Saturn is in 3rd and 4th lord and its placement in 8th house is not Good. Read: The result of 7th house Sun from Ascendant, Lets Discuss about the effect of Saturn in 8th house for different Signs. Take Astrological Consultation from Me Book Your Consultation ! We provide you the Most Accurate Information About Vedic Wisdom. The eighth house refers to the subject of death. She is Capricorn Ascendant. Rumpa. The Valentine’s Day announcement came just five days after the royal family celebrated the arrival of Princess Eugenie’s first child – a baby boy. Saturn in Gemini in 8th sign– For Scorpio Ascendant Gemini becomes the 8th house. You value truth, but will lie to protect yourself and those you love. Sun and Saturn is bitter enemy. Could you please help me with predictions on job change chances, kids, business chances etc? It is where the vibrance of the Midheaven slowly sets until it has little power to affect the world. Shani is not comfortable in Leo. But as I always say, Every Placement has both good and Bad result. This placement of Mercury confers intensity in conversation and in ease dealing with the emotional states of others. Hi Sir, I am worried about my mother’s health and wellbeing. You may check the Planetary combination for Relationship Outside Marriage. As 8th house mostly dealt with the Negative things of our Life, it is also called Dusthana House along with 6th and 12th. You can read more about Planetary combination for foreign journey here. The eighth house, tells us how we are intimate and how we express ourselves sexually. It also brings poor mental health and emotional life. Security and self-belief were threatened at a young age. If the 7th lord, Venus also joins this Saturn, Some secret Affair may happen which will not be good for individual. The Transit of Saturn over 8th house is known as Ashtama Shani and you should read the effect of Saturn transit over the 8th house before reading further. You can be very deep, emotional and Fearful. 8th house also deals with the inheritance and  other people money. You can read all of our guides on our LEARN ASTROLOGY page here. 8th house relates to mysteries of life, transformation, death like experiences, obstacles, partner’s finance, debts, health, accidents, disgrace etc. Eighth House Meaning. So Saturn in 8th house for Leo Ascendant is not good but it can give you Foreign journey specially if it is conjunct with Rahu. If the lord of the 8th cusp sub is Mars and if he is lord of or connected to Lagna and the 8th house and be a significator to 8th very much, indicates unnatural death during the period of a planet who is the Bhadhakathipathi Note that the ‘Ayushkaraka’ planet Saturn should not be a significator to the 8th house … There is an indication that sometimes the death will be associated with or caused by travel. So its placement in 8th house can give you a Career in research and Development provided other Planets Support it. It can also give Loss in Share Market and problem in inheritance. In traditional astrology, the 8 th house is known as the Idle House, or the house of lowering to the ground. Sometime this placement also causes Delays in Marriage. In the second case, you find it hard to know what you yourself are actually worth because others seem to judge you by what you own rather than what you are. More frequently, this zone is the area of sex, death, and transformation. Saturn in 8th house in Taurus- For Libra Ascendant Taurus becomes the 8th house. Implanting sadness and fear on to you, making you afraid of the future and of others intentions. Saturn is the Natural Significator of Profession or Career. The person does not care about money, wealth and materialistic things. So Saturn in 8th house for Virgo Ascendant is not good. It also brings problems with loved ones because of emotional pain. It is the planet of day-to-day expression and relationships. So Saturn in 8th house for Pisces Ascendant is Very good specially gain from Business or inheritence. The 8 th house has an unpleasant reputation; the ruler of the house is Pluto and it corresponds to the sign of Scorpio. it signifies death of Physical Body, it signifies Obstacles, Hidden things, inheritance, lottery, dowry, Sudden events, Accident, disgrace, Sorrows, delays, Mysteries etc. Learn focus and cultivate great power. If you were not actually a victim of abuse, you will learn of it’s reality and be affected by it at a very early age. Saturn (Shani) is the God of Justice. In Pisces Saturn also becomes Weak. Saturn brings steady growth in finance and conservative values. Pluto is very transformational and if you allow yourself to dive into the hurt, pain and feelings that define your worth, you can come out very alive and very confident. In adulthood, could present itself