del diritto di opzione per le partite interne delle coppe europee delle stagioni 2007/2008, 2008/2009 e 2009/2010, compensato parzialmente da minori incassi derivanti dalla vendita dei biglietti ad altre squadre e dall’assenza di proventi derivanti dalla vendita di biglietti per la finale della U.E.F.A. Every day I wake up at 7 o’clock but I usually get up at 7.15 am. Molto bene anche la nuova grammatica dello storico, Un sito internet reattivo e multilingue: proposto per lo più in sei. alle franchigie e ai privilegi fiscali e doganali nonché alla libertà dei commerci in assenza di discriminazioni, senza però sconfinare nel riconoscimento della costituzione, che non vi è stata, di un ordinamento antonomo ed extraterritoriale sottratto agli stessi poteri di intervento e di disciplina in materia urbanistica delle Autorità statuali e locali italiane. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. With clear explanations and an easy naviation. Fancy a game? dell’azienda verso il risparmio energetico, la tutela dell’ambiente e lo sviluppo sostenibile, e l’interesse crescente per le nuove opportunità di business offerte dal mercato dell’ex Unione Sovietica. its operators with a benchmark for prices of electric power in the forward market. Search Italian expressions in the Italian-English Linguee dictionary and in 1,000,000,000 translations. English Deutschland België/Belgique España France Italia Luxembourg Nederland Österreich — Български Česky English Hrvatski Polski Română Русский Svenska Türkçe Українська Magyar . The table below indicates market share in terms of value as indicated by Nielsen Bookscan for the first half of 2007 and, for now, regarding only the bookstore channel, from which it emerges that Mondadori is still, by a wide margin, Italy’s leading book publishing group, and is more than double the size of its main competitor. and the moviola (the first machine that could edit films) always on sundays on tv Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. English Translation of “italiano” | The official Collins Italian-English Dictionary online. R everso offers you the best tool for learning Italian, the English Italian dictionary containing commonly used words and expressions, along with thousands of English entries and their Italian translation, added in the dictionary by our users. fatto che il settore industriale rappresentato da un’ associazione non grandissima, con 85 aziende, ma solida testimonianza di uno straordinario patrimonio tecnico e culturale che dà l’impronta all’intero comparto manifatturiero del nostro paese, sia riuscito a controbattere colpo su colpo alla accesa concorrenza mondiale in un comparto così delicato e complesso. Human translations with examples: garden, i'm italian, i'm italian, i am italian, i am italian, i am italian. italiano translation in Italian-English dictionary. To the top. The legal status of foreigners is regulated by law in conformity with international provisions and treaties. Natürlich auch als App. Il primo semestre 2012, dopo un inizio promettente, ha purtroppo confermato tutte le difficoltà che. Western Europe continued to be the main market of the Group (55.5% of total. for the purposes for which they were intended (the conduct, as such, consists in having diverted, even partially, the funds received, without being able to demonstrate that the planned activity has nevertheless been completed). It was introduced into the United States in the 1990s and has remained true to its heritage as a versatile gun dog. Get relevant Italian-English translations in context with real-life examples for millions of words and expressions, using our natural language search engine applied on bilingual big data. italiano - translate into English with the Italian-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary English-Italian translation search engine, English words and expressions translated into Italian with examples of use in both languages. Finde eine Italienisch-Übersetzung in unserem Deutsch-Italienisch Wörterbuch und in einer Milliarde übersetzten Sätzen. All rights reserved. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. La proposta è però, con attenzione per la nuova destinazione delle sale. I have breakfast with orange juice and some rusks. nazionale in vece della Concessionaria Servizi Assicurativi Pubblici S.p.A. - gestione Fondo di garanzia per le vittime della strada. Italian (italiano [itaˈljaːno] or lingua italiana [ˈliŋɡwa itaˈljaːna]) is a Romance language of the Indo-European language family.Italian is, by most measures and together with Sardinian, the closest language to Latin, from which it descends via Vulgar Latin. What does italiano mean? I testi eventualmente tradotti devono essere presentati in copie dattiloscritte insieme con il testo stampato nella lingua originale e devono essere accompagnati da una dichiarazione sostitutiva dell'atto di notorietà con la quale, ai sensi dell'art. company limited by shares may confer on the State or a public body with a shareholding in that company the power to appoint directly one or more directors which, on its own or, as in the main proceedings, in conjunction with a provision such as Article 4 of Decree Law No 332 of 31 May 1994, which became, after amendment, Law No 474 of 30 July 1994, as amended by Law No 350 of 24 December 2003, which grants that State or public body the right to participate in the election on the basis of lists of the directors it has not appointed directly, is such as to enable that State or public body to obtain a power of control which is disproportionate to its shareholding in that company. 