According to ancient legend, Slytherin was responsible for the construction of the Chamber of Secrets. [14] She presumably purchased her wand from Diagon Alley at the age of eleven, prior to attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In Chamber of Secrets, Lockhart is appointed as Hogwarts' new Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor. [48] Sprout also had the students make a practical exercise which involved using dragon dung fertiliser. The following teachers and staff members do not have their own articles or are not listed in other articles. She is the Head of Herbology at Hogwarts and brings interesting plants, including ones that dance and talk, to the Hufflepuff common room, possibly the reason why Hufflepuffs are generally good at herbology. [15][67] During the Calamity, she was able to give twenty-three six-hours classes regarding everything she knew about Herbology and herbal remedies to members of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force for increased recovery,[68] and co-teach along with Professor Flitwick on how different magical approaches – when combined with teamwork – achieve devastating effects to enhance the efficiency of enchantments cast on a teammate. Professor Sprout likely participated, as did Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, and Rubeus Hagrid. Because Cedric Diggory was a Hufflepuff student, Professor Sprout knew him well. Hufflepuff[13][14] [32], "Filch" redirects here. He has an obsessive dislike of mud, animate toys, and all other things that might interfere with his desire for an immaculately clean and orderly Hogwarts. In Order of the Phoenix, after Umbridge's henchmen stun McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey says she would resign in protest were she not afraid of what would become of the students without her presence. In the final attack, Harry lays his hands on Quirrell, who burns into crumbling ash. She buried the wand outside the school grounds, and within a year, an unknown species of snakewood tree grew from the burial spot. In the film adaptation, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2, she is seen covering someone's body, with the aid of Padma Patil. The two students maintained an excellent relationship, which was kept well into their adulthood. Blood status [60] By the next school year, Severus Snape was made Headmaster of Hogwarts while his fellow Death Eaters, Alecto Carrow and Amycus Carrow became the Muggle Studies and Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers respectively. She left towards her Greenhouses after she had collected enough for Slughorn's third year class, with some to spare. [59] After the Headmaster's death, Sprout was distraught.[59]. ... Pomona Sprout Via Warner Bros. [17] Harry wins with the help of handwritten notes in the borrowed textbook, which had once belonged to Snape, unbeknownst to him. Before he dies, Quirrell tells Harry of the rivalry between his father, the late James Potter, and Snape: "Didn't you know? Slytherin's first name is a reference to the mid-20th-century Portuguese dictator's surname — Rowling's 1990-1993 stay in Portugal (where memory and legacy are present long after the dictatorship era) inspired this name choice.[31]. He attempts to cast a Memory Charm on Harry and Ron using Ron's damaged wand, but the spell backfires and leaves him with near-total amnesia. She first appears in. During the Triwizard Tournament, however, Sprout became somewhat distant towards Harry as she thought he was stealing Cedric Diggory's protagonism as Hogwarts Champion. The Astronomy teacher during the entire series. "[29] The pureblood supremacy angle may have been exaggerated over a thousand years. Her odd classroom in the North Tower of Hogwarts is a cross between "someone's attic and an old-fashioned tea shop";[18] it can only be reached by climbing to the top of the stairs and then up a ladder through a trapdoor set in the ceiling. Trelawney was escorted back to the Castle by Sprout, Minerva McGonagall and Filius Flitwick.[51]. She chided Harry, Ron, and Hermione for being slow; as they were still strapping on their protective gear (and talking), while Neville had already harvested his first pod. As Head of Hufflepuff House while Harry was at Hogwarts, that's just to be expected! [4] Rowling said: "I must admit, I was taken aback when I saw the film Flitwick, who looks very much like a goblin/elf (I’ve never actually asked the film-makers precisely what he is), because the Flitwick in my imagination simply looks like a very small old man. He is greatly admired by many others, particularly witches (including Hermione and the Weasley mother Molly Weasley) who find him attractive. in Herbology that school year. Many recipes traditionally served at Hogwarts feasts originated with Hufflepuff. Deputy Headmistress during the first six novels. Professor Sprout opposed Lord Voldemort during the Second Wizarding War. This last-minute change enables Harry and Ron to take Potions at NEWT level. [10] In a scene after the end credits, his latest book is on sale in Diagon Alley; titled Who Am I?, it displays a picture of him humming distractedly to himself and wearing a straitjacket.