§21-142A-10. eff. Receiving claims in payment of debts. Repealed by Laws 1976, c. 163, § 7, emerg. §21-1696. §21-307. Processding of claims - Power of Administrator of Crime Victims Compensation Board. §21-23. §21-1835.1. Repealed by Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 5, § 452, eff. Possession of firearm on school property. §21-843.7. Upon a conviction for any felony punishable by imprisonment in any jail or prison, in relation to which no fine is prescribed by law, the court or a jury may impose a fine on the offender not exceeding Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) in addition to the imprisonment prescribed. §21-25. Disclosure of personal information of victim or witness may be prohibited. Added by Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 4, § 29, eff. Conditions under which firearms may be carried. Dice or other game at cigar stand, etc. §21-918. eff. 650, Legislative Referendum No. §21-1643. eff. Grand juror acting after challenge allowed. Persons jointly charged - Severance. §21-51.3. §21-716. Means and manner of maiming immaterial. Betting on or playing prohibited game - Punishment. Erection of signs and markers along county roads. Physical or deadly force against intruder. §21-91. §2181. Sending or selling of materials with knowledge of judgment. Proceeding to impeach or remove. §21-1040.25. Words used in the masculine gender comprehend as well the feminine and neuter. eff. §21-1715. §21-1244. §21-1289.17A. §21-271. 294, at election held Nov. 3, 1992. Forfeiture of office - Disqualification to hold office. §21-1585. Terms to have meanings specified unless different meaning appears. In response to a request for assistance pursuant to a mutual law enforcement assistance agreement with the agency of investigatory or territorial jurisdiction; 4. Larceny of written instrument - Value. §21-1861. Attempt to escape from penitentiary. Definitions §63-1-2530.3. §21-1954. §21-974. §21-1850. First degree rape as provided for in Section 1115 of this title; 11. Contributions by corporations, labor unions, limited liability companies, and partnerships. 294, at election held Nov. 3, 1992. §21-2001. Administering extrajudicial oaths. Right of photographer to exhibit specimens of work - Other uses excepted. §21-702. §2161.1. Dec. 1, 1992, and State Question No. Punishment for conspiracy against state. Punishment for aggravated assault and battery. Attorney permitting other person to use his name. §21-1738. Attorneys, use of name lawful, when. Repealed by Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 5, § 452, eff. Malicious injury or destruction of property generally - Punishment - Damages. 294, at election held Nov. 3, 1992. Keeping place, equipment or facilities for dogfighting - Felony - Penalty. Nov. 1, 2000. First degree burglary as provided for in Section 1436 of this title; 13. Violation of order closing or restricting use of highways. Unlawful carry in certain places. Sentences to be served in order received by penal institution Concurrent sentences Credit for good conduct. §21-649.1. Penalty for such contract or purchase. Punishment of felonies. It does not require any intent to violate law, or to injure another, or to acquire any advantage. Offering property dependent on lottery. April 7, 1997. Every person who willfully and wrongfully commits any act which grossly injures the person or property of another, or which grossly disturbs the public peace or health, or which openly outrages public decency, including but not limited to urination in a public place, and is injurious to public morals, although no punishment is expressly prescribed therefor by this code, is guilty of a misdemeanor. §21-950. May 21, 2009. §21-841. §21-1289.5. §21-187.1. Civil action by victim of felony crime against offender - Attorney's fees and costs - Reduction of hardship exemption from garnishment. Required service of minimum percentage of sentence – Effective date. Investigation of alleged violations of act. If the offense of which such person is subsequently convicted is such that upon a first conviction an offender would be punishable by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for any term exceeding five (5) years, such person is punishable by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for a term in the range of twice the minimum term for a first time offender to life imprisonment. §21-1289.2. §21-1692.4. The term "property" includes both real and personal