They only have explosions and collisions to work with. I suggest you and your chums do some reading before you open your mouth. You apparently can't support that claim at all!All Scott notes is that while some types of oscillations have been observed, the transformation that your requires (and mine as well), has not yet been observed in controlled experimentation. Please keep on working to educate more people. Albert Einstein – Creator and Rebel. Varying the gas mixture, pressure, voltage and current (direct current), facilitates various kinds of plasma discharges. This has massive implications, all great. EU proponent try very hard to make you believe they're the same, but as PsyGirl says, they're not. you are all stuck in a revolving door of mainstream foolishness which is the cause of this stir of arguments about whats really true and whats not.the truth , like the revolution, will not be televised or reported to mainstream general is found when you learn how to speak to the universe and learn to recognize the answers that are given back to you .....people have already figured this out.. you just have to find those people and their work before its buried for advice... START OVER... forget everything you know that was taught to you in school....half the people you see everyday don't even understand that there were 14 presidents before washington... people just don't care to do their own research anymore, and half those who do, don't really understand there is a right way and a wrong way to properly do research .the wrong way will lead you down the wrong path ..the right way will shine light on everything and deliver the fresh perspective needed to get the answers you seek...but most are satisfied with a few hours of reading a book they think has all the answers and some you tube videos to know it all! We must have a workable concept of the structure of matter that satisfies the observation that inertial and gravitational mass is equivalent. The papers that *I* provided you with, *predict* fusion reactions occur in the solar atmosphere and they predict that fusion occurs inside the sun. Thornhill has done a remarkably good scientific job of bringing together observations from disparate fields into one coherent ‘big picture’. “The Discovery of a High Redshift X-ray Emitting QSO Very Close to the Nucleus of NGC 7319.” So redshift is largely an intrinsic effect in the young quasar rather than a Doppler effect from recession at high velocity. The Logical Leap: Induction in Physics. It apparently wasn't There are many papers on it.They know that the Stark effect can cause redshift in laser induced plasma. I believe that the Thunderbolts statement is/was an accurate portrayal of how Manuel explains the "majority" of the energy release of the sun. All catastrophes are pushed into an unimaginably remote past, so the uniformitarian history of the Earth reads like a reassuring “Once upon a time, long, long ago…” bedtime story. It could (and probably is) a lot of things. Since he supported a standard fusion power source, neutrinos were never a topic of interest to him personally. The Discovery of a High Redshift X-ray Emitting QSO Very Close to the Nucleus of NGC 7319. As explained below, and in January, your electric gravity theory is not a plausible theory, but you can fix every error in it and make it plausible. So maybe it is a bit premature to throw physics out just yet.Convection in the sun is impossible?Electric universe theory argues that the granulation we observe on the surface of the sun cannot be caused by convection bubbling up the layers of the sun. I know the picture will get clearer in time. Separate electric sun neutrino predictions have not been published AFAIK, because most if not all 'electric sun' theories do not necessarily deviate from standard theory on total neutrino output. Magnetic field lines will break and reconnect as the pass across that point. I found, to my satisfaction, that it was, but also found a link to an article entitled "Skeptical Inquirer Embarrasses Itself" This turned out to belong to the Thunderbolts Project, mentioned immediately above and in earlier posts. :) What will they do now??????? You cannot pick out 5 points and explain the universe. It was trans-mutated to pure quartz, a VERY fine grained quartz! Thus the cause of coronal loop heating cannot be resistance (there are few curents, very litle resistance). The second group is composed of various other woo-peddlers who use EU claims to prop up their main ideas (because mainstream physics would blow them apart). Not only did I observe it but my wife and two of my grandchildren. First, gravity must operate at the subatomic level because Newton’s law refers to mass and not composition or charge on matter. We are simply attracted like iron filings to the nearest pole—the Earth’s surface. "Why cite that reference as a basis for her claims ..." Again, you might like to re-read the blog; PsyGirl used that site a source for a definition of "electric universe theory".Nereid. It took me a few months to undo my former earth, solar