Their milk has 5 % and 3.8% butter and protein content respectively. Small-scale farmers play a significant role in Kenyan dairy industry as they produce almost 80 per cent of the total milk consumed in Kenya. An Online Market platform for small scale farmers in Uganda and Kenya to access market for their agriculture products and services. This innovation has made it possible for farmers to get accurate data about their products and earn a better living in the process. If your planning to have this kind, then expect to harvest at least  23 liters of milk per day — not a bad investment after all. If you’re in for big orders of milk, then the Friesian breed has you covered. There are four main types of dairy cows in Kenya. Drawing up a Dairy Investment Plan. It is a modern zero grazing unit with 11 Friesian cows which he bought at Sh100,000 each. Increase in the number of registered dairy farmers supplying the hubs, Increase in the number of direct jobs created. What We Do piloted by Home-best Dairy Limited (Pangani Dairy Traders Association in Nairobi). I have 5 dairy cows (4 Friesians and 1 Ayreshire), 2 Heifers that have been served and three young calves (about 10 months old). Usually they have crossbred animals (local breeds crossed with Friesian) and raise them on grazing, semi-grazing and zero grazing systems. Some are underfeeding their animals by missing to buy essential nutrients. Like any business venture, dairy farming requires that you have a clear-cut investment plan right from day 1. We’ve all the answers in this handy guide to dairy farming in Kenya. So, here, if you’re keeping a Friesian female cow, it may weigh up to 580kilograms, and if it is male, then you can get to a maximum of 770 kilograms. Our Impact However, the recent ban from the Kenya Dairy Board on the sale of raw milk, coupled with the high costs of acquiring or accessing milk pasteurising equipment by small-holder dairy farmers, brought about significant constraints in the milk market, and livelihoods of dairy farmers. All Rights Reserved. This is because this breed produces more milk than any other dairy type. 6. Source: I am a proud dDairy Farming in Kenya. One reason as to why many farmers have admired the Ayrshire is because they can convert feeds into grass efficiently. They are either white with black patches (this is the most common type you will find ) or white with red spots. All these weights are intended to be met upon maturity. All these traits make the milk from this breed to make great yogurt, cheese, and ice cream. So, we will all agree that if dairy farming in Kenya gets the right type of investment from any stakeholders, including Government, then this industry might even come out to be one of Kenya’s leading sources of income and employment. → Urban Info You may also like Guidelines to Understanding Pig Farming in Kenya. Increase in production capacity by the hubs. As a result, many dairy products go to waste or are sold at throw-away prices. Four years since he launched his business, Mr Sasai now runs his outfit, Kuseyo Dairies in 74-acre ranch. Additionally, Guernsey will suit you as a farmer if you live in hard environmental areas, like where rain is scarce, or the area is dry. Learn how your comment data is processed. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sure, there is less hassle in selling simply milk. As seen below. Moreover, small scale dairy farming in Kenya has offered employment opportunities to more than eight hundred thousand individuals in the country thereby upgrading their living standards. I reside near Nyahururu town LAIKIPIA DISTRICT, Kenya, East Africa. The jersey produces milk that has high levels of riboflavin (B2), than any other dairy breed. An Ayrshire weighs up to 250 Kilograms on maturity. On a typical day, expect to milk 21 liters of milk for your Guernsey dairy cattle. Opportunities, Media Climate Change Well, today, we will be looking at Dairy farming in Kenya. The Application will address this challenge by creating three opportunities; 1: Accessing markets where farmers will be linked to several business opportunities in … Vol. As soon as their milk is weighed, they get an automated receipt for it. Case Studies Most Kenyan dairy farmers do it on small-scale levels. Area Deputy Governor (DG), Fatuma Achani said the initiative is designed as a way of poverty eradication for the small-scale livestock farmers through enhanced income. Contacts |  Terms Of Use | Data Protection and Privacy Policy |  Social Media Policy |  Sitemap, © 2021 Kenya Markets Trust, a trademark of Soko Transformation Ltd. Site