as a struggle with low self-worth. So Saturn in 8th house is a blessing for Astrologer, Spiritual Person etc. Moon conjunct Saturn (Aquarius) in the 2nd House square Sun (Taurus) last seconds of 4rth house conjunct Mercury first seconds of 5th house and opposition to Mars in Leo (1st trine ) of the 8th House ( Mars squares Sun and mercury accordingly ). What would be the results,if Saturn placed in 8th house in favourable sign taurus & aspected by Mars from it’s 8th aspect? Try Different Quizzes People Are Talking About! Mars or Pluto in the 8th House suggest a sudden death, the latter coming as a complete surprise to all. The moans and cries in the bedroom at night. This transit can lead to obsessive thoughts related to death. When will my troubles stop.. Hi My name is Hari and date of birth is 04/01/1976 Morning 6:35 A.M in Kannur, Kerala. But transformation and healing require some type of death, loss, or injury first. An in-depth investigation towards the presence of Saturn in the 8th House reveals that, it will aspect the 2nd house. So if you have Shani in 8th Sign, be prepared for transformation in its period and Major Transits. The eighth house of intimate relationships benefits from Mercury's airy detachment. For Gemini Ascendant Capricorn becomes the 8th house and when Saturn is present in own house, it is very good for long life. 2nd house is also the house of wealth. So it indicates the gain or Success in Profession. Mercury, which also rules communication and intellect, is the natural signifier of this house. Saturn is capable of giving long-term infection, tuberculosis, most cancers (when getting guide on this behalf from Mars or Neptune), venereal ailment of any type(specially if Mars is in 2nd, seventh or the twelfth house or Venus is in 6th House or eighth or the 12th house). Saturn being the 12th lord also will create a Vipreet raj yoga here which will give you Success after your struggle. So following are advice of an Astrologer and redeeming way of life would be the best way to reach higher portion. So being the 6th lord if it is weak it will bring less obstacles in life. But this position is not good for Marriage and married life. He may be liable to fall into trances, lethargies, catalepsies, and the like. Tightfistedness with yourself could arise from the first case – tightfistedness with others from the second. This can mean that you are open-handed and don’t care too much about money, or that you’re forever depending on handouts and maybe have a ‘something will turn up’ attitude, or else when you have money it just slips through your fingers; you are also open to financial deception.The more you can tune into the mystery of where it all comes from and goes to (which has something to do with believing that you will be provided for in proportion to your spiritual worth) then the fewer financial problems there will be. But in most of the cases it generally gives negative effect. The 8th house has a “locked up” sign – virgo, where Pluto and Uranus reside ). When, on the other hand, your material assets are used generously and wisely, a never-ending supply line of material wherewithal is conferred upon you.Â. So if it occupies a Negative House, it is not desirable. Mercury In Eighth House: Personality Traits. Saturn in Cancer in 8th house- Saturn in Cancer in 8th house for Sagittarius sign can give lot of instability regarding Money and wealth. ... the 8th house is also considered to be malefic. My daughter has Saturn in 8th along with Ketu. As in regards to health and lifestyle, these people are usually cautious, especially while Saturn transits over the 4th, 8th or 12th house or Saturn has its very own Mahadasa (Greater Influence) with Antardasa (Lesser Influence). The danger here is that this can become a substitute for faith itself. Â, For example, you could amass lots of things around you but feel hollow inside. The Placement of 9th lord in 8th house is not good. Mercury in 8th house suggests that the native has an inquisitive nature. Please tell me as what should I do to make her healthy and fit..thanks..her details are 16/1/1945,04:20 am, new delhi, Hi Debraj, My chart shows saurn as functional benefic but its in 8th house leo, and also saturn mahadasha is coming, so cn you tell me should I have to wear neelam to pacify teh malefic effects of shani? Mercury's action is to take things apart and put them back together again. Thanks, 11.10pm born Singapore. You have entered an incorrect email address! Uranus in the House gives awareness of death before it arrives. Capricorns often feel strongly about the importance of leaving a legacy, either in the form of a host of children or in a memorable impact on the world. Secret porn, condom, or sex toy stashes. It rules shared finances and inheritance. Also, a one night stand might be too much for you to handle if it doesn’t become a relationship. You are very psychically aware and mentally distant, and tend to absorb other’s fears. The 8th House I often refer to the Eighth House as the “haunted house” of the birth chart. