In addition to risks of creosote build-up (see #6 below), high smoke production is one of the reasons you should always make sure your firewood is properly dried before you burn it.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'burlybeaver_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_16',109,'0','0'])); Firewood sparks may initially seem like a minor factor, but it can actually be a major safety issue. Oak firewood is a popular choice for many people who use firewood for heat. There are few similarities between these two wood varieties. What Causes Soot Buildup in a Wood Stove? Does Oak make good firewood?eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'burlybeaver_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',103,'0','0'])); Oak firewood is absolutely one of the best types of firewood you can burn. Use pine as a source of kindling to get the fire started, and then add oak to keep the fire burning. That is the only reason why it seems to attract that many homeowners. First, I think it’s helpful to mention that you probably aren’t going to have every kind of wood close by, and a perfectly reasonable way to choose from a list of top firewood types is to go with what is most readily available. I've been collecting firewood, planting trees, and woodworking since before I could hold an axe. Along with maple, they are the most common woods used in commercial furniture construction. Hardwood versus Softwood - Hardwoods are very dense. And finally, Oak produces better coals than Ash, and will sustain a fire longer. In order to expedite the process, and to get your firewood seasoned as quickly as possible, use the following tips for fast drying: firewood dries WAY faster when it is split into pieces, rather than sitting in log-form. The wood can sometimes def look like red oak. Rather than choosing between pine and oak, consider using a combination of these two woods throughout the year. ... Our Pinion Pine Firewood is seasoned and ready to burn! The wood is very dense, heavy and provides excellent heat for your home . Here’s two quick examples: Catalpa wood pops really significantly, and it’s so powerful, that it can literally blow the front-glass off of a wood stove. In addition, Oak produces minimal smoke, does not spark significantly, creates excellent coals, and is easy to split when dry. Think about it, when the wood is split more surface area is exposed to the wind and sunshine, which are the primary contributors to dry wood. Switch to pine in the spring and fall for shorter, cooler fires that burn out quickly without overheating your home. Both are used to make household furniture such as chairs, cupboards, tables and … In regions where wood from conifers is plentiful and hardwood is hard to find, you should use it and can often get it for free. It has a heavy smoky flavor, which is good for meat as well. The picture below shows a good example of dry, seasoned firewood. Hardwood can weigh twice as much as pine, so a cord of Oak firewood is approximately 5,000 pounds while a softer wood, like Pine, can be as little as 2,500 pounds. This buildup is referred to as creosote. While both pine and oak have their place in the fireplace, the difference in density between these two woods can impact not only warmth and comfort, but also fireplace safety and maintenance. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'burlybeaver_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',104,'0','0'])); To help you get an idea for how Oak compares to other types of firewood, we’ve put together a graphic below, which provides a snapshot of some of the most common types of firewood in our area (in the Midwest USA), and they are divided into 3 levels of quality. Whereas you can only see the rays of other wood species under magnification. from This video showcases the differences between reclaimed old pine and reclaimed old oak. The most common unit of firewood volume is the cord, also known as a standard or full cord. link to How to Tell When a Chainsaw Bar is Bad, Bent, or Worn Out. Though firewood dry weight is important for determining heat content, firewood is normally bought and sold by volume. The top tier (top of the pyramid) is the absolute best firewood you can burn, whereas the bottom of the pyramid is the firewood that will still produce heat, but is not ideal because of low heat output, excessive smoke, difficulty splitting, or some other reason. Seasoning firewood takes time. One of the biggest factors that separates Oak from the pack, is that its heat output tends to be on the upper end of the spectrum.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'burlybeaver_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_13',107,'0','0'])); Below, you’ll find a chart that summarizes the BTU output and weight of 15 common firewood species’ (Note: data sources are mentioned beneath the infographic above). Keep up the rotation and you will always have good, dry, seasoned wood to burn. Hickory firewood is one of the top choices for many people and often thought of as the number one species for firewood. Firewood is incorrectly identified all the time. This ranking is not an arbitrary list, and it’s actually based primarily on data from several university extension offices.