Rhinoceros iguanas are polygynous meaning that males mate with multiple females. bull. Longevity varies among species, but a typical lifespan is one to two years. Rhinoceros sondaicus has a brief courtship period before mating, and is the only time males and females have been seen together. 2-3 years. Bekker was lucky, but certainly not the only lucky videographer to film rhinos mating: a quick YouTube search will get you plenty of pachyderm procreation, from white rhinos getting it … Rhinos are usually grey, black, or brown (though one species is called the “white rhino”), and average about 1.5 tons (1360 kg) in weight. Female rhinos reach sexual maturity around 3 years of age, but males aren’t ready for breeding until around 7. MALE NAME. FEMALE NAME. The impermanence of the mating bond, and the pugnacity of the male rhinoceros when a female is in oestrus, is shown with the aid of a documented description. cow. Polygyny. PREGNANCY DURATION. The mating rituals of the black rhinoceros are very similar to white rhinos’. A male blocks the female from leaving his territory when it senses a female who is ready to mate. The mating process is typical of most large mammals: The male mounts the female from behind and attempts to penetrate her quickly. INDEPENDENT AGE. Naughty Nature , Rhino's Making Babies at Werribee Zoo, Victoria Eariler 2011 ,.The bus driver was OH! They give birth to a single calf after the gestation period that lasts around 16 months. Interesting Facts About the Rhinoceros. 12-16 months. Little is known about the mating system in Southern white rhinos. REPRODUCTION SEASON. All beetles reproduce sexually, where the offspring are created by the joining of sperm from the father and eggs from the mother. MATING BEHAVIOR. BABY CARRYING. The female rhino will attempt to escape until it feels comfortable with the male. Females lay about 50 eggs, which hatch into larvae. calf. 1 calf. Newborn calves weigh about 45 kg (100 pounds) at birth. October-May. When a male locates a female, he will usually start to court the female in a very specific way. Mating takes place at any time of the year and there is little doubt that the species is polygamous and polyandrous. Sumatran rhinos are polygynous, each male breeding with multiple females during a single year. The mating period is not known. But the courtship ritual that precedes that mating is anything but typical. Their breeding season takes place at the beginning of, or just prior to, the first rainy season of the year (May to June) and lasts for 2 to 3 weeks. Mating Habits. The two rhino species of Africa are much larger than the three species found in Asia. After several molts, they eventually reach adult size and form. The horns of the male rhinoceros beetle are used to drive other males away from a female beetle during mating rituals. The female rhino then seeks a solitary place to give birth. Rhinoceros unicornis is a solitary species, with males and females only coming together to mate. The breeding season occurs throughout the year but females reproduce once in 2-3 years. BABY NAME.