system and universe education, but now I’m well on the way. No sound, no smell, no heat. Those Alfven waves you're talking about are *highly* depending upon convection to generate the fields that produce such processes!Just as the mainstream ignores all forms of plasma redshift, they also ignore all E fields in space. The “new principle of nature” he needed was a full understanding of redshift. * We do understand how stars are formed. Read astronomy and astrophysics literature and journals. Electric universe theory says that because the sun is coolest at its surface, then the temperature jumps up again out at its halo, it does not obey the inverse square law, and physics is wrong.At this point it is important to note that the inverse square law only applies to radiant energy (as opposed to convection or conduction) and only in a vacuum. LOL TO THE GAME... Keep cool air in and hot air out by sealing openings such as cracks in walls and around windows and While two of three EU solar models would necessarily need to predict the same total neutrino output, and even the third EU solar model "could" be made to match standard neutrino counts (in theory), all three EU models would require that some portion of neutrino emissions come from the solar atmosphere. * No citation of the EU prediction of IBEX plasma ribbon. They usually travel close to the speed of light, and not having a charge means they are unaffected by electromagnetic forces like other matter, and are able to pass through ordinary matter almost unaffected.Neutrino observatories are actually underground because the neutrinos pass right through the earth. the fact we talk about poles and can see the differences between one end and the other... just saying guys, i love reading about every last bit of it but this electricity/plasma idea is quite clearly the one that makes the most sense to anyone walking around on this bloody planet. If you're going to lie, at least lie intelligently.RC, who do you think you're fooling anyway by trying to remain "Unknown"? A common misconception. Just another form of “job security”. It is nonsense.The fact is that David Talbott has little knowldege of science and is an advocate of debunked crackpot ideas.The fact is that Wallace Thornhill has some knowldege of science but has lied to his readers, especially about the Deep Impact mission and his fantasy that comets are asteroids. As one who has experienced telepathy on several occasions, and has had precognition events of public announcements, this seems like a reasonable explanation for my experiences. when it is determined ny the magneto part (in all non-relativistic situations! If you were to pull that BS in the private sector it's called Enron and you go to prison! You're just in hard core denial of scientific fact (as usual). Your favorite solar theory turns out to make lots of predictions alright, but those convection speed predictions are now highly suspect. It has inspired lots of people to spam websites (like this one), but has led to nothing of any scientific value, in astronomy, astrophysics, or cosmology (you have evidence to the contrary? True, you did not make those claims. Doesn’t hold up. Many Predictions are wrong. We are intimately connected as part of the Earth. This is where the high resolution models stop, but a linear extrapolation down to -400 km shows an expected temperature ~18,400 Kelvins.". Einstein’s Relativity? Your email address will not be published. The accretion disk model simply does not allow for what we actually observe in space. So when we speak of creation of matter we do not mean matter coming into our universe from somewhere else (there is nowhere else) or from nothing. We got a lot of history proving that one too, and as always we must always consider the source in our search for the truth . Well, the paper by W. Thornhill - which I cited earlier - does cover this, and quite a bit of the material by D. Scott (which I also cited) does too. If that is true (you tell me), then that seems like one possible "test" we could use to differentiate between gas model solar theory and electric sun theory. Meanwhile, it served the egos of his followers to consecrate his work and treat dissent as blasphemy. He "predicted" that powerful electrical discharges would occur in the solar atmosphere. To my knowledge however, nobody in the PC/EU community even felt it warranted a separate calculation all on it's own. Andre K. T. Assis. What was this theory and where on earth did it come from?According to the website the “Electric Universe theory highlights the importance of electricity throughout the Universe. See here for an animated view of the experiment. The result is the heavier elements are coolest and found closest to the axis while helium and hydrogen form the outermost atmosphere. It is obviously not a graded system formed by primordial accretion. What you'll observe is that the surface of the photosphere is black and white only in the areas where the largest loops are located, and those N/S alignments occur right along the trajectory of the loops, exactly as predicted by a subsurface origin of the loops. He, as well as others, postulated the existence of a “corpuscle”or some entity but it wasn’t until he, (Thompson) was offered fame, fortune and a Nobel Prize did he change his mind. The assumption of the Michelson-Morley Experiment was that the aether is a flowing current of some sort. If you scroll through ALL the comments the citations for scientifically reputable published literature is so one sided it is ridiculous. The working of a compass is an empirical observation that you cannot just blithely dismiss out of hand. r = (2*Gm)/c^2. 