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The wisdom that you are after, or already possess, is that of using your flair for attracting wealth to guide and assist projects and people that are in need of it. The family happiness may also Suffer. So if Saturn is Strong and Well placed it can give you gain from inheritance, from Share Market, from Business etc. Cancer is a unstable sign and Saturn is the 2nd lord for Sagittarius Ascendant. You may read about How to Judge Govt Job by date of birth here Even though it is our natural need to have someone to love, reaching for perfect harmony, this obviously doesn’t apply to everyone in the zodiac. Saturn in 8th house in Aries– If you have Aries as your 8th house, You are Virgo Ascendant. “Keep Death to the left,” the shaman Don Juan advised Carlos Castanada. time- 07.10am From 8th, Shani will aspect the 10th house as well. You likely strive to be the authority figure in matters of financial, material, and physical resources you share with others. 8th house is the house of Longevity and Saturn is the significator of Longevity. The Other aspects like marital life, friends, gains, losses, incidents, and accidents of life are revealed by this house. Also accepts what life is and enjoys every moment of life. You are sensitive about your self-worth and earning ability. The wisdom that you are after, or already possess, is that of using your flair for attracting wealth to guide and assist projects and people that are in need of it. This way of asserting yourself has to or likes to, express itself most of all in the pursuit of your self-worth and a financial income that matches that self-worth. In modern astrology, Mercury is regarded as the ruler of the third house; traditionally, it had the joy in the eleventh house. Do i have long life. Transit Mercury in 8th House. It can create fluctuation of fortune, the relationship with father may not be good. So dont forget to comment and share your experience. The Sun brings interest in deeper studies and thinking. You always speak your own truth. You could also be interested to find celebrities horoscopes having a dominant 7th House. It gives a Stable Marriage and Long life. The 8th is the house of death. How is my d navamsam.thnks.i.m worried. This is such a Planet which can make you King and at the same time it can make you pauper. It will not be easy to cheat you. Well, when Saturn is present in the eighth house, it may mean a terrible death. So Saturn in 8th house for Gemini Ascendant is not bad. The couple quit their roles as senior working royals in March 2020 in a quest for personal and financial freedom, and now live in an £11 million house in Montecito in California. Astrologylover is your Favourite Astrology Blog. That…or you may like to be the submissive one to someone of power, authority, or higher status and you may prefer that person take the reins when it comes to resource issues. This house is the also called the ruler of death as it controls each and every aspect of death. In either case, you are learning what is of real value in life. If you have Saturn in 8th House of birth chart, it might be futile, for this planet renders phobia, anxiety, depression and frustration. Mercury in Eighth House 8. Aquarius ascendant with Rahu in ascendant and Rahu Mahadasa has begun am nearing 69 years. There is also a deep, serious mentality; and perhaps even an unnerving curiosity about life and death issues. Pluto in the 2nd House brings emotional distress in childhood and poor financial state, making wealth the most important thing in one’s life. Jupiter in 2nd house in Pisces. with Saturn in the 8th can definitely have a normal conjugal life if he or she is dedicated towards his or her conjugal partner. It will give good intuition Power. My details: 11-jul-1979, 7:14pm, kolkata I have Saturn eigth house. Uranus brings unexpected changes in financial statuses. If on the other hand, it is an increased and truer sense of self-worth that you are after, then how much money you have should not be regarded as a measure of this. Wish to become a real estate developer and enter politics. If Mercury progresses into the 8th House the emotions come to play an increa­singly important part in the way a person gives and receives impressions. So its placement in another negative house will bring good fortune. Saturn is able to cause invalidity or ineffectiveness of any limb or lower parts of the body. In the first case, you are striving to improve your