[11]. Later, Harry does buy a new copy of Advanced Potion-Making from Flourish and Blotts, but switches the covers and gives back the new book. She is responsible for raising the Mandrakes to full maturity, at which point their juice is used to revive the petrified victims of the basilisk. Hogwarts houses at least twenty ghosts,[HP1] but when people in the novels speak of the ghosts at Hogwarts they usually refer to one of the four resident ghosts of the Hogwarts houses: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington (or, as the students refer to him, Nearly Headless Nick), the almost beheaded ghost of Gryffindor house; the Bloody Baron, who is the ghost of Slytherin house; the jovial Fat Friar, who is the ghost of Hufflepuff house; and the Grey Lady, who in life was Helena Ravenclaw, the ghost of Ravenclaw house. She also supported the suggestion that Dumbledore should be laid to rest at Hogwarts, though no Headmaster has ever received a burial there before. However, almost all her predictions were later shown to be true in the books even if she was not in a trance. Professor Sprout explained to the class what a Boggart was before dismissing them to go and speak to Professor Dumbledore, as a Boggart had never appeared in the Herbology Greenhouses before. British or Irish[3] One relic of Hufflepuff, a small golden cup emblazoned with her symbol of a badger, is passed down to her distant descendant, Hepzibah Smith. Occupation Miriam Margolyes, Actress: The Age of Innocence. Professor Sprout spent the summer holidays of 1986 experimenting with dragon dung fertiliser, which she told Jacob's sibling about during the first Herbology lesson of term. It is hinted that his dislike of students may stem from his disappointment and jealousy at not being able to do magic. Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington KG, often referred to as Nearly Headless Nick, Nick, or Sir Nicholas, is the Gryffindor House ghost who in life was sentenced to death by beheading after a teeth-straightening spell went awry on Lady Grieve. [51], Pomona Sprout in the Herbology Greenhouses, The teachers' capability of teaching was examined by Umbridge, as part of her duties as High Inquisitor. [26] She also attended Quidditch matches. Advertisement. The character appears again in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix when Harry has been looking for comfort upon Sirius' death, hoping he can see him later as a ghost. He is the only person besides Dumbledore and Fred and George Weasley who can exert any control over the poltergeist Peeves; Peeves is terrified of him for some unknown reason, referring to him as "Your Bloodiness" and "Mr Baron". She is only mentioned, as Arithmancy is Hermione's favourite class, but Harry never signed up for it. Gryffindor is said to have praised courage, determination and strength of heart above all other qualities. Quirrell is unable to get to the Stone, but in the process, Snape is bitten by Fluffy. Quirrell's attire includes a new purple turban which he claims to have received as a reward from an African prince for getting rid of a troublesome zombie. Overcome with remorse, the Bloody Baron killed himself using the same weapon in turn and wears chains as penitence, "as he should", the Grey Lady says. [4] The first lesson focused in recognising plants found in the Hogwarts grounds, using a copy of the Ingredient Encyclopedia as a reference. The Sorting Hat introduces her as "Fair Ravenclaw, from glen", suggesting she was from Scotland. [39], At some point early on in the school year, Professor Sprout told Bartemius Crouch Jnr (impersonating the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Alastor Moody) how good Neville Longbottom was at Herbology. She also permitted them to swear loudly if the Venomous Tentacula bit them or seized them unexpectedly from behind. Hair colour [32], Sprout at the End-of-Term Feast, sitting next to Madam Pomfrey. [78], Miriam Margolyes as Pomona Sprout in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Pomona Sprout as she appears on Pottermore, Pomona Sprout as illustrated by J. K. Rowling, Pomona Sprout as a LEGO mini-figure (2020 edition), Pomona Sprout as a LEGO minifigure (2020 edition), Pomona Sprout as portrayed in the console versions of, Pomona Sprout as portrayed in the PC version of, The Harry Potter Wiki has 114 images related to, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. [77] Sprout is a verb meaning "to begin to grow, shoot forth, as a plant from a seed". By 2008, Neville Longbottom had joined the Herbology department and taught the subject alongside her. [57], After Professor Dumbledore's death, Sprout met with fellow staff members Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, Horace Slughorn, and Rubeus Hagrid to discuss the future of Hogwarts. Hufflepuff House values character traits such as dedication, fair