Mr. H was unsure of the date of his last tetanus shot and reported that the cat is up to date on all immunizations. MD. The bite from a cat can infect a person with: Cat-scratch disease, caused by the bacterium Bartonella henselae. On physical examination, BP was 118/80, pulse 106, respiratory rate 20 breaths per minute, temperature 99.9˚F, and pulse oxygenation 98%. If your bite is minor and doesn’t break skin, wash the area with soap and water. pain or numbness related to nerve irritation. An initial assessment of early cellulitis and right-hand pain secondary to the cat bite and fall was made. Mr. H. was then sent for immediate orthopedic surgical evaluation. The bite of a hatchback spider can cause you to go numb, but it is a painful kind of numbness, points out Mr. H was discharged the next day and told to return to the infusion center every day for the next two weeks for IV Rocephin. And of course, most of us will pet stray cats we meet along the way, but not all seemingly friendly cats remain friendly after being approached by strangers. ... View answer, My finger tips on both hands are numb and tingling , thirty years ago ,I experienced frost bite to my hands and feet, could this be a result? Premium Questions. Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of Haymarket Media’s Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. The second digit was warm to touch, red, and swollen. Infection from cat scratch also known as cat scratch disease: it occurs more often in children. Register now at no charge to access unlimited clinical news with personalized daily picks for you, full-length features, case studies, conference coverage, and more. Dr. Kaul is the MSN and DNP Program Director and an associate professor at Concordia University Wisconsin in Mequon. Signs and symptoms warranting earlier evaluation (e.g., fever, chills, increasing edema, erythema, numbness, drainage, and pain) were discussed. Common pathogens include Pasteurella species, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci, anaerobes, Capnocytophaga, Moraxella, Corynebacterium, and Neisseria. Most cat bites occur when cat owners are bitten by their pets. What You Should Do for a Cat Bite or Scratch. Pulling away, Mr. H fell back and landed on a coffee table with his open right hand hyper­extended. ), so I think the best thing would be to speak to your doctor. Current medications included lisinopril 10 mg daily and pravastatin 20 mg daily. Do Not Delay in Getting Professional Medical Treatment After a Dog Bite I would think 2 years after the cat bite it's unlikely to be anything to do with that. A prescription was given prophylact­ically for amoxicillin (Augmentin) 875 mg one orally b.i.d. A tetanus shot was administered. Regardless of how a cat bite happens, it is not something to take lightly. An infection of the lymph nodes can also develop. They can coil around you alluringly — but they also can scratch, and bite. Your skin may be torn from your body. Tetanus after a cat bite is accompanied by fever, headache, swelling of the bitten area, inflammation of the lymph nodes, the development of seizures. Cat bite and there is a hole in the bottom of my thumb cat bite side effects Cat bite getting worse I feel like im dying after cat bite infected cat bite I was bitten by my own cat on the thumb. Mr. H was unable to perform full flexion of the second digit. No drainage, fever, chills, shortness of breath, chest pain, or wheeze was reported. Use of this site is subject to our Terms & Conditions, Get your health question answered instantly from our pool of 18000+ doctors from over 80 specialties. Discharge instructions and wound-care handouts were provided. 2006;31:468-473. How to Treat a Cat Bite. It has been about 15 minutes since the bite. An infectious disease consultation was ordered. i have a mild cat bite that caused numbness, what should i do? If the bite has broken the skin, you should seek immediate medical attention after cleaning the wound. The skin was warm and dry to touch. At six-weeks postoperative, Mr. H had full range of motion and increased strength in the right hand. Such symptoms develop in unvaccinated people, but the disease can be stopped at an early stage, if you consult a doctor in time. The drug of choice is amoxicillin/clavulanate 875 mg/125 mg b.i.d. Enter your password. If the patient is allergic to penicillin, recommend doxycyline 100 mg b.i.d. A continued decrease in range of motion of the second digit was demonstrated at the two-week follow-up, but the pain was significantly improved. MD. A numbness or tingling feeling after a dog bite can be an indication of severe tissue damage, infection, or other complications. what should i do. Documenting how and when the bite occurred. a band-aid and seem to