BBUSTNELL an, BANNERMAN, LTD., IIB _Pltt_*t. ©RICES are InVited by the Trustees of the lntc Joh;. Purvis and Carroll, FLORIST-I require Clever, Competent SENIOR, FLORISTS thoroughly experienced Best «alary Also Two FLOHISTS with some experience, not, GROCER - "mart Junior, IS] experienced Apply, Bussell Bros , -08 Militory rd, Mosroon_ *1IRL, about 15, for office, temporär-, position J References Seen tory Box 2570E. Cainienluwn PO. Tele., FU7390. McMalion'» Point, near wharf. Usual price £7/16/. Apply Leask, ICH LIPP PIANO for Salt, wonderful tone, double. © 2012-2021 News, email and search are just the beginning. the Estate of JAMES HAMILTON JACOBS late of Bathurst In tho State of New South Wales Retired Railway Employee deceased intestate.-Application will be made after fourteen days from the publication hereof that Ad- ministration of the Estate of the abovenamed deceased may lie granted to ERNEST ALFRED CAMPBELL JACOBS n Brother of the said deceased and all notices may be served at the office of the undersigned. Tin.n ./?? THE SUPHI-MIS COURT OF NEW h""'--" _. WILES.-Probate Jurisdiction.-In tile Will of SUIUEL JOHNSON late of St. Ive« near Sydney In the SLite of New South Wales Orehardlst deceased. minutes Stition 3, \J mums, kitchin hithronm fitted with ritri.era, lion electric utoves and hot water service J19"7. LveS,S! F-BOO. Small deposit and weekly payments of 6/4. "FW1i,.l!,?.UN.a"COL"'I'E- *"?>*? APPLE!. Deposit £60, balance, TJETEnSHAM, Snowden. Perfect. RS and WIIIIL ANTS completely destroyed, Consultation« free We also destroy R igs I lea« Cockronohe« etc Buildings r.miignted HOLOIlTON and HVHNF 'The Pet Fxperts ' 2 Bridge st B»874 FOR SvLl Sound Secondhand Moor Tiles Doors, etc cheap IM Queen s »t Woollnhrn_ ij-ioKSVII 2IKI00U Mnehini BRICKS quick delivery, ! Would parents give applicants a note or come personally I, URSE, double certificate. Finder keep money, return other, tide», and bag to 16 Aubrey-street, Stanmore._ tEATHER BAG, initials H.E.W., containing Masonic, apron, Lost between Withcrs-at and Banksia Sta- tion, last Thursday. Good. Home comprises. "TJRAND new Furniture of 32-roomed home, Jacobean, 7T .¥"p,,c, I,,n1"-. DEATHS. Travelling services, by 'bus and tram, ADJACENT. Apply. Call today, or Ring MASS74. iTRITTS fnonr Hu Museum), rrrrr^Terv well furnished Double Bed "laing Room G fermii'd « >or), overlooking park quiet, superior, ' 70 «|r lohn ! Must hove good experience Apply EDWARD FAY, LTD, PIELL1GENT BOY, ol good address, aged 14 te, 16 years, for office work Apply by letter, JUNIOR SALESGIRL, 14 years, experience unneees, «ary Owen « Bag Store, 406 George st,_ KM 11ING-Smart MACHINIST, making men r tin, N IPI IN G -Expert Overlookers good rates constont, work GRANITE HOSIERY MILLS 159 Eliza beth st, Redfern, LAUNDRY -Wanted good all round Ironer Clyde, Laundry, 101 Percival rd stanmore Pot 670, LAUNDRY-Wanted, Fxperienced Shirt and Collai, Machinist STARK BROS, LTD. White Heather Laundry Cane ide st, Paddington, LVBELLERS.-Wanted, BOYS or GIRLS, 15/ weekly, to start Apply DOWNS DISTRIBUTING COM PANI, corner Sussix and Liverpool streets_ LADY Demonstrator and Saleswomen, for Hosiery, Good Commbiton smart ¡saleswomen Apply letter only Longlyfe, 42 Muncur street Woollahra, to DAVID L. AITKEN and BARRON Sollcltora 81 EH-abeth street, Sydney_, EGAL -Managing Clerk, solicitor'« office, Sydney, commencing salai-y £10 per week Reply «tatln. C2 Redfern st Redfern Rod 15--4, WOIL for SVNDINO omi 1 Ul IMlltiO Ring 12011 PARQIII r I I 0011 CO, ASIILS 0 fl )ord large stock Metal Scrconhic.«, Brce-e, Sind etc , nnv quantities Our fleet en sures prompt service J H IvNOV and SONS Build ers Supply 42 Rainbow st South Kensln-rton T \ ,-_0 Al SAW V I It 210 I st neu Ciimpbell st -New, Tiinmol Baths New Sinks 15/ cich Galvanised Iron fi, fl 7 Dd por sheet, Doora Cement Tubs limber Coppcrsi etc Cheap _, BUD DING COV1RACIORS mid 111- PAIKr H»i -See. AT MRS. JONES'. £2; WnKresses Housemaid-Waitress, Dnllv Maids. Nelson Bay. PO, Randwick ]i<'?IN'*!