It connects our self to our destiny, but to explain the symptoms of this phenomenon, one must first understand the technicality behind it. Even if you feel it to be a right time, you should seek a doctor when you sense a discomfort. It will give you the sensation of yourself tying to your fate. It is a name of the Durga, a female deity who represents the rousing of divine energy in Shaktism. This effect is experienced by different meditators somewhat differently. Itchy, prickly, or tingling sensations on the skin. Their shared dream of providing others with spiritual knowledge and the ability to unite soul groups has made their website the hub of activity and authority it is today. is one of the leading metaphysical websites on the internet today. Kundalini Awakening Symptoms: Signs & Benefits. The awakening of the Kundalini can be done consciously or unconsciously. You need to enter into a deep meditation then feel the awakening climb from the base of the spine to the top of your head. – unfeeling. Increased heart rate. When we experience kundalini symptoms, that energ… A Kundalini awakening is talked about a lot in spiritual circles because prior to experiencing bliss, the energy first cleanses and purifies, and the shifts that you experience can be unnerving at best, and downright painful at worst. 4. 3. Signs & Symptoms can include: Energetic sensations like electricity in the body or internal lightening bolts Shaking and jerking in the body, usually totally out of the control of the person A sensation of insects or snakes crawling on the body, often along the spine Some call these blocks. However, serious yogis caution in all seriousness that incompetent efforts to awaken the kundalini can lead to grave mental and physical injury. Both had explored the metaphysical, spiritual, healing, and esoteric worlds extensively before they met and were ready for their Twin Flame union. In my view, its not the kundalini energy itself that is causing problematic symptoms, but the physical, energetic and mental blockages that are not allowing that energy to flow. – Increase in energy, better circulation, and better overall physical health. Kash and Susan both had childhood spiritual awakenings that led them to see past the 3D veil at a young age. Physical Side Effects When awakened, the Kundalini energy moves from your tailbone up through your spine and into your head. Dangers of Kundalini Awakening. The Kundalini awakening is the rousing of all sleeping energies within your system. Lengths of time of the stages are different for everyone depending on our individual beliefs, but eventually the body does adjust and you will no longer experience any symptoms as you did in the past. The word ‘Kundalini’ is gaining a lot of buzz in the western world, with more and more people practicing kundalini yoga every day. The Kundalini exists in all life even when not all senses it. The symptoms include; sudden dizziness, emotional numbness, diminished or extreme sexual desire, feeling of electricity circulation in the body, involuntary tremors, sudden happiness, loss of appetite, and mood swings. Some of the common symptoms include: – lightheadedness. Unpleasant side effects of Kundalini awakening. Source:; Regardless, when you feel a physical or mental sensation that is out of the ordinary, always consult a physician about the matter. Intuitive Benefits. If the kundalini is awakened before there is a sufficiently purified pathway for this energy to flow through, there can be some pretty negative side effects. Some of the common symptoms include: – feeling of electricity cracking in the flesh. Kundalini is a powerful energy form that, if awakened too abruptly, can cause serious mental and physical difficulties. Heart palpitations, chest pain. How to manage Kundalini awakening side effects: If you are going through a full-blown awakening you will know what it feels like to have too much Kundalini energy running through your body. The energies in the chakra of each person are different so the experience will also vary. It can overwhelm your nervous system, like an overflow of electricity, and can leave you feeling unbalanced and depleted, wired but tired. Hence, it is advisable to meet this state in the presence of a Master and consult a medical professional before the awakening. If you’re prone to experiencing it on a more-so regular basis, you may not experience the symptoms as vividly as others. You can have strange sensations in your body, muscle twitches and out of body experiences. Hence, this awakening is felt in steps throughout your entire body. Digestive issues, like … This list, however, is by no means exhaustive. It may sound weird but many get to experience this occurrence. Emotional Symptoms. Because the chakra energies of each person is different, there are varying side effects of the Kundalini awakening. This experience feels euphoric that seems to be other-worldly. However, as mentioned above, it is by no means the sole method. Sooner or later on the spiritual awakening journey, we all taste the mysterious and intense kundalini energy …. During your Kundalini awakening you will experience an amazing Activation of … Headache, feeling of pressure in the skull. What You Need To Know About The First 7 Days Of The Superhuman Upgrade... What Do You Get By Decoding Into Superhuman? The Kundalini awakening results in many symptoms. You cannot disregard a sensation as a timely symptom of a Kundalini awakening. It’s Origin and Meaning. According to the Dharma, Kundalini refers to  a spot on our bodies that is found at the end of the spine. So, that seems to be all, hope you find this useful. According to Dharma, Kundalini is a region of our body at the base of our spine. Cellular Body You will feel uncomfortable sensations like those mentioned above. Your emotions may vary from bliss to terror. A feeling of energy rushing through the body, almost like an electric impulse. But it can’t be done with simple meditation. Muscle cramps or spasm. Once there, a sensation of europhia encompasses our entire body. Symptoms may include sensations of happiness; however, they are not limited to them.