heal ok after few weeks. Infections occur as a result of a combination of the oral flora of the animal and the human skin flora. for 10 days. Not under the best control. After being advised of the risk for infection, Mr. H agreed to follow up in three days or sooner if symptoms worsened. There was full range of motion in the right wrist and all other digits of the right hand. Def see a doctor. One of the first signs of an infected animal bite is swelling at the site, such as the finger. Copyright 2020 © Dr. Heidi Fowler answered. Numbness after cat scratch? You may experience a low-grade fever (under 102°F), headache, fatigue, or poor appetite. The right arm was placed in a sling for elevation of the extremity. The numbness has been going on for a couple of weeks. Obviously, the best bite is the one that has been prevented. J Hand Surg Am. One week ago my cat scratched me on my pinky finger. A cat bite on the hand can turn into a hospital stay, according to a new study. The pain I expect, but I am having numbness up my arm past my elbow. Bites that don’t break skin. Have had MRI CAT scans that all come back clear. All rights reserved. ...Just this morning my left earloab and about 1/2 inside are numb like after I had gone to a dentist ... View answer, My left side of cheek been numb for two weeks, I wen to the emergency room, but they couldn t find the answer, they did a CAT scan and they could find anything. I am taking biaxan for a cat bite that is on my finger. for three to five days or one double-strength trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole tablet b.i.d. I do suffer w/ HBP and Diabetes. By seeing the animal’s behavior before, while, and after biting you, you will be able to determine your risk of having rabies from the bite.If you see one or more rabies symptoms in a cat biting you, get the shot immediately, since when untreated, rabies can … Mr. H, age 45 years, presented to the clinic following a cat bite to his right hand 14 hours prior. We want you to take advantage of everything Clinical Advisor has to offer. is for nurse practitioners and physician assistants, offering the latest information on diagnosing, treating, managing, and preventing medical conditions typically seen in the office-based primary-care setting. Acute carpal tunnel syndrome is exceptional after cat bite. The second digit of the right hand was mildly edematous with five nondraining puncture wounds noted: two puncture wounds located between the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) and metacarpophalangeal joint of the second digit and three on the palmar aspect of the right hand. Mr. H’s right-hand wounds were cleansed with antibacterial soap, betadine wash, and sterile water rinse. Learn how to identify animal bite infections, how they are treated, and when to see a doctor. No fever, chills, shortness of breath, cough, wheeze, chest pain, or palpitations were reported. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in any form without prior authorization. The second digit of the right hand was mildly edematous with five nondraining puncture wounds noted: two puncture wounds located between the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) and metacarpophalangeal joint of the second digit and three on th… The family cat lunged at him and bit and scratched his hand. Clinical Guidelines in Family Practice. Animal bite infections require immediate treatment. We report a case of a 56 Year old female presenting with an acute carpal tunnel syndrome associated with compartment syndrome of the right Please login or register first to view this content. For particularly severe bites, visit your local A&E department. It seems i... View answer, i just got stung by a scorpion on my middle finger. Mr. H was sent to radiology for an x-ray to rule out fracture, dislocation, and signs of osteomyelitis. After a cat bite, the skin usually closes rapidly over the bite and may trap microorganisms. 25 years experience Psychiatry. Ms. Henderson is a family nurse practitioner at Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare–All Saints in Racine, Wisc. 1 doctor answer. At the initial visit, Mr. H was alert and oriented. Do not delay seeking help until symptoms of infection appear. I than just for precaution placed a plastic finger brace for about six weeks. There were no signs of infection and no pain. Cat bites have a lot of bacteria and can cause serious infections. Definitely call up your doctor ASAP. Copyright © 2020 Haymarket Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved This happens most often in the glands closest to the scratch or bite. Cats. He described a nonradiating pain in the tip of the second digit with limited flexion. the scratch doesn't appear infected, no redness or swelling, only the numbness. By seeing the animal’s behavior before, while, and after biting you, you will be able to determine your risk of having rabies from the bite.If you see one or more rabies symptoms in a cat biting you, get the shot immediately, since when untreated, rabies can be fatal both for the animal and the victim. 