> Cttiplc want Brlc,ht Airy Hiiom, refined .V tam ly Wednosdny handy shops and city, modc 'ÜI_-i°lo tonns 1710 Herald _ ('ESii MUN requires Baird roora roll, wltii garage, Cilhollc family a l]rcent North Sydney Park State .' _. OUPI.E, Manage Kitchen, £7: Third Cook, hotel. may be, .purchased on the low deposit of £3/5/, and monthly. mud bottom 2 bedrooms and offices. opposite Dormnn, Long's. used to Enlarging preferred. ' By Complex. MOTOR HEAD LIGHT. “Then I just fucked around with the notes on it. rpRUSTWORlHY active, elderly Hoiiseninn clean«-, 1 Use'ul abstainer references moderate («», f^LAMSTLH or TbAMSTFR S 01FS1ÜEK «fce 2 a»^. Mrs. HAROLD, WORKING Housekeeper or Cook-General, good cook-, ing, good home. BEDSTEAD to match, full panel, £4/2/0. Worth £20. No. The condition Is excellent. *«£","," times they are to appear. P~ ADDINGTON.-Terrace, 4 Houses good position. DRUNTNELL and BANNERMAN, LTD., 118 Pitt-st, T AKE Illawarra.-Absolute Water-frontage Block, 55. Saturdays 12 noon Also 8 night weekly at both departmer ta. COOKS, private homes, 6uburb, 40/. wanted, good home, 4. adults, references. No. / Look, I just flipped a switch (Flipped, flipped) / I don't know nobody else that's doin' this / Bodies start to drop, ayy (Hit the floor) / Now WINKWORTHS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR, KARN EXPRI-SSION PI AY HI PIANOS KARN EXPRI.SSION PI IYER PIANOS, nosFNKllAM', DRESDl N PI \YFR PIANOS ROS! "VTEW CANADIAN CATHEDRAL ORGANS, X\ by SHERLOCK MANNING. Pay obout £3/5/ and £.3 per week, respectively, with Boord and Lodging. USEFUL, all wn-es: ENG LISH YOUTH. FX3342. 300-27.-Iri the Mat ter of the Estate of HERBERT THOMPSON of Auck_ land Merchant deceased, between EBWAIll) "O'lERT NOLAN RUSSELL and ROBERT CANDLIbll ALLEN, PlalntlIT* and[PERCY ARTHUR HADLEY, Defendant. 60/. No interest. AGES Lost, Friday, in Klng-et, city. - FI.OOW.AYERS.-Price, cottage, Oordoiicrs-rd. Ltmoux, Curraghhccna-rd, off Mus grove end ol Roglon-st, Mosman._.___ WANTED, Paiitryii.oid, 7 till 4 o'clock, 12 -atúrdoy». 30/; Help, kit- chen or srnnll cott-i-c. 12/fi; Daily Worker, or Cook Gillern!. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, August 06, 1859, Image 13, brought to you by Library of Congress, Washington, DC, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. AND FOURTH YEAR, offer special opportunities for tall Junior Girls, all sections. Heights, near tram, shops- 5 large moms modem offices. Salary 70/. NO DEPOSIT, 6/ ._?".. .. ncar Market-street. *-» Reid. LTD.. George and King streets, city. * -8"18 F J PALMER and SON, LID, Park «treet, Sydney, To he successful, applicant must hove knowledge of city and suburLan value«, finance and other detail« of Estate Agency requirements An existing connection would be yaluable, The position necessitates a man having good address ind credentials, and a record of 6ucce6« in Real Estate. Coll ^ after 9.30, Vickery Cale, 82 Pltt-st. SECOND COOK, female, young, smart, experienced, no other need apply, 01a Goulbum-street, city. Tay Keith and his Fast Cash Boyz put their money where their mouth is in their new video featuring Co Cash. .- 1,'IS .Smith-st, Summer Hill. HOUSE-WAITRESS, guest bouse, bowral, 32/6. Close. 206-263 PITT-STREET, near Bathurst-sjtrcçt. r Bay ITMTÜTV _-L0-.-5"08. AT MISS MACNAMARAS 44- Eliiabeth-st B3374. Kitchen Cabinet, «olid oak, len/lliglit doora. So am I the only one that thought the tagline "Tay keith, fuck these niggaz up" was said by Drake this whole time?! Best prices given Phone, -3011 nOSE, 4 Fnmoreroid Nevto n_ ABUYI H or La lies <_ ntlcinen s and Children s, I eft off Clothing Highest prices given Ring r* vrlte A BATfLr 140 1 Hnhcth st Ashfield U3.20, CI0TH1NG Highest cish paid Write or ohone, D TV ) ST 512 Rav» on Chambers Pitt st M V3149, Mr« Ooodwin purchases Ladies Superior Wardrobe«. COLONNADE CAFE, 6 Dalley-strcet, near Nock and Ivirhy's. Well-made seasoned timber, hand polished. 5 years' country work, nnxlou« lean, bees, useful. UKUS Apply at St George s Hall Newtown Tues I ¡, day September l8 at 8 p m Kindly bring music, Three Vacancies for keen men exist on our OUTDOOR SALES BUFF, Full training and every assistance given to Inexperienced applicant«, Remuneration consists of ALLOWANCE for LXIFNSES plu« COMMISSION, Full particular« on personal applies tion between 0 and 10 am, to our Sales Mauager, VN1EÜ Boy or Girl to distribute circulars Lo»t ern buhurl s Don 3J3 Oxforl st Paddb gton, ANTED CVRIENIER weeks work. ini,, wants 1OSIT10N station any dist ince p« sonil relcrences uUne ex| erienced young 5J11 Herald HOSl'IIAL HOUSEMAN Useful smart active citar. -in- MATTER OF H. A. CORNWELL, MAYFIELD. wardrobe, dressing table, and marble-top wash stand.