MNFI is working with partners to provide educational resources for volunteers and professionals to identify, assess and control invasive plant species in our state’s natural communities. They are commonly found in rural areas but are adapting to suburban areas. 1 Among the species considered invasive in Michigan waters are zebra mussels, quagga mussels, sea lamprey, round goby, Eurasian ruffe, spiny waterflea and fish hook waterflea. Invasive Species - (Sus scrofa) Prohibited in Michigan Feral Swine most often are brown or black and appear hairy. To report an invasive species, go to the Midwest Invasive Species Information Network website and click on "Report" in the navigation bar at the top. Download an invasive fish and crustacean poster. Black Carp have a pointed head that is flattened at the front. Like most invasive plants on the Top 12 list for Northwest Michigan, invasive honeysuckles replace native plants in high quality natural areas, which in turn reduces critical food resources for birds, butterflies, and other wild creatures. Through discussion with land management professionals and Master Naturalists, we’ve created a list of Michigan’s most pressing invaders, aquatic and terrestrial. Mile-a-minute weed has light green leaves shaped like an equilateral triangle and small white flowers. Japanese stiltgrass is a delicate, low-growing grass with stems that sprawl over one another and roots from the nodes. Michigan is, unfortunately, now home to a number of aggressive invasive plant species and several animal species. They have thick, rat-like tails covered with bristly hairs. Most non-native species are not harmful and may provide economic benefits. "Dwarf parrot feather" and "dwarf red parrot feather" are common names for a dwarf selection sold in trade. Invasive Species - Invasive Trees. Download an invasive fish and crustacean poster. Subscribe to the PlayCleanGo Protector to get clear information every month on invasive species, ways they spread, hands-on tips to use when you head outdoors, and inspiring stories of how outdoor enthusiasts are making a difference. Water Lettuce is a free-floating plant with a rosette of leaves that resembles an open head of lettuce. Leaves are opposite and simple with smooth edges and a pointed tip. An invasive species is one that is not native and whose introduction causes harm, or is likely to cause harm to Michigan's economy, environment, or human health. Chinese Yam has slender vines that spiral counterclockwise and pointed, heart-shaped leaves that are often indented on the sides. Silver Carp have a light silver body with a white belly and eyes that sit below the downturned, toothless mouth. The leaves are often taller than the club-shaped flowering heads. Scales are blackish-brown darkening to bluish-gray at the edges, with an almost white belly. Species that are not native and also have the potential to harm human health or to harm natural, agricultural or silvicultural resources can be listed as prohibited or restricted by the State of Michigan. The governors of Illinois and Michigan today agreed to work jointly to protect the Great Lakes from invasive Asian carp species. Alligator found in Lake Michigan Bohling said it's unlikely that gators would take over Lake Michigan. Michigan Department of Natural Resources. There are hundreds of invasive species in Michigan that are spreading rapidly because they have no natural check here. There are small ridges along the the edge of the leaves, making it feel serrated. Invasive species on the state’s watch list have been identified as posing an immediate or potential threat to Michigan’s economy, environment or human health. Michigan Natural Features Inventory 2/2012 Invasive Species—Best Control Practices 1 Black locust Robinia pseudoacacia Black locust is native to the southern Appalachians and the Ozarks, where it occurs on slopes and forest edges. Many feathery roots dangle under the rosette. This plant looks similar to an aloe plant, spider plant, or top of a pineapple. The State of Michigan has lists of invasive plants that are already established in Michigan or are on the watch list for being introduced and spreading in Michigan. Repeated attacks weaken trees, cause twig gouting, kill branches and, over the course of several years, cause trees to die. They feed heavily on snails, fish, amphibians, and plants. Water soldier is a submerged aquatic plant that becomes buoyant during the summer. Local concern: Round gobies have voracious appetites and an aggressive nature which allows them to dominate over native species. Himalayan Balsam grows 3-6 feet tall and has purple/red stems that are smooth and hollow. Many non-native species in Michigan, including fruits, vegetables, field crops, livestock and domestic animals, are important to our economy and lifestyle. Thousand Cankers Disease involves an insect native to the southwestern U.S. Some functions of this site are disabled for browsers blocking jQuery. It has small, white or greenish-yellow flowers that smell like cinnamon. Invasive species newer to Michigan: Black swallow-wort State officials are asking Michiganders to be on the lookout for trees infested with the disease. The Asian longhorned beetle can attack and kill many tree species including poplar, willow, sycamore, and horse chestnut, but its favorite host are maple trees. They can live in a variety of permanent freshwater habitats. It has bright green upper stems that emerge up to one foot above water and small inconspicuous white flowers where leaves attach to the section of stem above water. They have very slender stems that grow up to 30 feet long and branch out considerably near water surface. If you find an invasive species, whether plant or animal, please utilize the Midwest Invasive Species reporting tool to easily report it. Michigan’s most wanted. Typical infestation areas include stream banks, open space, roadsides, forest edges, and fence lines. It can be found in ponds, lakes, and sluggish rivers and streams. The invasive species found in the North Campus woods have a negative impact on this natural and beautiful landscape. Brazilian elodea is a bushy aquatic plant with dense whorls of bright green leaves. Invasive honeysuckles in particular affect native ecosystems by throwing off the balance. These species either have never been confirmed in the wild in Michigan or have a limited known distribution. The disease affects black walnut trees, a valuable economic and ecological resource in Michigan. The Mid-Michigan CISMA (MM-CISMA) was established in April 2016 by the Ingham Conservation District through funding from the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program (MISGP), a program through the Departments of Natural Resources, Environmental Quality, and Agriculture and Rural Development. Water Hyacinth is a free-floating