1. Follow-up evaluation should focus on early detection and diagnosis of tenosynovitis, septic arthritis, and osteomyelitis. Sign in Educating the patient about the importance of early management and immediate follow-up can reduce the risk of adverse sequelae and the potential costs of hospitalization and post-bite management. From the November 01, 2010 Issue of Clinical Advisor, Already have an account? There was limited range of motion to the second digit on the right hand (partial flexion). In more extreme cases, redirected aggression can cause a cat to lash out at her guardian and cause severe damage. for two weeks. The skin was warm and dry to touch. Is numbness in right index finger after cat bite a sign of CECS? Cats do too, and when they strike a hand, can inject bacteria deep into joints and tissue, perfect breeding grounds for infection. Mr. H noted a progression of redness and swelling over the past three days, and admitted inconsistent use of the sling. Your skin may swell or bruise even if the bite does not break the skin. Other animals that bite humans include cat, rodents and farm animals. Hi,use drugs deslor and hydrocortisone to combat the allergic manifestations,consult your doctor, Download Here Free HealthCareMagic App to Ask a Doctor, All the information, content and live chat provided on the site is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice. If the cat bite has afflicted bones and deep tissue it can cause osteomyelitis. Benson LS, Edwards SL, Schiff AP, et al. The sore or blister may take a long time to heal. Mr. H returned in three days as instructed. It is caused by Bartonella henselae bacteria. Want to view more content from Clinical Advisor? Hello, my name is art, A cat bit my left index finger 2.5 years ago, cut not to bad , just placed ... the numbness/slight burning, and that finger looks slightly smaller than right index finger. An animal can cut or puncture the skin when it bites. Hydrocodone (Vicodin) and naprosyn (Naproxen) were also prescribed for pain and inflammation. He ended up biting me ... View answer, I have facial numbness, that varies in location and pressure on head. Mr. H’s medical history included hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and tobacco abuse. Seek medical eval: Insure that the wound has been well cleaned. 1 decade ago. ... View answer, hello something bite me in my arm while i was in the basement. Avoidance of bites, prompt wound management, and judicious use of antibiotics decrease antimicrobial resistance and infection incidence. Early treatment is beneficial in decreasing the risk of infection. No fevers, chills, increased redness, or swelling was noted. You should always speak with your doctor before you follow anything that you read on this website. Cat-scratch disease is a bacterial disease that people may get after being bitten or scratched by a cat. A peripherally inserted central catheter line was placed and IV ceftriaxone (Rocephin) administered. There are many times a cat may bite you and you aren’t entirely sure why. This recommendation is based on expert opinion in review articles [Chhabra et al, 2015; Rothe et al, 2015; Edens et al, 2016].Cat bites involve deep puncture wounds which can cause severe infections within a short time (median 12 hours), and an unprovoked animal bite increases suspicion of rabies [Edens et al, 2016]. Any health question asked on this site will be visible to the people who browse this site. Prescribing an antibiotic prophylactically has shown to reduce the rate of infection from cat bites. It has also felt numb for over a week now. An infected bite will be red, swollen and painful. Not normal, its possible caused by inflammation from an infection. Pet owners are advised to use a toy when playing with their pet, to minimise accidental bites during play-fighting The pain was markedly worse during second-digit flexion attempts or when pressure was applied. BP was 120/78 mm Hg, pulse 98 beats per minute, pulse oxygenation 97%, temperature 98.8˚F, and weight 290 lbs. You are already signed-up with us. I would advise not doing this. Find all of the news and departments you love from the print issue archived for easy online access, along with special Web-only content. However, a cat bite, particularly to the hand, should never be ignored. There was minimal pain and bleeding. Dog or cat bites to the hands are the most severe injuries, often requiring surgical intervention