play, and hard work. Though Quirrell's first name was never mentioned in the novels, the character is given the first name "Quirinus" in the official Harry Potter Trading Card Game. During his European travels, Quirrell discovered the barely-alive Voldemort, who had been in hiding since his failed bid to kill Harry as an infant. Pomona was usually kind to Harry Potter (as well as to his friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley). Pomona and Minerva McGonagall's student time at Hogwarts overlapped by two years. Their house item is Helga hufflepuff‘s cup Hufflepuff corresponds roughly to the element of earth. He is also shown to be the director of the school's choir in the film adaptation of, A substitute Care of Magical Creatures teacher. Slytherin's background is first discussed by Professor Binns in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (and by Professor McGonagall in the film version and Professor Flitwick in the computer game). Pomona Sprout. [6] She attended the Memorial Feast in Cedric's memory[45] and believed Harry and Dumbledore's claims that Lord Voldemort had returned. A veritable legion of house-elves are enlisted by Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The trio's first pod bounced free while they were trying to open it, and rebounded off the glass roof of the greenhouse, knocking Professor Sprout's battered hat off. To conceal this, Quirrell took to wearing the turban. He eventually removes most of the swamp that is created within the school by Fred and George in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, though he previously leaves the swamp untouched to annoy Umbridge. Her more profound predictions seem only to happen when she is in a trance and unaware of what she is saying, with no memory of it afterward. [55] Slughorn also proceeded to steal some Venomous Tentacula leaves while Sprout was not around. Goblet of Fire director Mike Newell preferred the new look, "and from that moment, the character became known as 'Flitwick'."[6]. After Mrs Norris, the cat belonging to Argus Filch, was found petrified, Professor Dumbledore decided that they were to use a Mandrake Restorative Draught to cure her. Some of these students found this to be disgusting and Seamus Finnigan was not sure he heard her correctly. Lockhart has not recovered any of his memories, but is childishly proud of being able to write in "joined-up letters". She acts as a hallway monitor or spy for Filch. [8] She usually wore a patched and battered hat. Loyalty BuzzFeed Staff BuzzFeed Quiz Party! This occurred shortly before infighting among the four founders broke out and resulted in Slytherin's departure. The characteristics of the Hufflepuff house are kindness, hardworking, patience, just, and modesty. [19], Professor Trelawney is portrayed by Emma Thompson in the Prisoner of Azkaban, Order of the Phoenix, and Deathly Hallows Part 2.[20]. [52] To start off the year, she taught her sixth years about various extremely dangerous plants. She left towards her Greenhouses after she had collected enough for Slughorn's third year class, with some to spare. She is described as a dumpy little witch with flyaway grey hair who wears a patched, frayed hat and shabby robes, often covered in dirt due to the time she spends tending plants in the Hogwarts greenhouses. Pomona Sprout is Professor of Herbology and the Head of Hufflepuff House. Sprout teaching her second year students in front of the greenhouses, As the Herbology teacher, Professor Sprout was in charge of doctoring the damaged Whomping Willow by wrapping bandages around the broken branches after Harry Potter and Ron Weasley drove a bewitched car into it. Prior to his employment at Hogwarts, he is said by Hagrid to have had a "brilliant mind", and was a fine teacher while studying from books; some time before Harry's arrival at Hogwarts, "he took a year off to get some first-hand experience". In Goblet of Fire, she is said to have considered "hard workers almost always most worthy of admission". Sprout, Pomona Herbology Head of Hufflepuff House. [64] Neville eventually succeeded Professor Sprout as the Herbology teacher or taught alongside her.[12]. [30] This lesson and the Mandrakes would later prove to be very useful. [24] However, the executioner's axe was blunt and Nick's head was still attached to his neck by a thin strip of skin after 45 chops. What is the second class that you are going to take? Dumbledore later reveals that the prophecy is why he keeps her employed as a Divination teacher. During Harry's second year, Flitwick helps Professor Sinistra carry a petrified Justin Finch-Fletchley to the hospital wing. Initially, Voldemort allowed Quirrell to act autonomously – Quirrell was able to shake hands with Harry in the Leaky Cauldron, and was not wearing the turban, meaning that Voldemort was not possessing him (though this changes in the film version, where Quirrell wears the turban at the Leaky Cauldron and refuses to shake Harry's hand). During The Deathly Hallows, Nick is protective