229-53. extrinsic redshift, intrinsic redshift or both occurs in galaxies and quasars in dofferent proportions4. Who knows? | Copyright 2019, 2020, 2021. Regards Synopsis 2 – The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE ... term “crisis in cosmology” to describe the numerous and growing evidences that contradict or undermine the Big Bang theory. Now that website is huge, and has essentially no quantitative material, so if you're looking for a concise *quantitative* presentation of other "electric sun" models, I recommend this page ("Challenges for Electric Universe 'Theorists'"): the Thornhill "electric sun" (a.k.a. Fact is many people would lose their jobs and/or funding if EU is half true so the resistance is not surprising at all. only then will you have potential to know.until then. The Electric/Plasma universe theory hit the nail on the head. It is the new religion that worships at the altar of socialized science and tax payer coffers. Some Canadian nuclear scientists have dubbed the experiment the most advanced of its type. I have explained to both you, and to PsyGirl, that there are several errors in her arguments, and neither one of you has bothered to deal with those error, or with mainstream solar convection problems found in SDO data.Apparently her entire argument is predicated upon a misunderstanding of basic physics, and an appalling lack of historical knowledge. It follows a different aspect of cosmology and falls between Science and History, which is interesting because we are dealing within the same realm of natural science laboratory sciences indulge, but we are falling out in how we approach the data that reflects the same commonality made present with historians and social sciences. IMO it's rather hypocritical of you to hold up quantification as king, provide no such quantified evidence to support PsyGirl's erroneous claims, and yet you choose to simply ignore the failed quantified predictions of mainstream theory! This is convection within the Sun!The coronal heating problem has scientific solutions, e.g. Apeiron. So any colour of light that moves toward red on the spectrum of colour would be considered redshifted even if it is not truly red. The website does a great job to keep persistently presenting the alternative point of view of empirical cosmologists. You deliberately skipped over about 30+ impossible issues regarding a nuclear sun theory.And your arguments were even more sad. “Radiation Properties of Pulsar Magnetospheres: Observation, Theory, and Experiment.”, G. B. Jeffery, W. Perrett. It *predicts* high speed 'jets' near the poles. But back then we didn’t have the technology to distinguish between p-mode and g-mode oscillations. ""PsyGirl made these claims, not me." I kid, you obviously are not. The fact you won't even touch the neutrino emission location issue with a 10 foot pole says volumes Nereid. Pretty much every major prediction that I made related to coronal loop activity, based on very limited SOHO resolution imagery, has now been confirmed in 16 megapixel, high cadence, SDO images. “Home is where the wind blows.” pp. Nereid is one of the worst offenders on the internet in terms of banning people that she disagrees with. @ Jason Taylor: I did, but was banned. Full Stop. This orbital model was an indispensible insight of the great German physicist Wilhelm Weber in the middle of the 19th century. lightning, St Elmo’s Fire), and the known properties of plasmas (ionized “gases”) which make up 99.999% of the visible universe, and react strongly to electro-magnetic fields.” It goes on to state “Electricity is common throughout the universe, generated by all cosmic plasma as it moves through magnetic fields. "What a pity, then, that EU theory fails to explain anything"! Inside the Milky Way. I tried to explain to you (via published material) that one unique neutrino "prediction" of all three electric sun models relates to the *location* of neutrino emissions. So what?The solar wind is not comprised of current (no net charge is moved) because it is neutral.Apparently you are remain ignorant of the fact that the temperature of the Sun can be measured and that it is ~5700 K for the photosphere.The actual surface temperature of the Su is 5700 KSun which is fat more than 1811 K. Whyen you learn how to read Wikipedia or a physics textbook, let me know :) Plasma flows - wow really stating the obvious. Newborn Star (2016). It’s the rotational energy that leads to electromagnetism. Need