and hospitalization.1 Infectious complications occur in approximately 50% of cat bites whereas with dog bites, the overall estimated infection rate is 2% to 20%. Animal bite injuries range from shallow cuts to deep, life-threatening wounds. Stress the importance of immediately washing the wound with antiseptic solution and water and seeking immediate evaluation. Usually 3 to 5 days after the bite or scratch or lick of a cat… Pet owners must be made aware of the seriousness of a cat bite. If you haven't had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years or if you aren't sure - … There was limited range of motion at the PIP joint on the second digit. To view unlimited content, log in or register for free. Wound cultures were significant for Pasteurella multocida. 4th ed., Gainesville Fla.: Barmarrae Books; 2003. it only happens when I get upset ... View answer, I helped save a guy two days ago that was having a seizure and he was about to bite his tongue through the middle and i kind of saved it by, well...sticking my hand in his mouth. It would cause numbing, and could cause some damage from freezing/frost bite. But I'm not a doctor, just a fellow arthritis sufferer (among other things! Mr. H was diagnosed with a septic joint, scheduled for incision and drainage, and admitted to the hospital overnight for observation. He was on day three of Augmentin and taking it as directed. 24 hours later there was extreme swelling redness and pain cat bite side effects infected cat bite Cat bite and there is a hole in the bottom of my thumb Burning Feeling, Looks Like a Bite got bit by a cat Minor bites can be treated at your GP surgery, or by staff at your local walk-in centre or minor injuries unit. i ... View answer, My cat scratched me very deeply on my left index finger several days ago and the first digit of that finger is still numb and tingly. Also, my left shoulder, bicep and triceps and my left trapezius is very ... View answer, is good. You’ve read {{metering-count}} of {{metering-total}} articles this month. here. Dog and cat bites to the hand: treatment and cost assessment. Serious Trouble Some people have such severe reactions to insect bites that they can go into anaphylaxis,a life-threatening type of allergic reaction. Mr. H was advised to stop taking Vicodin and started on oxycodone (Percocet) 5/325 mg one or two orally every six hours as needed. One week ago my cat scratched me on my pinky finger. The patient was switched to cefuroxime (Ceftin) 500 mg b.i.d. It may not look infected but it may still be. for three to five days. Positive tactile response to the digits of the right hand was achieved. Results were negative for fracture, dislocation, and lytic or blastic lesions. The skin on the second digit of the right hand showed significant edema and erythema circumferentially (Figure 1). BP was 120/78 mm Hg, pulse 98 beats per minute, pulse oxygenation 97%, temperature 98.8˚F, and weight 290 lbs. Infections caused by cat bites usually develop between 24 and 48 hours after the bite if it is left untreated. It was strongly advised that the patient follow up the next day, but Mr. H declined. Joint spaces were preserved, and bony structures were in good alignment. Uphold CR, Graham MV. Capillary refill to the upper extremities measured fewer than three seconds. Is numbness in right index finger after cat bite a sign of CECS? There is no such thing as a simple cat bite, yet most patients are unaware of the potential for harm, and they delay or fail to seek immediate evaluation and treatment. Numbness from a cat bite . Laboratory findings showed erythrocyte sedimentation rate 28 mm/hour, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein 14.5 mg/L, WBC 10,0000/μl, RBC 3.77  106/μl, hemoglobin 12.3 g/dL, and hematocrit 35.3%. This could happen 3 to 10 days after the bite or scratch. You should get a medical evaluation right away. A red bump, sore, or blister may develop where a cat has bitten or scratched you. ... View answer, My upper outer thigh appears to have bites on it and then an area that is like a red welt . Problem with cat bite Cat bite getting worse Cat bite infected and numbness in the thumb I was bitten by my own cat on the thumb. Early treatment reduces the severity of many animal bites. Rochester, Minn. — Feb. 5, 2014 — Dogs aren’t the only pets who sometimes bite the hands that feed them. At the initial visit, Mr. H was alert and oriented. A blister or small bump (swelling) forming at the site of the bite ; Tenderness and swelling of the lymph nodes ; Fever ; Chills ; Headache ; Fatigue ; Sore throat ; Rash ; Nausea ; Vomiting ; Loss of appetite ; Cat-scratch fever symptoms typically occur three to thirty days after the bite, with most cases developing in the first one to two weeks.