property. Nov. 1, 1995. July 1, 1999. R.L.1910, § 2793. §21-569. Designation of repository for remains and furniture for scientific purposes. Amended by Laws 1997, c. 133, § 12, eff. §21-1742.2. Embezzlement defined - Penalties. "Restricted bullet" means a round or elongated missile with a core of less than sixty percent (60%) lead and having a fluorocarbon coating, which is designed to travel at a high velocity and is capable of penetrating body armor; and 2. Code not retroactive §22-4. Prosecution, conviction or adjudication not required - Proof of conviction or copy of adjudication order - Suspension of proceedings. §21-1021.1. Nothing in this section shall abrogate or affect the punishment by death in all crimes now or hereafter made punishable by death. §21-1631. The words "this code" as used in the "penal code" shall be construed to mean "Statutes of this State.". Assault, battery or assault and battery upon police officer or other peace officer - Penalties. §21-1550.31. July 1, 1999. Advertisements by person out of state. Bribing or offering bribe to executive officer. Permitting premises to be used for commercial gambling. A criminal act is not the less punishable as a crime because it is also declared to be punishable as a contempt. eff. Obstructing highways - Punishment - Damages. §21-2. Every person who has been convicted in any other state, government or country of an offense which, if committed within this state, would be punishable by the laws of this state by imprisonment in the penitentiary, is punishable for any subsequent crime committed within this state, in the manner prescribed in Section 434, 435 or 436 of this act, and to the same extent as if such first conviction had taken place in a court of this state. No act or omission shall be deemed criminal or punishable except as prescribed or authorized by this code. §21-1040.8. July 1, 1999; Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 5, § 73, eff. §21-1514. §21-1406. Seizure and forfeiture of equipment used in certain offenses relating to obscene material or child pornography. §21-267. Motor vehicle lease or rental - Payment by false or bogus check. Copper - Stealing or removing - Penalties. Blind Persons (31KB) Title 8. §21-1740.1.1 Dimensional stone product – Stealing or removing. Sentencing proceeding - Murder in the first degree - State seeking death penalty. §21-1289.30. Defacing, stealing or possessing road signs or markers - Violation resulting in personal injury or death - Penalties. §21-1641. §21-1024.5. Taking unlawful reward for requisition for fugitive. NOTE: Laws 2001, c. 428, § 2 repealed by Laws 2002, c. 22, § 34, emerg. §21-1290.7. §21-1021.3. §21-312. §21-1218. Renumbered as Title 21, § 1958 by Laws 1989, c. 151, § 6, eff. When a defendant is on parole from a sentence rendered by an Oklahoma state court and is also under sentence from a federal court or another state's court, the Governor may revoke the defendant's parole and direct that custody of the defendant be relinquished to the federal or another state's authorities and that such parole revocation may run concurrently with the federal or another state's sentence which has been imposed. Penalty for violation of Section 372. Imputing unchastity to females - Penalty. §21-346. Display of open burial ground, furniture or skeletal remains for profit or commercial enterprise. Nov. 1, 2002. Imprisonment where no maximum. Improper transportation of firearms. §21-1175. §21-1835.2. Subsequent marriage as a defense. §21-360. A felony is a crime which is, or may be, punishable with death, or by imprisonment in the penitentiary. Federal and state agencies encountering burial grounds, human skeletal remains or burial furniture - Reports - Disposition. Forfeiture of Right to Dispose of One's Body §1152. §21-644.1. Dimensional stone product – Stealing or removing. §21-942. TITLE 22. §21-142.12. §21-947. Nov. 1, 2002. §21-971. f.  a contract providing prepaid hospital and other health care services or benefits for disability, g.  a contract providing prepaid burial expenses or benefits, or. Officer or employee of corporation making false entries. Unlawful discharge of stun gun or deleterious agent - Penalties. 294, at election held Nov. 3, 1992. Nov. 1, 1995. NOTE: Laws 1998, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 2, § 23 amended the effective date of Laws 1997, c. 133, § 15 from July 1, 1998, to July 1, 1999. §21-650.6. §21-996.3. 