self-worth and thereby attract a better income. From beginners through to advanced students of Astrology. Mercury … It alsoo governs taboo areas. Mars brings aggressiveness, arguments, fights and bad attitude with closed ones over principles and values. Saturn in 8th house in Libra- Saturn in Libra is very powerful as it becomes exalted. But that doesn’t mean if you have Saturn placed in 8th house, will not be able to get a good Marriage, that will be wrong. The 8th house is the house of death and debt among other things. On the other hand, you could be sensitive to money matters by having a sixth sense about them but it’s more likely that you find it hard to grasp or hold on to what you actually own. But if this Saturn is aspected by Jupiter and well placed in Navamsa it can make you highly intelligent as Gemini is a intellectual sign. You can reach our office in Palashdiha, Asansol-713341, Saturn in 8th house of Horoscope-Good or Bad You must Know, Significance of 8th house in Vedic Astrology, Some more effect of Saturn in 8th house birth chart, Effect of Saturn on Marriage when placed in 8th House, effect of Saturn transit over the 8th house, what result Saturn gives when Occupies the 10th house, How to do a Proper Kundali reading for Marriage compatibility, Planetary combination for Relationship Outside Marriage, How to Predict Marriage age and time from Horoscope, The result of 7th house Sun from Ascendant,, Planetary combination for foreign journey, Actual result of Rahu in 7th house of Male or Female Horoscope, Saturn in 10th house of Chart-How to Analyze Genuine Good or Bad Easily, Nakshatra Matching -Star Matching – Nakshatra Porutham-Ashtakoot Guna Matching, Kundali Milan for Marriage-Never ignore 6 important Factors with Nakshatra Matching. Mercury is ruling the Virgo, this sign belonging to the Earth element. So Presence of Saturn in 8th house is not considered good for Marriage and Marital Bliss. How great is my future there? The 8th House is one of the most misunderstood Houses. You might be mentally chaotic and have a hard time articulating all you thoughts. When 5th lord Saturn becomes debilitated, it can create trouble in your Study, it can give problem in Love and affair or disappointment in Love. And the person does not have good relationship with family and friends. An awareness of another reality and hidden agendas is something they are usually interested in exploring. Well the thing is that if you have Saturn in 8th house, if proper remedies are not taken it can lead to misery and conflict. Other people’s money, financial gain through legacy or marriage belong to this house, too. It might seem paradoxical that in this house we can renew our life; yet there is a connection. You can read this post to know How to Predict Marriage age and time from Horoscope. Cultural and Civic Space project fly through 2021 _ Coffs Harbour City Council - Cultural and Civic Space project fly through 2021 _ Coffs Harbour City Council The person also has a high worth and is often untrustworthy. This house is the also called the ruler of death as it controls each and every aspect of death. Saturn and ketu is karak of moksha so she may attain enlightenment. You should know How to do a Proper Kundali reading for Marriage compatibility. As this house follows the house of relationship, it refers to the fruits of relationship, and these include the power to change based on new understanding made possible when one is no longer acting solely as an individual. Simply put, the 8th house is the polar opposite of the 2nd house. Venus in the 8th House indicates a painless death, so does Mercury and Jupiter, whereas Saturn tends to suggest the opposite. You like to have something physical to show for your beliefs, so in proportion to the strength of your faith, you will accumulate money and possessions. It will help you to come out from this Materialistic world. Investigators turned up the heat today on actor Robert Wagner in the mysterious death of his wife, Natalie Wood. The eighth house is the house of death, sex, rebirth, deep and intense transformations in astrology. Astrology 42 is full of free articles, evergreen content, features, interpretations, recommendations and tools for anyone interested in learning Astrology online. The 8th house indicate Sustenance of Marriage, Sex, Physical Pleasure etc. The 8th house is also reckoned as the house of death. is where humanity’s journey to new and exciting worlds is transmitted back down to Earth. The 8th House is one of the most misunderstood Houses. You’ve had endless cycles of bad love affairs, and find it hard to distance yourself from past lovers. So if Saturn is Benefic for your chart and if it is well influenced by other planets, the relationship with relatives and other