Built By. Small-scale dairy farming manual. , I want to be an … Download ZIP version 6 Mb. Kenya's growing population has led to an increase in demand for dairy and this young couple saw the opportunity in dairy farming. Dairy Farming in Kenya has so much untapped potential. Below are more highlights about the jersey: For your male jersey, your sure to have it weigh 544 to 816 kilograms while the female ones might give you between 400 to 500 kilograms upon maturity. This was to be achieved through working with milk traders and facilitating them to establish pasteurising enterprises and encouraging processers to utilise their pasteurising capacity. From these numbers, you can see that dairy farming in Kenya is an industry that has the potential to improve livelihoods further if well managed. Hence there is a severe need to streamline cooperatives in Kenya to meet the grassroots needs of small-scale dairy farmers. Today at 8:56 AM. As well as sustaining livelihoods. This is 3.5 per cent of the total GDP. We update you on what you need to know. They can give an average of 35 liters of milk per day. Livestock Farming in Kenya (The Ultimate Guide), The Potential For Rabbit Farming in Kenya, The untapped Potential of Bee Keeping in Kenya. (a) Estimate the cost of each item in the development plan, speak to other farmers who have undertaken similar scale conversions and get quotations from builders/suppliers. Dairy farming is the keeping of cattle for milk production. When you start analyzing milk samples from cow breeds, you will get to hear the phrase that says the: ”Ayrshires cow give the ideal milk”; This is because milk from the Ayrshire is almost optimal in fat and non-fat solids like protein. Significant increase in milk production by smallholder farmers, who benefitted from training initiatives from the hubs. This means that they produce milk in small quantities and as such, they need a cushion from the economic tides facing the country. 0. Equally, milk from the Ayrshire has a fantastic taste. → Government. Dairy Farming in Kenya My Story. 5.2 billion litres) is sold by unorganised, small-scale businesses in … Kenya’s dairy sector account for 6-8% of the country’s GDP (USAID/GoK 2009). I hope you learn a lot at the end of it. Please make sure that as an Ayrshire farmer you supply it with at least  20 liters of water per day. Kenya Markets Trust ventured into the dairy sector in 2012 to facilitate improvements in the breed, feed, veterinary services, and supply chain management and structures for the smallholder dairy farmers. Guernsey is solely kept for milk production as its primary role. 5 billion litres in 2011, KDB) is produced on small scale farms. Related reading: The Potential of Rabbit Keeping in Kenya. 5 7,291 Kb. The dairy industry earns farmers Ksh100 billion annually from milk sales, and employs 350,000 people at farm level and over 400,000 people in related activities in the informal sector. Lastly, expect to get at least 23 liters of milk from the jersey on an average day. Dairy farming has grown tremendously in Kenya for the last couple of years.� There are more than enough examples of people making a more … Another TechnoServe Kenyan dairy success is Nyala Dairy*, where milk means profits for thousands of small-scale dairy farmers who supply the cooling plant built with TechnoServe asssitance. Dairy farming in Kenya is a flourishing sector with more than a million small scale dairy farmers rearing over 3.5 million cows that produce a total of 4.2 billion of liters annually. Nakuru County Government - Official . This is because Guernsey is well capable of surviving in average conditions. Agri-policies Download ZIP version 15 Mb. Additionally, the dairy industry in Kenya accounts for around 5-8 % of the total GDP. The jersey cattle is the one you can quickly identify from the other breeds because it has a relatively smaller body size as compared to the rest. Livestock policies Download ZIP version 0,9 Mb. Who We Are Hence, if your planning to venture into dairy farming on a pocket-friendly budget, then you might consider the jersey. KDB Kenya Dairy Board KDP Kenya dairy project KDSCP Kenya dairy sector competiveness programme MDG Millennium Development Goals MOLD Ministry of livestock Development NKCC New Kenya Cooperative Creameries SDCP Smallholder dairy commercialization programme SHG Self-help group. Blog, Cross Cutting 20% of Kenya’s milk comes from large scale and 80% from small scale farmers. However, due to poor organization or lack of cooperatives, most Kenyan small-scale dairy farmers are prone to exploitation like