of Helena and only reluctantly tells Harry how to find her. Professor Pomona Sprout (b. The Hufflepuff house has the colors of yellow and black. [46], The following school year, Dolores Umbridge was made Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts by the Ministry of Magic in accordance to the Educational Decree Number Twenty-Two. According to Alastor Moody (Death Eater Bartemius Crouch Jnr in disguise), Sprout told him that Neville had a natural skill for Herbology. Nick is the only one to look directly at the Basilisk, but he too is petrified since he is a ghost and cannot die again. Despite animosity between the houses, their respective ghosts get along well with each other. [61] Despite the school now in the grasp of Lord Voldemort, or perhaps because of it, Professor Sprout returned to the castle to teach and protect the students. [71] Professor Sprout was also very brave, always ready to fight for her side. In Order of the Phoenix, Trelawney is first put on probation by Umbridge, and later fired. Salazar Slytherin's locket, passed down to his family, was turned into a Horcrux by his descendant Voldemort and destroyed by Ron Weasley using the Sword of Gryffindor in Deathly Hallows. In Deathly Hallows, she chases Snape away from Hogwarts with Professors McGonagall and Flitwick. The Fat Friar is the Hufflepuff House ghost. From her greenhouse classroom she taught students how to handle dangerous plants like Mandrakes and Bubotubers. Spend a Day at Hogwarts and We'll Guess Which House … Salazar Slytherin is described as power-hungry by the Sorting Hat, and was known as "shrewd Slytherin from fen". Which Hogwarts House Are You In Bed? This page was last edited on 16 February 2021, at 07:10. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Trelawney erroneously predicts that Harry was born around Midwinter, even though he was born on July 31st, with it later being revealed that this slip-up was because Trelawney was unknowingly reading the piece of Voldemort's soul within Harry. Harry dislikes Lockhart for a number of reasons: his arrogance, his belief that Harry flew to Hogwarts in a car to seek further attention, his penchant for handing out signed photos of himself, and the trouble he has with simple magic such as healing Harry's broken arm (he accidentally removes all of Harry's arm bones instead). Informed that Voldemort and his Death Eaters are coming to besiege Hogwarts, she uses her knowledge of magical plants by improvising offensive botany, and, with the help of several students, throws Mandrakes, Snargaluff pods, and Venomous Tentaculas off the castle walls at the approaching Death Eaters. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows reveals that the Grey Lady is Helena Ravenclaw, daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw, making her the only house ghost known to be related to one of the Hogwarts founders. Sybill Trelawney, the Divination Professor, was sacked and almost dragged out of the castle by Umbridge. The diadem remained in the hollow of a tree in an Albanian forest until Tom Riddle managed to charm the story out of the Grey Lady. Nick's death date (31 October 1492) had the distinction of having served as the basis for the entire chronology of the Harry Potter stories, until the timeline was confirmed by James and Lily's headstone in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. However, she refused to come with the Baron and, in a moment of blind rage, he killed her with a single stab-wound to the chest. In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone he uses his magical skills to help decorate the Great Hall for Christmas. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Sprout attends Dumbledore's funeral, where she appears cleaner than she has ever been seen before. This dim, heavily scented, and "stiflingly" warm room often affects students' wakefulness. Title(s) He is a jolly man and very forgiving, frequently suggesting that Peeves be given another chance, or forgiven for any mishaps. She attended the school in her youth, where she was Sorted into Hufflepuff and excelled at Herbology. When Nearly Headless Nick is asked in the first book why the Baron is so bloody, Nick delicately comments that "he has never asked". According to Dumbledore, the qualities that Slytherin prized in his handpicked students included his own rare ability to speak Parseltongue,[30] resourcefulness, and determination. In 1995, Neville became excited in the prospect of showing her his Mimbulus mimbletonia. Sprout subsequently appears in Goblet of Fire in which, as the Hufflepuff Head of House, she comforts Amos Diggory and his wife after the death of their son, Hufflepuff student Cedric Diggory, whom she knew well. It was the most exciting and eventful Welcoming Feast she had ever witnessed. [6] Cedric was not the only Hogwarts Champion; Harry Potter had mysteriously been entered into the Tournament. Gilderoy Lockhart is a popular author and wizarding celebrity who has written many books about his adventures encountering