This is tricky because some animals on my list are probably not on the CDFW lists because they are newly recognized subspecies or species, such as the Wandering Salamander, which used to be classified as the Clouded Salamander. (Western diamondback rattlesnake), Crotalus ruber (red diamondback rattlesnake), Crotalus scutulatus (Mojave rattlesnake), Crotalus mitchelli (speckled rattlesnake) and Crotalus cerastes (Sidewinder) not restricted. The menu below displays our crocodilians for sale, including alligators, dwarf caimans, and crocodiles. Red-bellied Newt  (Taricha rivularis) (20) Bullfrog  (Rana (Lithobates) catesbeiana): Limit: No limit. (35) Striped whipsnake  (Masticophis (Coluber) taeniatus) No person can take or possess alligators, parts, skins or eggs except as provided by law. (6) Arboreal salamander  (Aneides lugubris) Coastal Tailed Frog  (Ascaphus truei) Peninsula Leaf-toed Gecko  (Phyllodactylus nocticolus) Answer: No exotic cats of any kind are legal except for certain domesticated hybrids. Southern Seep (Torrent) Salamander (Rhyacotriton variegatus) To download the .PDF file directly click here (or do a search for "restricted species" if this link has been changed.)       See Special Closure (f )(1) Also, don't swim alone or at night, dusk or dawn when alligators are hunting for food. No reptiles shall be taken from ecological reserves designated by the commission in Section 630 or from state parks, or national parks or monuments. How to Hunt Your First Alligator ... How to Harvest and Make Your Own Maple Syrup (and Utilize Syrup from Other Tree Species) Fishing.          (Lampropeltis zonata pulchra) and San Bernardino mountain kingsnake (Lampropeltis zonata parvirubra): Limit:  One (1). In 1991, the California Legislature enacted section 5062 of the Fish and Game Code (FGC), which states that no permit shall be issued for the operation of a farm for alligators or any species of the family crocodilidae if the animals are kept for the use and sale of the meat or hides. (26) Southern alligator lizard  (Elgaria multicarinata) Reptiles. (25) Western whiptail  (Cnemidophorus (Apidoscelis) tigris) I have seen Fish and Game officers checking car occupants for licenses in areas where there are a lot cars driving at night looking for snakes, but I don't know whether or not they fined anyone who says they're looking for herps but not collecting them (or only looking for rattlesnakes, invertebrates, owls, or any other nocturnal creatures for which no license is necessary.) (53) Lyre snakes  (Trimorphodon spp.) (11) Sagebrush lizard  (Sceloporus graciosus):   Limit: Species No. Colorado Desert fringe-toed lizard  (Uma notata) (a) Only the following amphibians may be taken under the authority of a sportfishing license, subject to the restrictions in this section. Tiger Salamanders  (Ambystoma tigrinum (mavortium)) (None of the non-native Gregarious Slender Salamander  (Batrachoseps gregarius) nv. Hunting. Possession and Display of License Consult the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) (Formerly the California Department of Fish and Game - CDFG) website for the most recent and most complete information. 5.05. If you don't have a license, it will be up to you to convince the officer that your intension was to release the animal where it was found. This taxonomy and these names are in common use now, but the changes are not reflected in the CDFW list. The season closures in Chapter 3 (District Trout and Salmon District General Regulations and Special Regulations) do not apply to fishing for amphibians with methods other than hook and line (see sections 7.00 and 7.50(a)(2)). Sonoran Mud Turtle (Kinosternon sonoriense) (50) Western shovel-nosed snake  (Chionactis occipitalis) Arizona Toad  (Bufo (Anaxyrus) microscaphus)
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