept a watch at night, and repeatedly drove off the bear with warning shots. ‘‘I thought the whole time, This is so messed up. That was sufficient. He fired one more shot into the lungs of the downed bear, which rendered his revolver empty. He did this for several seasons and he became very familiar with the bears to the point of… Read more ». Weaver fired a shot over the bear and it released Williams, who shouted at Weaver to keep shooting, that he was bit, Barto said. 21. Kim had a Glock model 20 10 mm pistol with him. Fish and Wildlife Service on Tuesday in a bid to stop a plan that allows for 72 grizzly bears to be killed in a national forest near Yellowstone National Park. Addition September 16, 2019, Gravelly Mountains, Montana, Grizzly Bear 9mm pistols, Go fund me for Donivan Campbell by Chris Gregersen, Bear Attacks of the Century: True Stories of Courage and Survival P. 23-24, 26 July, 2014, Montana: Glacier National Park: Bear first sprayed, then shot with a .357, grizzly bear. As Miller rolled over and was getting to his knees, the bear, only about 40 yards away, came at him again. Spring of 1969 as detailed in Year of the Bear. Seven were successful, one was unsuccessful. Here’s a link. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; He does architectural as well as decorative work for high priced people. Alex had to retrieve his 357 Colt revolver, unlock the box it was in, retrieve ammunition from another box, and load it. This load will penetrate 12 – 2×6’s spaced 2 inches apart and stick in the 13th one. suffocated a black mountain grizzly bear by arm in the throat and used his teeth that grapples a jugular on the grizzly neck. The BNSF Railway Company Tuesday published a long-awaited habitat conservation plan intended to reduce grizzly bear mortalities in Northwest Montana. Polar bear attacks are expected there, and tourists are not allowed unless they carry a high powered firearm. He fired three times, saving three bullets in case his first shots failed. Addition 30 December 2007, Kodiak Island, Alaska, brown bear, .454 Casull revolver. When bears attack its FAST! There were 14 .22 caliber holes in her. Ranger Ellis, armed with a 40 cal. Officials say the camper woke up to hear the bear going through an ice chest. after the sun came up, the group found the bear, dead, with two .357 slugs in it. One failed against a polar bear. A grizzly bear that emerged from a thicket and charged two backpackers in the backcountry of Denali National Park and Preserve was shot and killed by one of the two who was carrying a .45-caliber semi-automatic pistol, according to park officials. “The last time, I think, he got it through the lung,” Battle said. “I barely had time to get the hammer back for another shot before she reached me,” he said. That's one of the 2 stories. There have been several in the bears' wilderness habitats involving hikers, hunters, and campers. “One round was fired, terminating the bear,” Lewis said. 1. The bear came back and paused at 20 feet away. “I frantically called my wife on my cell phone and told her to bring a rifle. Addition September 16, 2019, Gravelly Mountains, Montana, Grizzly Bear 9mm pistols. Other members of the team were sent ahead to clear a trail for smaller vehicles. An unidentified person managed to haze the bear away, but after the group returned to the picnic, the bear returned once more. “The grizzly bear appeared to be heading towards the elk carcass and them, but they did not shoot at the time, instead they watched it in the hope it would go by the three of them,” the investigation said. The fight moved into a thicket. The next day, he trailed her in the snow for 2.5 miles but did not find her. You also did not notice that most of these or a lot of these encounters there was contact from the bears relating to hand guns, in tents etc, And what are you supposed to do when the can of bear spray runs out and the bear keeps coming? August, 1995, Norway, Svalbard Archepelago, .22 rimfire, Failure Polar Bear, From Spitsbergen: Svalbard, Franz Josef, Jan Mayen, 3rd Brant travel Guide, by Andres Umbreit. (He could not find the flashlight, as the bear had knocked it on the ground before the attack.) Eight were against black bears, one was mortally wounded but finished off with shotgun slugs, five were killed, another ran off, superficially wounded, the eighth ran from a warning shot. Addition 1960 .22 black bear, Lake north of Minto, Alaska. A large black bear broke into an Anchorage home early this morning, rummaged around like a burglar and feasted on a box of chocolates before the homeowner shot him dead with a Glock. In addition to the handgun defenses, there are four more instances where handguns were used in combination with long guns, bringing the total to eight; one where a pistol was used on an aggressive bear hit by a vehicle, two examples where pistols were present but not used, one indeterminate case, and two examples of unconfirmed incidents. Then at about 2:45 p.m., a collared boar grizzly identified as bear No. 17,029 pages were read in the last minute. “She ended up turning around and for a split second we thought she would leave – but then she turned back and came at us full charge.”. amzn_assoc_linkid = "d6a97de250292a4e9529f8894adc9514"; The sow continued to follow coming at him, so Roy fired 3 more rounds into her frontal area and she dropped taking a dirt nap. No date or location was included, or name of person involved. OK, give us a few examples. But the second grizzly, also a boar, didn’t veer away, the hunters reported. All were successful. while pointing to the right. The grizzly zigzagged toward him, roaring the whole time. The bear eventually died. Battle said the sow attacked the man, who in turn fired at it three times with a .44 Magnum. They just kept walking at me, and I kept slowly backing down the trail.”