2014 Oklahoma Statutes Title 21. R.L. §21-1047. The term "peace officer" means any sheriff, police officer, federal law enforcement officer, or any other law enforcement officer whose duty it is to enforce and preserve the public peace. Except in cases where a different punishment is prescribed by this chapter or by some existing provisions of law, every offense declared to be a misdemeanor is punishable by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year or by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or both such fine and imprisonment. §21-1414. §21-1266.6. §21-941. §21-850. Imposition of fine in addition to imprisonment. July 1, 1999. Organization of employees and right to bargain collectively not impaired. Throwing, leaving or depositing trash near highway or road unlawful - Establishment of solid waste disposal sites. §21-1085. Destruction of obscene material or child pornography upon conviction. Controlling credit or debit card as security for debt. §21-272. §21-1573. No conviction of any person for crime works any forfeiture of any property, except in the cases of any outlawry for treason, and other cases in which a forfeiture is expressly imposed by law. 650, Legislative Referendum No. Buying, selling or bartering for profit of human skeletal remains or associated burial furniture - Felony. Public officers - Willful neglect of duty a misdemeanor. Individual contributions - Contributions using intermediary or conduit - Lobbyist or lobbyist principal contributions. §21-836. 294, at election held Nov. 3, 1992. Nov. 1, 2008. Penalties - Civil action for damages. §21-1362. eff. 294, at election held Nov. 3, 1992. Organizing or assisting to organize groups, companies, etc. Aggravated assault and battery defined. §21-8. §21-906. Oklahoma Statutes & Codes - Read complete laws of your state. Contempts, criminal acts which are also punishable as. Wherever the terms mentioned in the following sections are employed in this title, they are deemed to be employed in the senses hereafter affixed to them, except where a different sense plainly appears. Defenses in criminal libel action. §2168. §21-993. April 17, 2006. Renumbered as § 9.1 of Title 45 by Laws 1995, c. 344, § 35, eff. §21-1713. Dwelling and dwelling house defined. Tampering with or disabling security or surveillance camera or security system. §21-1550.26. §21-1765. Child under 18 years of age - Inducing, keeping, detaining or restraining for prostitution - Punishment. §21-1265.6. Destruction, removal, altering, covering or defacing. Limitation on applicability of act. R.L. §21-159. July 1, 1999. §21-142.13. §21-1283. §21-483. Repealed by Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 5, § 452, eff. Counterfeit labels - Penalties. This section shall not affect the credits allowed under Section 138 of Title 57. Presentation and use of victim impact statement at sentencing and parole proceedings. §21-142.35. Penalties - Definitions - Certain defenses excluded. July 1, 1999. §21-1040.16. 650, Legislative Referendum No. Attempt to conceal death of child Felony on subsequent conviction. §21-953. Title of code. §2141. "Criminally injurious conduct" means a misdemeanor or felony which occurs or is attempted in this state, or against a resident of this state in a state that does not have an eligible crime victims compensation program as such term is defined in the federal Victims of Crime Act of 1984, Public Law 98-473, that results in bodily injury, threat of bodily injury or death to a victim which: (1)  may be punishable by fine, imprisonment or death, or. Communicating an offer of office. §21-1835. §21-1266. §21-1483. §21-19. §21-1253. §21-142A-8. Officer dealing in warrants - Misdemeanor. §21-1040.53. §21-26. Domestic abuse with a prior pattern of physical abuse. If such subsequent offense is such that upon a first conviction the offender would be punishable by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for five (5) years, or any less term, then the person convicted of such subsequent offense is punishable by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for a term not exceeding ten (10) years. §21-1541.3. Repealed by Laws 1979, c. 135, § 7, emerg. Felony offenses relied upon shall not have arisen out of the same transaction or occurrence or series of events closely related in time and location. Officers receiving consideration for protection against arrest or conviction - Issuance of license, permit, etc., prohibited. §21-1265.14. Testing