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445, si attesti la 10) Le. Cookies help us deliver our services. 2,151,001 results. alimentato dal Vipacco e in seguito, rivolgendosi al mare, dal Torre, per poi concludere il suo percorso di 136 km raggiungendo l'Adriatico nei pressi di Grado, caratterizzando con il suo corso quella parte di territorio friulano chiamato anche Isontino. Among collaborative projects with other foundations and institutions, the most important, specifically for the relevance of joint analyses of areas of excellence in Italy’s manufacturing system, included those with Aspen Institute Italia, Se l'incidente è accaduto in uno dei Paesi dello Spazio Economico Europeo ma con un veicolo non identificato, non assicurato, o di cui risulti impossibile identificare l'assicuratore entro due mesi dal sinistro, il soggetto interessato può rivolgere. a livello locale: la creazione di un sistema di salvaguardia che metta i bambini e gli adolescenti in condizione di esercitare i propri diritti; la promozione di azioni tese a contrastare la povertà e l’esclusione sociale; il superamento di ineguaglianze sociali e culturali; il contrasto dello sfruttamento infantile; la prevenzione della delinquenza giovanile; l’integrazione dei bambini migranti e differentemente abili; il sostegno delle famiglie; l’incoraggiamento della creazione di attività di cooperazione allo sviluppo a favore dei diritti dell’infanzia; e la mobilitazione all’azione a favore di opportunità per la socializzazione ed il gioco. Europe Austria Belgium Germany Spain France Italy Luxemburg Netherlands. Get relevant English-Italian translations in context with real-life examples for millions of words and expressions, using our natural language search engine applied on bilingual big data. In Italian-English, thousands more terms that are not included in the main dictionary can be found in the WordReference Italian-English forum questions and answers. L’Europa Occidentale continua ad essere il mercato di riferimento del gruppo (55,5% del totale, mentre a fine, il proprio contributo ai ricavi consolidati. Champions League. Non v’è dubbio, insomma, che il Porto Franco costituisca oggetto di trattati da rispettare, questo impegno vanno parametrati esclusivamente. no. a) è assolto mediante contratto di assicurazione «frontiera», come disciplinato dal regolamento previsto all'articolo 126, comma 2, lettera a), concernente la responsabilità civile derivante dalla circolazione del veicolo nel territorio della Repubblica e degli altri Stati membri, alle condizioni e fino ai limiti di somma stabiliti dalla legislazione in vigore in ciascuno di essi; b) si considera, a) fulfilled by taking out a «frontier» insurance contract as provided for in the regulation envisaged in article 126 (2) a), concerning civil liability in respect of the use of the motor vehicle in the territory of the Italian Republic and of the other member States, under the terms and up to the maximum amounts established by the legislation in, Tale ipotesi di reato si configura nel caso in cui, dopo avere. 4 del decreto-legge 31 maggio 1994, n. 332, convertito, in seguito a modifiche, nella legge 30 luglio 1994, n. 474, come modificata dalla legge 24 dicembre 2003, n. 350, che conferisce allo Stato o all'ente pubblico in parola il diritto di partecipare all'elezione mediante voto di lista degli amministratori non direttamente nominati da esso stesso, è tale da consentire a detto Stato o a detto ente di godere di un potere di controllo sproporzionato rispetto alla sua partecipazione nel capitale di detta società. is not responsible for their content. and widely appreciated, especially in the world of coffee. Italian Smettiamo di essere ipocriti, in particolare i miei amici portoghesi e italiani. 189/2002 “Bossi/Fini” for other categories; therefore beneficiaries of assisted voluntary return programmes can be easily divided into two large groups: a) Humanitarian emergencies and asylum: holders of a permit for temporary humanitarian protection and displaced persons, asylum applicants, refugees, as well as people who have renounced applying for asylum or who have been denied the status of refugee or another form of temporary protection and, last but not least, ex Dublin Convention cases; b) Trafficking victims and humanitarian cases: groups of foreigners in a state of vulnerability, trafficking victims, humanitarian cases, unaccompanied minors and stranded migrant workers. Translate Italiano. confirming the company’s focus on energy saving, protection of the environment and sustainable development as well as the new business opportunities offered by the Russian market. Definition of italiano in the dictionary. e occasione per una prima presentazione delle opere appartenenti alle collezioni Intesa Sanpaolo, particolarmente ricche e significative per il periodo considerato, che potranno fornire spunti per ulteriori occasioni di studio e conoscenza delle sue peculiarità. This Box must be anchored inside the car, in a place repaired from water infiltrations and connected to through the appropriate cable ending. therefore, a strong positive sign is the fact that the industrial sector represented by an association that is not extremely large – with 85 companies – but which is a solid proof of extraordinary technical and cultural heritage that gives the touch to the entire manufacturing sector of our country, has been able to counter world competition in such a delicate and complex sector. nei limiti in cui l'applicazione di tale disposizione impedisce il recupero di un aiuto di