In sum, globalization - measured primarily in terms of economic liberalization and increased It, can be stated that human civilization at some point in history was without religion and had no purpose to create one. It has its pro and cons. Taino Religion. The role of religion today is changing and shifting to try to adjust to a newly globalized world. Religions should take the lead in fostering universal fraternity. The modernist perspective will seem the most familiar. Our destinies are interlinked. There are more practicing Christians in Asia and Africa than in the European countries. We have to examine the process of globalization critically. This is in accordance with the pragmatic approach of globalization in which a thing has value only if it has any utility. They can help people to adopt a simple life style and minimize their wants. On the other hand, however, globalization plays important role in making many religions more materialistic or become obsolete. It is not an anthropocentric, but a cosmotheandric understanding of the reality that can save the world. The following year in 2002, the Islamic organization Jemaah Islamiyah, an Indonesian-based terrorist group [1], detonated three bombs… Religion is definitely the integral part of globalization,thus they should not be studied separately the situation of religion in the world of today is twofold (TWO TRENDS: secularization and conservative offense) The globalization is a reason to integrate the society around the world including the religion … They can establish the fact that it is God who rules the world, not a few business corporations and the governments that support them. Certainly, religion played an important role in the development and the ongoing support of democratic principles. In sum, globalization - measured primarily in terms of economic liberalization and increased Undoubtedly, religion played a part in shaping cities/regions, however, it should not take credit for single-handedly unifying forces. There is an ideological vacuum in people's mind. Globalization is the good news to some who are capable of international competition, but not so good news for those who fall behind. India is home to a massive rural population to whom the benefits of globalisation will take time to reach. Their empires are much bigger than any previous ones in history -- Greek, Roman, French or British. Certainly, religion played an important role in the development and the ongoing support of democratic principles. The world has survived grater calamities. It is the perspective of most intellectuals and academics. They can bring any nation to its knees if it fails to follow their norms. Only religions can do this. Religions are not a problem. Undoubtedly, religion played a part in shaping cities/regions, however, it should not take credit for being the force that single-handedly unified people of different faiths. Therefore it is not new. In studying globalization, one major factor that always tends to be present is the role of religion. It is time too for us to become globally "proactive.". Erosion of human values, onslaught of materialism, spread of fantastic entertainment, etc., are the threats for every religious tradition. All countries in the world are pluralistic without choice. The jungle law of the survival of the fittest is coming back. Gone are they days of exclusivism, antagonism and rivalry. Some aspects of cultural globalisation, such as the growth of consumer culture seem to undermine religious values – with some churches being converted into homes and shops in the West. At one point, religions were strictly separated by geographical borders and money. Module 4 The Globalization of Religion Globalization has played tremendous role in providing a context for the current revival and the resurgence of religion. Religions can show the transcendental dimension of life. All religions have to cooperate with each other if we have to resist the forces of globalization and bring about a new humanity. On the other hand, because globalization allows for daily contact, religion enters a circle of conflict in which religions become “more self-conscious of themselves as being world religions.”[14] This essay argues that the relationship between religion and globalization is complex, one with new possibilities and furthering challenges. Riches are taken as the sign of God's blessing, and poverty and sufferings as the result of his curse. Issues of spirituality and religion are seldom discussed in the globalization context. "New technologies are changing the nature of work and creating new forms of leisure, including the hyperreality of cyberspace, new virtual realities, and new modes of information and entertainment. It is more like the behavior of a multinational corporation's CEO (chief executive officer). Module 13.2: Education as a Response to Religious Culture. Conclusion    Globalization has a great impact on religion. The Arabian Middle East cannot be considered to be the largest Islamic concentration in the world. Today, … Self-actualisation or self-fulfillment is the goal of all religions. Science, economics, politics and religions should stand together in eliminating these threats and building a new humanity. The Modernist Perspective. The religion of globalization is constituted by a god, a faith, religious leadership, a trinity of religious institutions, a theological anthropology, values, and a theology. Now it should be "think locally and act globally." The divisions among human beings -- "the haves and the have-nots" -- have taken new connotations: earlier they were mainly based on money and power; now they depend upon information and technology (the tools to control the world). If mankind has to see the new millennium cooperation is the only way. On the ideological philosophical level a wide range of "theories associated with post-structuralism, post-modernism, feminism, and multi-culturalism focuses on difference, otherness, marginality, the personal, the particular, and the concrete over more general theory and politics that aim at more global or universal conditions" (Douglas Kellner, 1997). With the centuries-long development of what is today a globally extended society, religion came to inform what is today a globally extended religious system consisting primarily … Technology, within the scope of religious globalization, plays a major role in how and to whom the religion and its doctrine extends. Against the spreading homogeneity we can see the eruption of "subcultures of resistance that have attempted to preserve specific forms of culture and society against globalization and homogenization" (Douglas Kellner, 1997). They can remove the rising pessimism about the progress of humanity. It is not a homogenized global culture, but a multitude of local cultural preferences and values which can facilitate the transition from today's society to that of the third millennium.