I say more... And yet these "vanity seeking "? It doesn’t take a belief in aliens or dark matter for free energy, levitation, etc. the Universe was born. Workshops and conferences were then held in Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. Or something else we dont understand etc. The feather and the bowling ball fall with the same acceleration in a vacuum. The resulting properties are measured with a wide variety of diagnostics, in… And as with the Roman God Saturnus on the northern hemisphere. There is no way to get a uniform attractive force out of such a mess. Why cite that reference as a basis for her claims about neutrinos when such claims do not seem to even originate from that particular reference in the first place? FYI, I bothered to publish my theories, and not a single one of PsyGirl's claims accurately represents that particular "electric sun" theory. I also read some of your other comments and no, the aether is NOT made up of a “sea of neutrinos” that’s particle physics! And with a real definition of energy we can see that the atomic clocks orbiting above the Earth will ‘tick’ at a different rate to those on the ground. Mass is an energetic variable, according to E=mc2. 239. We were talking about the sciences last night and he sent me this refutation to make his argument. !MM: Citing Dungey means that you are stating that the cause of solar flares is magnetic reconnection not your "electrical discharges"! I only realised this after reading everything I could find on EU. 243. ).Alfven's "coronal loop/circuit theories" is few papers using the standard modeling of plasma processes using a circuit model.Citations to the scientific literature for Birkeland having a solar cathode model and that it predicts mass separation to occur?Mass separation in the Sun is impossible because turbulance mixes things up.Juergen's model is debunked by the simple fact that we detect enough neutrinos from the Sun to explain its energy output from fusion. The Michelson-Morley Experiment is conventionally taken to prove the non-existence of the aether. (there's more, but you get the idea).Q: what published materials can the interested reader refer to, to independently confirm your multiple claims, Michael Mozina?A: [] (with the exception of the two Manuel et al. All of these results tend to falsify mainstream theory, whereas they "just so happen" to support one and only one solar theory, Birkeland's cathode solar model. A mixed group of electrical engineers and mythologists are quick to offer support and spread the word to a sympathetic audience. Marco M. Capria. Very poor research indeed!The solar wind is caused by an electric field?In physics an electric field applied to charged particles cause them to accelerate. Until there is a simple, testable theory that can explain the natural spiral shape of galaxies without invoking unseen matter or strange forces, scientists cannot claim they understand gravity or that gravity rules the universe. "Only three (March, 2009). The yolk is on your face, not the EU's:) Electric Rocks vs Dirty snowballs??? Are you f*$#ing serious with this s&$t? The EU concept is basically plasma is magical, we see Birkeland currents everywhere, anything we want to happen is explained by "electricity" (e.g. Mass depends on the energy of the matter. Everything on this post has enforced my view that science is religious in nature... main-stream science is total is the truth....there was no big bangthere is no black holeslight does not travelgravity does not existeverything is electricaleven our language, in order for you to know what something is, you have to know what it isn't. You're still in stanch denial of physics RC. What is the real nature of light? In fact, their behaviour was so unbecoming, the populist scientist of the time, Carl Sagan issued an apology, expressing his regret that scientists and academics had lost all rational comportment and dignity in their vicious attacks against Velikovsky. . It would therefore follow, would it not, that a description of how either Birkeland's or Alfven's "electric sun" model explains the observed neutrino flux would have to be published long after they were dead? The universe has a material medium, essential for the transmission of light. MM:"Alfven wrote more than 100 published papers, and two books, including several papers on "electric sun" activity. Interesting discussion. Not only are your solar theories falling apart, plasma redshift has been confirmed in the lab. If they don’t agree, they won’t publish, even if its sound. Overall in the right direction, many critiques of the current state of scientific affairs totally valid. The myth of Saturn(us) refers to the male looking Milky Way contours on the northern hemisphere and not to planet Saturn. Consider a celestial body with a non-zero dipole moment. I don't want to be mean, but I'm going to be blunt. The dipole moment will cause the dipoles that you postulate within subatomic particles along the relevant axis for the dipole moment of the celestial body itself to be aligned with it