reduced prices for their milk. So, when it comes to the Fresian, expect to experience two colors of this breed. For example, Njabini Dairy Group was increased its production capacity from 200 litres per hour in 2016 to 3,000 litres per hour by October 2018. Organization Congratulations. Learn, Policies Note: You are more likely to find the Ayrshire cow in Central parts of Kenya like Kiambu, Nyeri, Murang’ a and Thika. Mr and Mrs Kidiiga were the winners of the best small scale farmers award in Kenya in 2010. The feed alone accounts for about 40–60% total cost. In 2006, almost 75 percent of working Kenyans made their living by farming, compared with 80 percent in 1980. Many Kenyan dairy farmers who are on a small scale level lack the right channels to market their milk and products. Contribute To Cause c) Impassability of roads during the rainy season making milk delivery difficult. The training curriculum was centred on innovative ways to increase milk yields, milk handling processes, management of milk bars and value addition procedures. He is a fan of characters and likes to play with letters in the alphabet. In Kenya, large-scale dairy farms account for 20% of the overall national milk production; simultaneously, small-scale farming constitutes around 80%. “I want to make a difference in the society. As s result, we have low milk production and sickly cows. Download ZIP version 15 Mb. By doing so, you will be in a better position to make informed decisions that lead to profit. Known as Briaton Dairy, the farm hosts 22 cows; eight of which are heifers, seven are in-calf, one is a bull, and six are currently being milked, producing between 180 and 200 litres every day. Problems Facing Dairy Farming in Kenya a) Small scale dairy farms face stiff competition from other cash crops like tea, coffee, vegetables and passion fruits, etc. © 2021 Kenya Markets Trust, a trademark of Soko Transformation Ltd. Site Built By Digital 4 Africa. Vol. Small-scale operations account for over 70% of agricultural production and meet about 75% of the national food demand. To start on this topic, I would love to let you know that Kenya produces 5 billion liters of milk every year. Sadly enough discouraging many dairy farmers from remaining in business. However, due to poor organization or lack of cooperatives, most Kenyan small-scale dairy farmers are prone to exploitation like reduced prices for their milk. This is clear. Research & Policy. Urban Kenyans is an online platform that enlightens Kenyans by showing them how things are done online in Kenya. And that the dairy industry accounts for 14 % of the total Agricultural revenue collected nationally. Note: Numbers in brackets refer to illustrations in the Extension Materials. Our Partners Faulu Kenya has a product called Ufugaji Bora specifically meant for livestock farmers. Using the scale, farmers weigh milk at designated buyer collection centers within a 45 kilometer radius of their marketing cooperative. 6 1,405 Kb. Kenyans should be really proud since we are a part of a country which is denoted as one of the biggest milk producers in Africa. Dairy farming can be practiced in both high and low lands. Copyright © 2021 Slugline Media. The loans enable them to buy a small number of cattle and offer a way out of poverty. And their average weight is 450 kilograms. For you to navigate the dairy farming industry in Kenya, it would be vital that you understand the pressing problems that this sector faces. It is practised on large scale in the Central and Rift Valley and small scale in other parts of the country like Eastern,Coast and Western. One unique attribute to the Friesian is its versatility, and by this, I mean the ability to be put to use for other functions other than dairy products. Ever since, EASYMA 6.0 has been transforming dairy farmers’ lives in Kenya’s Nandi and Bomet counties. Follow Our Work And they include : Apart from the above dairy cows, Kenyans also use crossbreeds (from the cows mentioned above ) to get milk. But for now, let’s have a look at the main types of dairy found in Kenya. As you have seen from the beginning, dairy farming in Kenya is a venture that contributes to the meaningful growth of local economies. In Kenya, the disease is endemic with outbreaks typically occurring throughout the year. If your the type of farmer that fears aggressive animals, then I suggest that you should consider rearing Guernsey because it is amicable and submissive to the owner. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Kenya’s informal dairy markets are central to the livelihoods, food security and nutrition of the majority of its citizens, particularly the poor, women and children. A cross-sectional study was undertaken in Nakuru County to investigate farmer knowledge and risk factors for clinical … Knowledge and risk factors for foot-and-mouth disease among small-scale dairy farmers in an endemic setting Vet Res. But dairy processing machines will give you much more freedom and let you make more revenue from your farm. Many dairy farmers in Kenya are categorized as small-scale holders who practice dairy farming in rural areas where infrastructure penetration is still low. It is a major activity in the livestock sector and an important source of livelihood to approximately 1 million small scale farmers (IFAD … Zipporah Ariithi’s farm is located in Kinoru village, Meru County. A young couple in Kenya has taken an untraditional route for their generation. Ask the Vet October 27, 2020. Even though most of the dairy farmers in Kenya … Kenya’s agriculture is predominantly small-scale farming and is carried out on farms averaging 0.2–3ha, mostly on a subsistence basis. They also offer training to livestock farmers. The result of this poor infrastructure among small dairy farmers in Kenya has led to losses amounting to millions. Download: Vol. This rhino posho mill 3 phase 7.5 hp_2p, 7.5kw/220v~-240v, 43.8 a 50/60hz ip 44 start 800uf /300v work 100uf/450v worlds no 1 best selling motor italian motor is suitable for small scale millers. Dairy farming is the single largest sub sector of agriculture in Kenya. When it comes to appearance, you will find out that most Guernsey cattle are fawn or red with some white patches. The intended outcome was to reform informal milk markets and develop stable milk markets, profitable dairy enterprises, secure businesses in the informal milk trade by enhancing compliance, access to finance by milk traders from group security, and creation of more jobs in the value chain while providing safe milk through the informal markets to the bottom of the pyramid consumers. Vol. We shall say this along in the paragraphs (later on ). Farmers can use this loan to purchase dairy cows, animal feeds and expand dairy farming. 2019 May 14;50(1):33. doi: 10.1186/s13567-019-0652-0. This can be more depending on how the breed responds. The County in collaboration with the Kenya Dairy Board (KDB) will ensure dairy regulations are adhered to the letter by various cooperatives to ensure safety of milk and sanity in the sector. The sector is dynamic with high growth figures of marketed milk and investments by dairy societies and processors mainly in the cold chain, production of long life milk (ESL) and milk powder. 2 18,865 Kb. Read more. In most countries in the Asian region, ruminant animals, particularly cattle and buffalo, … The jersey is also known to be less costly in keeping when compared to other dairy breeds in the industry. Impact Stories About 86 per cent of Kenya’s milk (approx. When it comes to color, the jersey can range from brown to light grey, and even sometimes it may seem dark fawn. Dairy Farming in Kenya 2019: MODERN ZERO GRAZING. Download ZIP version 5 Mb. Kenya’s informal dairy markets are central to the livelihoods, food security and nutrition of the majority of its citizens, particularly the poor, women and children. 5.2 billion litres) is sold by unorganised, small-scale businesses in informal markets or consumed directly at home. Rate of the utilisation of formal dairy markets, which is grossly below its capacity, of all marketed milk goes through the informal markets, Annual projected growth of informal milk markets in Kenya for the next 10 years. In Western parts of Kenya like Mt.Elgon and Sabaot and the fertile Rift Valley regions like Laikipia, Kapsabet, Uasin Gishu, Kericho and Kabarnet. They've taken up dairy and grass farming. How to use agrochemicals correctly. About 80% of Kenya’s total milk production (ca. Percentage of Kenya’s milk sold by unorganised, small-scale businesses in informal markets or consumed directly at home, Share of the 40,000 jobs that the informal sector generates in dairy marketing and processing. Still, the monthly income from milk is relatively low, in median 300 ZMK (Ndandula, 2011), that is comparable to 350 SEK (Ostermiller, 2014). CLICK HERE TO VIEW MORE- HOW TO TIPS. 15–17 percent of Kenya's total land area has sufficient fertility and rainfall to be farmed, and 7–8 percent can be classified as first-class land. Home » Agribusiness » Livestock Farming in Kenya » Dairy Farming in Kenya 2020 Update. Sector contribution to agricultural GDP. It is practised on