dark creatures. in the subject. Riddle, who had been seeking historically significant objects to make into Horcruxes, later retrieved the diadem from Albania and hid it in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts while visiting the castle years later. To keep Voldemort alive, Quirrell had to kill unicorns in the Forbidden Forest, drinking their blood to provide temporary life-sustaining powers for Voldemort. ... We'll Guess Which Hogwarts House You Are Based On Your Harry Potter Food Preferences. She also seemed horrified when she learnt that Ginny Weasley had been kidnapped by Salazar Slytherin's Basilisk and taken into the Chamber of Secrets, clasping her shaking hand over her mouth in shock. She has a reputation for strictness, but when faced with Dolores Umbridge's and later the Death Eaters' abuse of the students, she admits that she never even considered resigning, refusing to leave the students when they needed her most. He describes the founding of the school and the schism which developed between Slytherin and the other founders, and he mentions that the castle was founded far from Muggles because, at that time, common people feared magic and persecuted suspected wizards and witches. She ultimately survived the War. This secret was handed down through the centuries to each member of Slytherin's family who possessed it. The Devil's Snare in the chamber broke the fall of the one trying to get the Stone, but also tried to kill them. Community content is available under. [62], The Carrows were put in charge of all discipline and punishments, though Sprout and the staff never sent students to them if they could avoid it. Professor Pomona Sprout (b. During his first class, Slughorn offers a small amount of Felix Felicis to the student who brews the best cauldron of the Draught of Living Death. [17]She felt homesick until her friend Minerva helped her getting used to the school. Prior to the events of the Harry Potter books, Trelawney falls into a prophetic trance during an interview with Dumbledore at the Hog's Head, making a prophecy about the birth of a wizard "with the power to vanquish" the dark lord, Voldemort. Simon Fisher-Becker appeared as the Fat Friar in the film adaptation of Philosopher's Stone. The character was portrayed in the film series by John Cleese, and only appears in the first two films. They also helped each other learning the subjects they eventually taught. Non-corporeal[9][11] [38], Sprout in her greenhouse teaching students, At the Start-of-Term Feast of the 1994-1995 school year, Professor Sprout sat next to the Astronomy Professor Aurora Sinistra, with whom she spoke. After the death of Dumbledore, Flitwick and Sprout (along with others) sat and discussed about it and about Severus Snape's disloyalty. [20] Other lessons covered the Severing Charm[28] and the Incendio Charm. As the dangerous plant liked to wrap itself around anyone within the vicinity and strangle them, the trick was to use fire[26] or sunlight[27] to force the Snare into retreat. [8], Rowling has said Lockhart is the only character she has ever based on a real-life person. Pomona Sprout, in many ways, exemplifies the best qualities of a Hufflepuff. They begin to suspect that Snape is trying to steal the Stone hidden in a secret chamber in Hogwarts; however, when Harry finally arrives in the chamber, he discovers that it is not Snape, but Quirrell, who is the real villain. He tends to favor almost sadistically harsh punishments, and gleefully allies himself with Umbridge when she prescribes such punishments on students. Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World, She was still employed at Hogwarts when it was under the rule of the. Filius Flitwick is the Charms Master at Hogwarts and the head of Ravenclaw house. [30] Sprout also almost always had a smile on her face. [35] Ron Weasley accidentally dropped some of these beans onto the floor of the greenhouse they were working in and they instantly bloomed, earning him Professor Sprout's disapproval. [23] However, Tonks presumably surprised Sprout after she earned at least five N.E.W.Ts in her seventh year. Sprout in her Greenhouse teaching N.E.W.T. British actor Ian Hart portrayed Quirrell in the film adaptation of the book.[15]. All of its living victims meet its gaze indirectly, either from a reflection or by seeing it through something else, and are only petrified rather than killed. They found Minerva McGonagall duelling Snape to the death, and, after being defeated, Snape then ran into a classroom, chased by Flitwick, Sprout and McGonagall, and flew out of the window, escaping them. She is later seen tending to the injured fighters. In the British editions of the books, her name is consistently spelled as "Sybill". Snape who, apparently, already suspected Quirrell was up to something, goes to the third floor in order to stop him. He is unpopular with most of the staff, particularly Professor Snape. It is revealed that he has not fled, but has recruited a large number of reinforcements to fight for Hogwarts.