. She was able to access a .44 mag, but was unwilling to fire. He was coming like a freight train…in total chase-mode.”, Brush instinctively back-pedaled to avoid the charge, drawing the Ruger from its holster. Like anything hand forged, they cost, but they’re still around. 6. Numerous other examples exist. He was about ten feet away coming up and over the initial log that I had tripped over. If you have information about an incident outside of those shown, with locations and dates, please send it to us. Addition 2003  Alaska published 1 June, 2003, Black bears, .44 magnum in Anchorage Daily News, republished here, also mentioned in Safe with Bears, page 182. It was as big as you and me.”. As he fell, he bit at the ground and ended up with a mouthful of sod. There were eight uses of .45 caliber semi-auto pistols against bears. I was paralyzed by fear and terrified that the bear would come back from out of the darkness and resume his attack on me at any moment. I wished every back packer would carry, not only for their benefit but for the safety of others amzn_assoc_title = "More Reading"; The criteria for inclusion in this study is a pistol had to be fired to defend against a bear or bears. One bear viewed him as prey, and would not leave. Without my glasses and in such darkness, I was nearly blind. The last shot was just short of contact. "It would have killed Timothy to know that they killed the bears," said Jewel Palovak, an associate in California. From During his time in the wild he videoed and photographed the creatures and was the co-author of a book entitled Among Grizzlies: Living with Wild Bears in Alaska. An armed adult attempted to scare the bear by firing two shots but the bear didn’t show any fear and wouldn’t leave. During the attack and defense, Harrop had the hammer fall on an empty chamber two times. Nineteen were against grizzly bears. In conclusion, lacking anything further from you that makes some form of logical sense, you should be ignored as just another online troll, sans brain. When the sow came after him, he was able to shoot and kill it with a .22 pistol. 2. If a predatory black bear is shot and runs off, there are strong incentives for the shooter to avoid reporting the incident. WEST SPRINGFIELD – A Sikes Avenue man shot and killed a black bear with single pistol-shot to the head Friday night after it started to go after his small dog, police said. 2. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "ammoland-20"; Friday, February 12. The Katmai National Park is a prime viewing spot for brown bears, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites, 17 Nov 00 17. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Attempt #3: Brought the grizzly down with a single throwing knife (+ a "mercy" throw to finish the animal off, but that one would have worked even without poison.) December, 2010, Alaska: Video of the event posted. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; They then drove the bear back away from their possessions. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "ammoland-20"; Two juveniles with one of the sows ran off; one two-year-old juvenile with the other of the sows was wounded and later euthanized. September, 2013, Wyoming: Thorofare Country south of Yellowstone, Grizzly at 10 feet, .44 magnum and .357 magnum, (report from 2015). A Walker Police Department officer arrived on the scene at Burgess Ave. near Tiffany St. around 11 p.m. to investigate the auto incident and determine what kind of animal the vehicle had struck. This makes you no better than any common internet surfing gun grabber. This example is somewhat controversial. July 24, 2014, Alaska:  Eagle River, 200 pound Brown Bear Sow, .44 Magnum Revolver, “This is not in an Anchorage subdivision,” Battle said. She was too fast for me to see the movement.”. She ground her teeth, and in a blur she came for him. The bear left with food, Macintyre said. A revolver was used to stop a charge by a sow with three cubs. Fish and Game officials said the man was able to scare the bear off after he tried to shoot her several times with a .44 magnum revolver pistol at point-blank range. Nuisance bears are captured, tagged and released using aversive conditioning in an effort to dissuade them from returning to residential areas. amzn_assoc_linkid = "6dda07226f1b23d7a6a947ec8d3300b1"; But then Bobby woke up and saw him standing over me and grabbed his Judge revolver. The pistol was a Taurus Judge. Reliable and powerful handguns have become popular and legal to carry in more bear country. Police later shot the bear. The handgun calibers, when known, range from .22 rimfire to .460 Smith & Wesson Magnum. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "false"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; There are likely many cases documented in books or local sources that are not easily available on the Internet. Two were killed without assistance, one while biting the victim’s leg. Alex drew his revolver as the bear stood up and roared. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; 3. 