family members will be good. It’s the house of sex. Consequently, it is very likely that you either have trouble as a result of having too little money or too much of it. The Moon brings fears and terror in mind. When you have Saturn in 8th house of your Horoscope, it will bless you with a long life. place- Raurkela, Odisha, Thanks guruji……guruji pls tel about me mine kundli is areis in that Rahu and Mangla is in lagna in 7th house moon and ketu and satrun in 8th house and Jupiter in 10th house and sun,mercury and Venus placed in 12th house …..pls tel me satrun mahadasha is good or bad to me. The body parts it rules include shoulders, arms, hands, upper chest, lungs, collarbone, ears, and breathing canal. It will also bestow a good and long lasting Married life. Whereas the 2nd rules your own individual possessions, the 8th house rules what a relationship owns (joint finances). But we must check the lordship of Saturn and Other Benefic Influence.But I personally want to share that even with Benefic influence, Some aspect of the houses Saturn rules in your birth chart will suffer. Based on the eighth house meaning, when Mercury is in this house, a person’s sense of intuition is likely to be stronger. So Saturn in 8th house for Sagittarius Ascendant is not good as it is not comfortable with emotions and Cancer is a Emotional sign. Perhaps the darkest of the astrology houses, the eighth house rules over sex, death, and other people’s money. So Saturn in 8th house for Capricorn Ascendant is not good specially if it is conjunct or aspected by other enemy planet like Mars or Sun. A victim of abuse, possibly sexual or violent. As I stated you that Saturn will aspect 5th house from 8th sign and 5th house also indicate Love and relationship and 8th house indicates Physical pleasure. The eighth house in Libra is a truly strange position for this seems to be linked to people who want to be alone. If this Saturn is not afflicted it can give gain from marriage or partnership Business. Profession depend upon lot of thing though. If a person has an illicit affair with the opposite sex in the presence of a marriage partner then it likely to fall. I am a Libra ascendant with saturn in 8th house of natal chart. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news, articles and updates from our team about the new website and new features coming soon. But Remember, It should not be the Guna Milan or astakoota Milan. When Mercury transits through your eighth house, it is a very favorable time to get in touch with the hidden aspects of yourself, since this type of energy is related to a very deep way of thinking, where there may even be a concern for mortality, yours and your loved ones. The planets in the eighth house astrology determine one’s attitude toward these themes. This planet also rules the mind of a person. Because the eighth house is a water house, so many of the problems experienced here are due to an inability to understand and express them accurately. So Saturn in 8th house for Pisces Ascendant is Very good specially gain from Business or inheritence. It’s the house of joint resources, financial gain through legacy or marriage. Shadow Keywords for Mercury In 8th House: Extremist, Aloof, Detached, Inexpressive. It can give some chronic health issues as well. On the other hand, you could be sensitive to money matters by having a sixth sense about them but it’s more likely that you find it hard to grasp or hold on to what you actually own. According to the Buddhists, nothing gets our spiritual priorities straighter than death. Saturn in 8th house in Scorpio-For Aries Ascendant Saturn becomes the 10th and 11th lord and its placement in 8th house is not auspicious. The 8th House and the sign of Capricorn. Moreover it is the House of Occult Science and Spiritual progress as well. Being 8th lord in 8th house, it can give you a good Longevity. In her birth chart, Neptune, which forms a grand trine with the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Uranus, and also squares the natal Moon, is placed on the cusp of the 8th house. Saturn, Rahu and Mercury in the 8th House indicate that the disease may make a chronic turn. On a positive note, this House is about transformation and healing. It also brings possession with luxury item resulting in overspending. From 8th house, Saturn will aspect 5th house also. Where we vicariously explore the cosmos with astronauts, astrophysicists and enthusiasts. Saturn becomes Debilitated in Aries in 8th house. The first decanate or Drekkana of the Eighth House represents the first 1/3 rd of the body, the second Drekkana or decanate the second half and third, the third half. If you simply desire to have plenty of money and are not too fussed about how you go about it, then money is what you’ll get. So Saturn in 8th house for Cancer Ascendant is good. The danger here is that this can become a substitute for faith itself.  