Stato erogato in contrasto con il diritto comunitario e la cui incompatibilità con il mercato comune è stata dichiarata con decisione della Commissione delle Comunità europee divenuta definitiva. Assassin and assassination to derive from the word Hashshashin (Arabic: حشّاشين, ħashshāshīyīn, also Hashishin, Hashashiyyin, means Assassins),and shares its etymological roots with hashish. che le clausole che seguono sono state specificatamente portate alla mia attenzione: punto 2 (danni e furto), 3 (addebiti), 4 (limitazione di responsabilità), 5 (condizioni di utilizzo), 6 (assicurazione), 7 (comportamento in caso di sinistri), 10 (foro competente). indemnity body, instead of the “Concessionaria Servizi Assicurativi Pubblici S.p.A.” – which manages the guarantee fund for victims of road accidents. instrument from the dashboard without difficulty, making it possible to use it on different cars. preponderante, soprattutto nell’attuale periodo di crisi, rispetto alle nuove edificazioni e rientra in uno degli obiettivi della commissione europea per il risparmio energetico. (Try translating these following texts from English to Italian and check your answers in the solutions' page.) This is possible, here and now. Cookies help us deliver our services. Italian "Unire le città per unire le nazioni” diceva un grande italiano, Giorgio La Pira. is predominant, especially in the current crisis period, compared to new constructions and is one of the objectives of the European Commission for energy saving. Questo Box va posizionato, in modo fisso, all’interno della vettura, in un luogo riparato dalle infiltrazioni d’acqua e collegato allo tramite l’apposito cavo terminato con. For beginners and advanced learners. Cities have favoured the achievement of critical goals set for children locally. Useful phrases translated from English into 28 languages. Una valutazione complessiva di questa possibilità contemplata dal Testo Unico sull’immigrazione non può non insistere sul passaggio da qualche iniziativa pilota, come finora è avvenuto a una “possibilità di sistema”, abbattendo i costi attraverso la valorizzazione sistematica delle. and Community law, the priorities of guaranteeing citizenship participation and effective (not fictitious like in the Observatory for the Turin –Lyon railway link) public debate emerge, that is, responding with the opening of democratic spaces and not with the militarization of a territory (or the authoritarian requalification of the site of the project as an “area of strategic national interest”)5 , responding to the requests and questions of informed, conscious citizens, the authors of a protest, more than two decades old, that is determined and peaceful. If the accident took place in one of the countries of the European Economic Space but with a vehicle which is unidentified, uninsured, or for whom it is impossible to identify the insurance company within two months of the accident, then the person. selezione ben più ampia di quanto finora sia avvenuto. Italian-English translation search engine, Italian words and expressions translated into English with examples of use in both languages. Later on, there is a more substantial dedication in English (see the document at, in which Florio starts by comparing the coming into being of his dictionary as a “birth from his brain”, jokingly apologising to Minerva, who had leapt forth from the brain of Jupiter! News on italian politics, sports, technology, economy, music, arts. acknowledge and approve the “General Terms. In the 1990s, she did press work and production for off-theatre projects and was public relations manager for Friends of Italian Opera - The English Theatre Berlin from 1998 to 2002.In 2001, she freelanced as project assistant and event manager for the European Academy Berlin; 2002-2004 she was academic trainee at the Ravensbrück Memorial Museum/Brandenburg Memorials Foundation. sia dalla Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo sia dal diritto. New Used Pre-registered. 1469 and following, I declare that the clauses hereafter have been specifically and duly brought to my attention: point 2 (damages and theft), 3 (charges), 4 (liability restriction), 5 (conditions of use), 6 (insurance), 7 (behaviour to be maintained in case of road accident), 10 (legitimate court). These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. See 3 authoritative translations of Italiano in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations. on financial markets, a macroeconomic environment experiencing further deterioration and a readily apparent slowdown in brokerage activities, caused mainly by the persistent stresses on the funding side and by borrowers‟ increased riskiness. Champions League final. The complete Italian grammar with many audio samples is now online. Copyright © IDM 2020, unless otherwise noted. Italian-English translation search engine, Italian words and expressions translated into English … Community law precludes the application of. “servitore” Giovanni Florio (tale documento può leggersi nel link )172. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. In the English-Dutch dictionary you will find more translations. If you still can not find a term, you can ask in the forums where many native English and Italian speakers from around the world love assisting others to find the right translation. Refine Search. For the ones performing professional translations from Italian to English, the specialized terms found in our dictionary are very helpful. Shakespeare introduced a lot of Italian or Latin words in English language. 