large scale in the Central and Rift Valley and small scale in other parts of the country like Eastern,Coast and Western. This depends on the kind of feeds provided. Varieties common in Kenya are; Jersey, Freshian, Ayshire, Guernsey and cross breeds. The milk’s … Caring for livestock during the rainy season. Women who are interested in dairy farming can access … Vol. And the Ayrshire are free from genetic diseases. Husbandry Unit 1.1: Technical Notes. Through the Feed the Future Kenya Investment Mechanism Program, they have been able to invest in their farm and ensure its growth. Agriculture in Kenya dominates Kenya's economy. Kenya Women Finance Trust The Kenya Women Finance Trust has a livestock loan product specially designed for rural women. Which is to say, the Friesian can be able to give lean meat hence seen as a source of meat production after they reach full maturity. 3 8,310 Kb. It contributes 14% of Agricultural (GDP) with an annual growth rate of 4.1% compared to 1.2% of Agriculture (IFAD 2006). 1 19,480 Kb. Other characteristics of the Friesian follow below. 4 9,200 Kb. The Kwale county government has started distributing dairy cows to small scale farmers with a view to boosting milk production in the region. Small-Scale Dairy Farming Manual: Volume 2: Husbandry Unit 1.1: DAIRYING AS PART OF INTEGRATED FARMING SYSTEMS: page i DAIRYING AS PART OF INTEGRATED FARMING SYSTEMS. However, you will also note that poultry farming in Kenya is not fully maximized. We’ll cover crucial things you need to know before starting dairy farming in Kenya. Download ZIP version 5 Mb. About 86 per cent of Kenya’s milk (approx. Introduction . Our Coverage Vol. This breed can be any color between red and white (that is if the Ayrshire is a crossbreed). Maasai’s are poor yet they have vast land and thousands of cattle which bring them no value. First, I will take you through a guide to the types of dairy cows found in Kenya. You can add more feeds depending on how the breed responds. Knowledge Hub 20% of Kenya's milk comes from large scale and 80% from small scale farmers. And when it comes to feeding, be prepared to provide feeds that weigh 60 kilograms in a day, this should be the minimal. Annual Reports The intended outcome was to facilitate sector players to solve the milk quality and safety challenges by supporting them to formalise the sector and increase processing capacity. ”Feeds for and medication for dairy products is out of reach to many farmers ”  As a result, many farmers are losing their dairy cattle to infections. total cost of converting to an operational dairy farm. Also, note that the Friesian do calve more frequently. Small scale farmers in Zambia often start their dairy farming with the help of micro loans. See table 1 as an example from the Greenfield Dairy farm in Kilkenny. Now that you have gathered knowledge on the types of dairy cows farmed in Kenya, I will take you to another level of exposure where you will get to understand the challenges facing this venture. As such, they take between 270-290 days for their gestation period to proceed to give birth. Benefits of a small-scale dairy farm. But if the Ayrshire breed is a pure breed, then they strictly produce red and white calves (no other color). → Fintech So, in this article, I will guide you through the dairy farming details that you need to have first if you intend to carry this venture in Kenya. b) The cost of inputs is very high which has minimised mechanisation and resulted into to low profit margins. This attribute has credited the jersey milk to be tasty and ideal for butter and cream formation. FAQs To facilitate the transformation of the informal dairy sector, KMT partnered with Dairy Africa Limited (DAL). Amanullah is not your average writer, he understands concepts and turns ideas into words. Hence there is a severe need to streamline cooperatives in Kenya … Most Kenyan dairy farmers do it on small-scale levels. See More. → Cars SRA Strategy for Revitalization of Agriculture SSMV Small Scale Milk Vendors UHT Ultra heat … Water policies, Get Involved What you need is patience with your cows, a good setup, good feeds, proper cow management and technical support from a good vet and nutritionist. This means that they produce milk in small quantities and as such, they need a cushion from the economic tides facing the country. In addition to providing a market for producers, the plant also operates as a business hub, offering farmers services including access to finance, agricultural inputs and animal health care. Dairy farming is the keeping of cattle for milk production.