and will cause the dipoles that you postulate in a plane perpendicular to the axis to be aligned the opposite way, with every other alignment in between. The solar spots and lower layers being cooler than the surface. Its so obvious the cosmos is run on electrical current it makes gravity theory as weak as its mathematical difference. Mars is always male; the archetypal warrior hero who saves the beautiful princess from chaos monsters. Wrong:C.S.Chen et al. This makes magnetic field strength drop off much, much more quickly with distance. Worlds in Collision suffered the modern equivalent of a medieval book burning at the hands of astronomer priests who threatened a boycott of Macmillan’s textbook business. All talk, no action. Light speed may seem fast on our puny scale, but on a cosmic scale it is glacial. tested physics and matches the observations. More than a century later, physicists have still not learned the lesson and have a structureless ‘plum pudding’ model of subatomic particles, filled with fanciful quarks that “wink in to and out of existence!”. As I said there is no need for this sophistry unless the PsyGirl let her female nature take over in the attempt to have the last word (just like my wife ;). Juts on more mixing angle to measure! Fossil Gods and Forgotten Worlds (2010). The peer-reviewed materials they cite on their website are from another discipline altogether and do not support, point to or emphasize the EU's claims. The new vantage point emphasizes the role of electricity in space and shows the negligible contribution of gravity in cosmic events.” I suspect that the author wrote that whilst his nurses had failed to realise that he was out of bed, playing on the internet again! Gravitation is not a form of electromagnetism. This was later confirmed by far more rigorous repeats of the experiment by Dayton Miller. “Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science.”, Sussman G. J., Wisdom J.. “Chaotic Evolution of the Solar System.”. That’s all that reality seems to be, to my perceptions. And certainly nothing *quantitative* ...Nereid, as an interested reader that wishes to verify anything Michael says I am also curious, he seems to be picking and choosing arguments from several contradicting theories (including non EU theories) in order to support what ever poorly presented EU model he has in mind, he avoids answering any questions and just says the same thing over and over, decides parts aren't important so he ignores them, makes assumptions about what certain observations mean, which are far fetched at best and require temporary disregard for logic, and then provides no evidence or reasoning to reach his conclusions. He also completed a year of graduate work in urban studies. Simultaneity is essential for universal coherence. It seems that every mainstream theory today is there not explain the unknown, but to keep the old mainstream paradigms alive by perpetually papering over the unsolved questions with more and more far fetched answers. Apparently you don't understand what you read very well. pounding on our overheated craniums. I hope we have a planetary paradigm shift in physics sooner than later. It inspired me with a well-documented, multi-disciplinary forensic investigation of global references to planetary gods and their interactions. Must be all that extra time they have for dreaming after they have their fleets of bugatti veyrons washed and waxed. What you are using otherwise is called consensus buildings, which is what historians use. Future historians of science will judge the last century harshly. You get it wrong. BB theory is falling apart at the seams at this point. You're now attempting to shift the burden of proof to me and require me to come up with neutrino numbers that most folks in the EU community do not dispute in the first place AFAIK, and to my knowledge never wrote about in the first place based on a complete lack of interest.Evidently your opinions about a Birkeland solar model are based upon writings you found on another EU website you selected virtually at random from the internet. Yeah, and while you are there, buy the many DVDs and books. On their theory, it is inevitable that we find our universe's "fine-tuned" physical constants, as the current universe "selects" only those past histories that led to the present conditions. One issue of theirs is to reject every theory of gravitation that is not as complex as quantum electrodynamics or quantum chromodynamics. The probelm is that there is no evidence of any quantified calculations of neutrino flux by Thornhill, Scott, or anyone else in any of the many EU theories.So we can only guess, e.g. Astrophysicists say that stars, including the sun, are powered by nuclear fusion. I'm sure any future observations of such transformation would remove his last known objection to the concept of neutrino oscillations. (, here enters a leap of faith that General Relativity as we know it here, in our tiny, little solar system, works well *everywhere else*.
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