2. The sow had two large cubs that were likely 2 years old. In all my life, I will never forget the sound of the blast or the acrid smell of the gunpowder. October, 2015, Idaho: Bear Attack on Sleeping Man Stopped with a .45 Colt/.410 revolver, black bear. The attack was reported to Fish and Game but was not published the consistent incident recorded in USGS database. His next round was meant for the bear’s shoulder. Here are two examples of cases that sound authentic, but were not able to be documented. We found one case involving a 9.3 x 18 Makarov pistol, in Russia. I could not figure out how it held the gun in place, so I grabbed the buckle and attempted to rip it off. Brett Kramer drove away the 340-pound male bear by shooting it twice with a .44 Magnum pistol. I carry 265 gr, Hornady soft points in a maximum pressure hand load of H-110. Grizzly Page 214-215 Safe with Bears. amzn_assoc_title = "Got Bear Spray? This particular incident took place early afternoon. 4. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Roy called to report the incident, and they came out and brought a metal detector to locate spent extracted shell casings. I was in a state of absolute panic and horror. 26 September 2018, Montana: bow hunter stopped attack by sow grizzly and nearly grown cub. Two grizzly bears fighting, a group of bison ploughing through a field of snow and the stars lighting a hiking trail are among the pictures selected as the 20 finalists in a photography competition. 500 lb Black Bear. “I just gritted my teeth expecting the bear to bite me,” Hambelton said. They were successful. Further research on wikipedia indicates weight varies from 180 kg to 360 kg. They recorded 6 failures to stop the attack out of the 37 instances. Five were grizzly bears. 7 September, 2006, Alaska: Grizzly attacked Moose Hunters,  Alaska, .44 magnum, The Longest Minute. He yelled at the dog, but it was too late. Introducing his book Mr Treadwell says: "The grizzly bear is one of a very few remaining on earth that can kill a human in physical combat. Mr Treadwell's death was the first fatal bear attack in Katmai for at least Addition, 6 September, 2011, Gravelly Mountains, Montana, Grizzly, unknown pistol. But likely not an incident that will result in any charges: officials say that based on the investigation, the man who fired the weapon acted in self-defense. The grizzly bear is a North American subspecies of the brown bear. “He was dead. The next morning, approached the outhouse with toilet paper in one hand and the Python in the other. Even some of the vaunted magnums.”. September of 1956 or 1957 Highland Valley, Geologist Alex Burton, Highland Valley, British Columbia, .357magnum Colt revolver, Black Bear. I own most and yes I shoot em hot as I can so I know a hair… Read more ». 500 lb Black Bear. 24 September, 2004, Alaska: Muldoon, Hiker Kills Charging Brown Bear from 20 feet with .44 Magnum. Alex was in a tent. The sow turned around and took off with her cubs. The bear died outside the trailer. Nov 2014, Massachusetts: Unknown Handgun, Defense against black bear. "; 27 May, 2019, Alaska, Turnagain Arm Trail, Pistol, caliber unknown, Black Bear, “Just coming straight at them with its head down, not phased by yelling, waving arms, or even the dogs barking at it. Eight were against black bears. July-August 2000, Dawson City, Yukon, Geologist with Authority to Carry, Black Bear, .44 Magnum. 1978-79, summer, Cootenays Mountains, British Columbia, Black Bear, .44 magnum Alex Burton. amzn_assoc_asins = "1510709797,081299406X,0971035563,B004Q3QRQI,0996655956,1620656930,0963986988,1483425789,0689815816,1983175498,1795614641,B076LFH34X,0913305170,0914697331,1571573461,1578334527,0811702693,B017OA0RWE,1620877015"; 10. The bears then turned around and departed the area. Wildlife rangers tracked the bear down and killed it late Friday. Rifle jammed, pistol did not. Miraculously, the bear collapsed a mere five feet from his boot soles, leaving claw marks in the road where Brush had–only seconds before–been standing. The man went out with a gun and tried to shoo the bear away, Macintyre said. Two were not included because no shots were fired. One of his deputies was bitten on the leg by an escaped bear in September. Another grizzly was shot while charging. The incident remains under investigation. “None of the classic teeth-popping or woofing, raising up on hind legs, or bluff-charging that you read about. “Didn’t have any vocalizations or anything that would indicate defensive behavior. Shot by Beverly “Dolly” Walker. The black bear fell approximately fell seven feet in front of me.”. The aggressive bear was finally shot with the 9 mm pistol at close range. “I brought a 38 pistol to scare it more than anything.”. Given grizzly bears are at the top of the food chain, they could have a catastrophic impact on today’s ecological system. Very informative article Dean. One man was killed, the other injured. (combination). As you claim “legions”, it should not be too hard. Harrop’s efforts were hindered by the necessity of loading the single-action .44, which had been kept unloaded and locked up. The gov… Read more », Ah, now the hold fast tools make sense. They had agreed that if forced into defending themselves, one would use spray, the other would back up the spray with his pistol. My stuff works, but pretty it ain’t. Including the combined arms handgun cases, there were 39 defenses against black bears, 52 defenses against grizzly bears, and 2 defenses against polar bears. Grizzlies are typically brown, though their fur can appear to be white-tipped, or grizzled, lending them their name.
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