For example, you could amass lots of things around you but feel hollow inside. Saturn in Aquarius in 8th house- For Cancer Ascendant Aquarius becomes the 8th house and it is being the Mool trikona Sign of Saturn, this is a good placement. 1. The 4th house, 8th house and 12th house provide indications of death. You feel repressed and unable to find determination to succeed. A desperate friend pleaded for the mob of rioters to back off. Not to be left out of the clean sweep was Rosie Boyland in the W 20-plus with a first in the 100m 15.96sec. The native will die in connection to the afflictions to ‘hyleg’. It also controls the progeny of a person. However, if someone has their Jupiter (Brihaspati) and other relevant planets strong, it would result in strong 8th House of Saturn and he or she can lead a life of success and prosperity. The presence of Neptune in this house is very peculiar in its indication. My daughter birthdetails is given below; Saturn being the Lagna lord its placement in 8th house is not good. They often have an acute sense of what goes on behind closed doors. 4th house represents circumstances at the end of life, 8th house represents death and 12th house represents sickness and self-undoing. It doesn’t bring a lot of wealth but more than enough to survive. You are sensitive about your self-worth and earning ability. It also brings some unexpected difficulties and problems. Family Members’ Charts. If Saturn is Malefic for your chart and is not well supported, the negative result regarding these things should be expected. Started learning Vedic astrology in a very early age around 12 yrs and almost more than 20 years in astrological study. But Marriage can be delayed. Mercury in House Eight Mercury in the 8th House Overview: When Mercury, the planet of communication and rational thought occupies the 8th house, which is the house of transformation, the result is deeply psychological and intellectually powerful. Saturn is also a Technical Planet or indicates Technical Education. One must try to accept the situation and strive to respect the married partner in order to make everything fine. So the Saturn in 8th House necessarily influences a person’s love relationships. With Mercury in the 8 th house, it’s all about strategy. But it can give Government Job when placed in Leo if other Factors also support. 5th house is an important house for intelligence, wealth and Fortune. So Saturn in 8th house for Aquarius Ascendant not bad specially it can give a Long life. So Saturn in 8th house for Aries Ascendant is not good but it can give you a technical Profession. It’s is related to the health of reproductive organs like genital organs. It is also very important house for spiritual growth and interest in Occult Subjects. It can also create trouble with relatives as well. it is being the 5th and 6th lord, its debilitation is not good. 8 house is known as moksha house Neptune brings self-satisfaction. You are therefore more easily able than others to contact the significance of such mysteries as sex and death; what lies beyond the grave can fascinate you. Word Summary of describing your attitude to things beyond your control and your relatives if you have an 8th House Sign Cusp: Word Summary of how matters beyond your control – and relatives – affect you if you have a planet in your 8th House: The eighth house is related to the health of a person. The eighth house in astrology is the house of birth, death and rebirth. In Astrology, the eighth House symbolizes issues of death and rebirth, sexuality, and transformation. So it doesn’t promote Marriage, Sex etc. Saturn in 8th house in Virgo- For Aquarius Sign Virgo becomes the 8th house. The number of accidents a person would face in his/her lifetime is controlled by this house. Shani in Taurus is quite comfortable. It is the most difficult and secretive house of the zodiac. If you want an Astrological Consultation from Me, Get in touch with Me. If you yourself lean to a material view of life, then you probably regard change as something to resist or have well under control. The 8th house: passions and crises, transformations, death, financial investments, and sexuality. For Saturn everything is Duty and responsibility. Person often tries to solve the unsolved mysteries of life. In adulthood, could present itself as a struggle with low self-worth. 5th house rules over our intelligence, Education and finance as well. You can read all of our guides on our LEARN ASTROLOGY page, You like to have something physical to show for your beliefs, so in proportion to the strength of your faith, you will accumulate money and possessions.