56 CE dev'essere interpretato nel senso che esso osta ad una. The idea is, however, with attention to the new use of the rooms originally created for the. The names are Italian but website is English. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "Italien" – Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Englisch-Übersetzungen. È chiaro che a fronte delle sfide continue da affrontare nel contesto della competizione internazionale. La Stampa is an Italian daily newspaper based in Turin. dello strumento dal cruscotto senza difficoltà, rendendo facilmente possibile il suo utilizzo su vetture diverse. L’intervento si propone come un importante esempio. Learn Italian online, now! Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer Context sentences for "italiano" in English. Or learning new words is more your thing? Contextual translation of "sono italiano" into English. Ihr Wörterbuch im Internet für Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzungen, mit Forum, Vokabeltrainer und Sprachkursen. Il Fandango, Chaconne, Passacaglia e Sarabande sono di origine spagnola, mentre Tarantella, Piva e Saltarello sono italiano . fattori strutturali dell’economia italiana, quali la sostanziale solidità del sistema bancario e finanziario, un livello del debito privato molto contenuto e una normale posizione netta finanziaria nei confronti dell’estero, (ii) tuttavia non vi è tuttavia dubbio che l’andamento positivo della finanza pubblica e la composizione del debito pubblico hanno rappresentato fattori altrettanto rilevanti, soprattutto per preservare la fiducia degli investitori internazionali. Degna di particolare menzione è l’Epistola dedicatoria al Queen Anna’s New World of, da parte del suo umilissimo e devotissimo. There is no doubt that the Free Port is object of Treaties which shall be respected and. of assisted voluntary return was first formally provided for by Law. After a promising beginning, the first half of 2012 unfortunately confirmed all the. Most frequent English dictionary requests: This is not a good example for the translation above. Did you know? Translation of 'L'italiano' by Toto Cutugno from Italian to English. Free online translation from English into Italian and back, English-Italian dictionary with transcription, pronunciation, and examples of usage. as an option for the home games of the European cups in the 2007/2008, 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 seasons, partly compensated by the lower income from the sale of tickets to other teams and to the absence of revenues from the sale of tickets for the U.E.F.A. document can be read at the following link exemptions and customary privileges as well as the freedom of trade without any discrimination; any recognition of the constitution (which never took place) of an autonomous and extraterritorial system exempt from the jurisdictions and regulations on urban matters of the Italian state and local Authorities, shall be avoided and rejected. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. Why not have a go at them together. financial system, a very limited level of privatesector debt, and a normal net financial position with regard to Italy’s trade partners) have contributed to guaranteeing the positive performance of Italy’s debt; and (ii) there is also no doubt that the positive performance of Italy’s public finances and the mix of its public debt were also significant factors, particularly for sustaining the confidence of international investors. Information and translations of italiano in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … This Offence occurs when, after having received financing or. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, L'art. and Conditions for Motorbike Rental” described hereafter and, as per art. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Nella zona sotto l'amministrazione italiana le iscrizioni sugli enti pubblici ed i nomi delle località e delle strade saranno nella lingua del gruppo etnico jugoslavo, oltre che nella lingua dell'Autorità amministratrice, in quei distretti elettorali del Comune di Trieste e negli altri Comuni nei quali gli appartenenti al detto gruppo etnico costituiscono un elemento rilevante (almeno un quarto) della popolazione; nei Comuni della zona sotto amministrazione, In the area under Italian administration inscriptions on public institutions and the names of localities and streets shall be in the language of the Yugoslav ethnic group as well as in the language of the administering authority in those electoral districts of the Commune of Trieste and in those other communes where the members of that ethnic group constitute a significant element (at least one quarter) of the population ; in those communes in the area under, Fabio Storchi, Presidente di Comer Industries, ha partecipato al Forum Italo-Russo a Verona, organizzato dall’Associazione. is not responsible for their content. such as creating a system of safeguards to enable children and adolescents to exercise their rights, promoting action aimed to oppose poverty and exclusion, overcoming social and cultural inequalities, contrasting child exploitation, preventing juvenile delinquency, integrating foreign and children with disabilities, supporting families, encouraging development cooperation activities in favour of the rights of the child, and last but not the least, mobilising action to favour opportunities for recreation and play. In response to these developments, the Electricity Market Operator also started a series of consultations about the features of Bipex, the platform for standardized forward.