seized weights and measures - Disposition. §21-1082. Required service of minimum percentage of sentence – Effective date. Use of false weights and measures. Receiving, holding or concealing lost or mislaid card. First degree murder as defined in Section 701.7 of this title; 2. §21-1266.9. Assisting unlawful business by telegraph. Asking or receiving unauthorized reward for official act. June 4, 2004 §63-1-2523. Robbery by two or more persons a felony. Indictment or information necessary, except when §22-3. Possession of burglar's implements. §21-522. Repealed by Laws 1997, c. 405, § 8, emerg. §2143. The term "corruptly" when so employed, imports a wrongful design to acquire some pecuniary or other advantage to the person guilty of the act or omission referred to. Firemen - Interference with performance of duties. §21-8. R.L. §21-486.1. Act imminently dangerous and evincing depraved mind. eff. Decent Burial-Exception §1153. §21-1465. §21-1722. 294, at election held Nov. 3, 1992. Instigating or encouraging cockfight. §21-1847a. §21-701.11. §21-142.9. §21-1163. Amended by Laws 1970, c. 199, § 1; Laws 1987, c. 226, § 1, operative July 1, 1987; Laws 1997, c. 133, § 14, eff. §21-1457. Nov. 1, 1988. §21-549. §21-1771. Entry or presence upon premises of place of business of persons convicted of certain crimes. §21-917. Access of computer, computer system or computer network in one jurisdiction from another jurisdiction - Bringing of action. Coercing political participation of state employees. June 1, 1976. Seizure of slot machines and punch boards - Confiscation, procedure for. April 7, 1997. §21-552. Duplicate receipts or vouchers. Unlawfully issuing or paying warrants. §21-1555. Member of legislature - Soliciting or securing employment with state department or institution. Second and subsequent offenses after conviction of offense punishable by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary. Real property loans - Securing by false instrument - Penalty. §21-1289.19. Action for adjudication of obscenity or child pornographic content of mailable matter. Shooting with intent to kill, use of a vehicle to facilitate use of a firearm, crossbow or other weapon, assault, battery, or assault and battery with a deadly weapon or by other means likely to produce death or great bodily harm, as provided for in Section 652 of this title; 6. §21-1209. §21-1836.1. §10-24.1. R.L. Right to control disposition of the remains of a deceased person. §21-1289.3. Criminal acts are only those prescribed - "This code" defined. Manslaughter in the second degree. §21-1692.7. §21-1272.2. §21-643. Taking goods from legal custody. July 1, 2001. §21-562. §21-2. §21-1089. November 1, 2017. (192KB) Title 3A. Motor vehicle defined - Antique, classic, or special interest automobile defined. As used in the Oklahoma Crime Victims Compensation Act, Section 142.1 et seq. Refusing to exhibit stolen goods. §21-1327. C. Every person who, having been twice convicted of felony offenses, commits a subsequent felony offense within ten (10) years of the date following the completion of the execution of the sentence, and against whom the District Attorney seeks to enhance punishment pursuant to this section of law, is punishable by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for a term in the range of three times the minimum term for a first time offender to life imprisonment. Constitutionality - Sentence. Repealed by Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 5, § 452, eff. Gross injuries - Grossly disturbing peace - Openly outraging public decency - Injurious acts not expressly forbidden. §21-1546. §21-1462. §21-1087. It shall be unlawful for any person to perform or offer to perform body piercing or tattooing on a child under eighteen (18) years of age. §21-650.5. §21-1561. §21-1758. Bear wrestling - Horse tripping. §21-1289.7a. §21-1290.27. Purchase or receipt of stolen, etc., construction or farm equipment. Contempts, direct and indirect – Definitions. Renumbered as § 7113 of Title 10 by Laws 1995, c. 353, § 20, eff. St. Ann. §21-151. Felony assault, battery or assault and battery upon employee of facility for delinquent children, juvenile detention center or juvenile bureau. Solicitation for murder in the first degree. Falsely holding out as notary or performing notarial act - Penalty. Repealed by Laws 1990, c. 135, § 1, eff. Repealed by Laws 1992, c. 328, § 33, eff. Wills, deeds and certain other instruments, forgery of. Prosecuting suit or bringing action or procuring arrest in false name. §21-1589. Disturbance by loud or unusual noise or abusive, violent, obscene, profane or threatening language. Repealed by Laws 1992, c. 328, § 33, eff. §21-1990.2. Certain acts as prima facie evidence of violation of act. Guidelines for treatment of human trafficking victims – Right to civil action – Notice of rights – Remand to Human Services. Recovery before trial a bar - Conviction of assault and battery. §21-566.1. Nov. 1, 2008. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 133, § 602, eff. §21-1865. §21-1730. Acts which may be proclaimed prohibited - Actions at law or in equity. §21-843.5. §21-1230.3. Other criminal law not precluded - Exception. §21-1753.5. Proceeding to or remaining at disaster area unlawful - Removal of objects. §21-647. Manufacture or sale of spurious coins for unlawful use - Penalty. Dec. 1, 1992, and State Question No. Proceeding to impeach or remove. Subscribe to Justia's Wiring or equipping of vehicles or structures with explosives a felony. Inspection of corporate books, refusing to permit. §21-1201. §21-834. §21-1694. §21-975. Appointment of volunteer attorneys for indigent children not entitled to representation by Indigent Defense System. §21-278. §21-1151a. Confidential or domestic relation may be considered. Aggravated assault and battery or assault with firearm or other dangerous weapon upon emergency medical technician or other emergency medical care provider - Penalty. §21-1164. §21-568. Injuries to Animals. July 1, 1999. §21-43. Repealed by Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 5, § 452, eff. Larceny of merchandise from retailer or wholesaler - Punishment - Recidivists. Laws 1979, c. 135, § 5, emerg. Oklahoma Secured Title, formerly known as Main Street Title Company, LLC, was formed in April 2009 with the simple philosophy that superior service and expertise in the real estate closing industry would produce happy clients and a solid business model. Removal from office for violation of article. Owner of mischievous animal which kills person. §21-1169. §21-995.14. §21-1836.2. §21-133. §21-1731.1. §21-1501. POSSESSION OF FIREARM ON SCHOOL PROPERTY A. Construction of words §22-4A. §21-570. §21-51A. Prohibiting firearm inquiry by employer. Bringing stolen property into the State. OKLAHOMA STATUTES. Where it is made to appear at the time of passing sentence upon a person convicted, that such person has already paid a fine or suffered an imprisonment for the act which he stands convicted, under an order adjudging it a contempt, the court authorized to pass sentence may mitigate the punishment to be imposed, in its discretion. §21-456. Secreting telegraphic dispatches. §21-781. Added by Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 5, § 437, eff. §21-931. §21-1977. §21-1578. eff. §21-646. §21-815. B. Force against another not unlawful, when - Self-defense - Defense of property. §21-839.1A. Relatives cannot hold office, when. §21-1255. Contract or purchase void - Members of body liable. §21-1168.3. Nov. 1, 2002. §21-650. §21-63. Acceptance of bribe by participant, official, etc. §21-856.3. Repealed by Laws 1976, c. 35, § 2. Obtaining signature or property for charitable purposes by false pretenses. §21-1289.1. §21-142.17. §21-1101. Submitting to or soliciting attempt to commit abortion. Following of emergency vehicles unlawful. Repealed by Laws 2000, c. 208, § 24, eff. §21-1741. §21-1550.2. Second offense of rape in the first degree, forcible sodomy, lewd molestation or sexual abuse of a child. §21-1784. Giving firearms to convicted persons. Illegal use of building - Nuisance - Penalty. §21-1277. §21-1040.21. July 1, 1993. Banks and Trust Companies (811KB) Title 7. Use of firearm while committing a felony. Assisting in concealing person to avoid habeas corpus. §21-61. Bribe to Executive Officer - Penalty Chapter 7 - Crimes Against the Legislative Power § 308. Penalty for unlawful assembly. §21-302. Amateur radio operators exempt. §21-63. §21-1873. Obstruction of passages in or entrances or exits to state facilities - Exemption - Penalty. Repealed by Laws 1992, c. 328, § 33, eff. Harboring criminals and fugitives – Assisting a sex offender in violation of registration requirements – Unlawful acts - Penalties. §21-1168.7. §21-12.1. eff. §21-1040.76. Repealed by Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 5, § 452, eff. April 7, 1997. If the offense so attempted be punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary for four (4) years or more, or by imprisonment in a county jail, the person guilty of such attempt is punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary, or in a county jail, as the case may be, for a term not exceeding one-half (1/2) the longest term of imprisonment prescribed upon a conviction for the offense so attempted. Nov. 1, 2000. §21-701.10. §21-1541.1. Accomplice testimony - Force of same. §21-13. §21-954. §21-1263. Appointment of one related to another officer. §21-1040.9. §21-651. §21-1365. §21-1577. Jurisdiction - Service of process - Fines - Execution against property. §21-142.7. Punch boards - Acts prohibited - Punishment. eff. Trespass on posted property after being forbidden or without permission - Penalties - Exceptions. §21-1021. §21-1576. §21-1266.1. Priority interest in proceeds. oklahoma statutes. §21-1280.1. §21-553. House of worship or contents, injuring. Embezzlement and false accounts by officers. c.  reasonable costs for counseling family members of a homicide victim, d.  reasonable costs associated with homicide crime scene cleanup, and. §21-843.6. §21-1286. July 1, 1999. 1910, § 2803. Removing or altering landmarks. Irrigation ditches, canals, water lines or conduits - Interference with. §21-1086. serial number. Peeping Tom – Use of photographic, electronic or video equipment – Offenses and punishment - Definition. March 8, 2002. §21-158. April 29, 1983; Laws 1993, c. 51, § 1, eff. Amended by Laws 1995, c. 240, § 3, emerg. §21-1586. False entries in corporation books. 294, at election held Nov. 3, 1992. Repealed by Laws 2000, c. 208, § 24, eff. 294, at election held Nov. 3, 1992. Omission to provide for a child - Penalties. Disclosing presentment or indictment. Automobile or motor vehicle, loitering in, injuring or molesting. §21-1849. 1024.5. Injuring fruit, melons or flowers in the day time. §21-748.2. §21-1160. Advocating overthrow of government by force - Penalty. Punishment of subornation of perjury. Justifiable homicide by officer. §21-1550.30. §21-852. §21-1627.1. Display of names of military dead at demonstrations or protests without consent prohibited. The term "bribe" signifies any money, goods, right in action, property, thing of value or advantage, present or prospective, or any promise or undertaking, asked, given or accepted, with a corrupt intent to influence unlawfully the person to whom it is given, in his action, vote or opinion, in any public or official capacity. Abduction of person under fifteen. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 82, § 8, emerg. Repealed by Laws 1999, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 5, § 452, eff. §21-650.10. Aggravated possession of child pornography - Penalties - Definitions. Unlawful confinement of lunatics. False certificate by public officer. Securities not yet issued or delivered, larceny of. Every district court, criminal justice agency, and juvenile delinquency agency of this state is hereby directed to comply with and use the uniform reporting standard for reporting and maintaining all criminal justice information systems of this state. Possession of other forged instruments. §2124. §21-995.7. Amended by Laws 1997, c. 133, § 10, eff. Parties - Right to appear - Hearing - Notice - Settlement of claim. §21-1842. Communist Party of the United States and component parts as illegal. Informing victim of rights – Lethality assessment. §21-995.2. Manslaughter in the first degree as defined by Section 711 of this title; 4. §21-1522. §21-1024. May 3, 1979; Laws 1980, c. 222, § 2, emerg. Recording of grand or petit jury proceedings - Listening or observing - Penalty. Misconduct by officer in charge of jury. §21-580. §2164. Works of literature or art in public place, injuring. §21-1454. §21-1321.3. Crime and public offense defined. §21-1369. Dec. 1, 1992, and adopted by State Question No. Uniform reporting system to be used by criminal and juvenile justice information systems. Amended by Laws 1997, c. 133, § 13, eff. §21-4. Amended by Laws 2000, c. 291, § 2, eff. Piers or dams, interfering with. §21-1579. Attempts - Punishment - Acts constituting. §21-818. Parole Revocation Relinquishment of custody. Registered sex offender ice cream truck vending. Seduction under promise of marriage. Aiding an attempt at suicide a felony. Repealed by Laws 2008, c. 391, § 8, eff. §21-375. §21-355. §21-1452. Renumbered as § 7105 of Title 10 by Laws 1995, c. 353, § 20, eff.