perennial herb with short, bulbous leaf petioles and has round, leathery leaves arranged in whorls of 6-10. long), pale green and lance-shaped with a distinctive, shiny mid-rib, slightly off-center. It produces small, white to pale green flowers. The fruit capsules explode when ripe and touched. Trees will develop weeping wounds that attract other insects and excreted fluids from spotted lanternflies can cause mold growth on plants. These fish primarily inhabit large rivers. Black carp inhabit large rivers and lakes but require large rivers for reproduction. (Egeria densa - synonyms: Elodea densa, Anacharis densa and Philotria densa). Use the dropdown menus to select the species you want to report. For a complete list of all of Michigan’s invasive plant species, check out the detailed Michigan Natural Features Inventory guide. Streaked or marbled coloration pattern is most visible on the back, or carapace. View the watch list as a printable PDF. They have sharp teeth like a pike or pickerel. It has been planted in 48 states and was noted as spreading in jack pine barrens in Michigan as early as 1888. They produce small, white 4-petaled flowers and a woody nut surrounded by sharp barbed spines. Many non-native species in Michigan, including fruits, vegetables, field crops, livestock and domestic animals, are important to our economy and lifestyle. Spread the Word. The alternate leaves are short (3-8 cm. New Zealand Mudsnails are an average of 1/8 inch long with 5-6 whorls on their shell. If you think you have found any of these species in Michigan, please report the occurrence via the methods given below by clicking on an individual species name. Its habitat includes slow moving rivers, sheltered inlets, ponds, and ditches. Northern Snakeheads can reach up to 33 inches in length. The bulbils or air tubers are present from June to September and resemble very small potatoes. Round gobies also have a competitive advantage over native species due to a well-developed sensory system that allows for enhanced water movement detection and the ability to feed in complete darkness. Yellow Floating Heart has bright yellow flowers with 5 petals located above the surface of the water. These include fish, invertebrates, microscopic organisms, and aquatic plants. The piglets are lighter in color and often have stripes. They can reach lengths of more than 5 feet and weigh more than 80 lbs. The leaves are thick, ridged, rounded at the end, light green, and have short, white hairs. In the wild, most range in color from olive to brown, but in captivity, colors can include tan, red or blue. The Northwest Michigan Invasive Species Network (ISN) works directly with partners in Benzie, Grand Traverse, Leelanau, and Manistee counties to "protect, enhance, and promote Northwest Michigan’s natural communities through terrestrial invasive plant management and outreach." Bighead Carp have a large head with a toothless mouth and eyes that sit below the mouth. It can be found in shallow, slow-moving waters. Kudzu is a vine that extends 32-100 feet, with up to 30 vines per plant. They have a long, straight, narrow snout in comparison to domestic pigs. Balsam woolly adelgid is a sap-feeding insect that attacks true fir trees, including balsam fir and Fraser fir. The roots may or may not be attached to mud. An invasive species is one that is not native and whose introduction causes harm, or is likely to cause harm to Michigan's economy, environment, or human health. Japanese chaff flower is a perennial plant that grows 3-6 feet high with a green, bottle brush-like flower that has no petals. Asiatic Sand Sedge is a perennial sedge that grows to about a foot tall. They can grow to 6 feet long and weigh up to 150 lbs. Learn about invasive species currently found in Michigan, where they are located, how to identify them and report new sightings through the Midwest Invasive Species Information Network at These species either have never been confirmed in the wild in Michigan or have a limited known distribution. What are Invasive Species? The European Water Clover resembles a large four leaf clover, with thin green stalks bearing a single leaf. The spotted lanternfly sucks sap from the stems and leaves of orchard trees, grape vines, oaks, pines and other host plants. Invasive Species Invasive species present an enormous threat to Michigan native diversity - second only to habitat destruction. Its leaves are 40cm long, bright green, sword-shaped, have sharply serrated edges, and form a large rosette. Local Concern: Since the first discovery in Michigan in 2002, this invasive beetle has killed tens of millions of ash trees in Michigan, both in forests and in neighborhoods. The larvae feed in tunnels in the wood of the tree branches and trunks, eventually killing the tree. They have a straight tail with a tuft at the end. They have a tan color with dark brown mottling, an extended anal fin, a pelvic fin up near the gills and pectoral fins. Feeding can weaken the plant and eventually contribute to its death. Our goal is to assist both experts and citizen scientists in the detection and identification of invasive species in support of … The portal is provided as a public service and is owned and operated by the State of Michigan (the State). All content on is the property of the State or its content suppliers and is … These invasive plants, above all else decrease the areas biodiversity and alters the hydrologic and soil conditions. Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations. (Myriophyllum aquaticum - synonyms: Myriophyllum brasiliensis, Myriophyllum brasiliense, Myriophyllum proserpinacoides and Enydria aquatica). If you visit, you agree to these terms and policies. The shells vary from light brown to black. European frog-bit has kidney-shaped to heart-shaped leaves and a single white flower with three round petals and a yellow center. Invasive species cause harm when they out-compete native species by reproducing and spreading rapidly in areas where they have no natural predators and change the balance of the ecosystems we rely on. They produce a deep blue colored fruit arranged in clusters. They are aggressive competitors, often dominating an … Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) feeding can kill needles, shoots and branches, resulting in tree death. Invasive Species - Invasive plants Browsers that can not handle javascript will not be able to access some features of this site. Michigan has added Beech leaf disease to its invasive species watch list. These tiny insects secrete white wax as they feed on sap from hemlock shoots and branches. They have been widely identified as a serious threat to global and local biodiversity. Michigan's Invasive Species Program is cooperatively implemented by the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, the Department of Natural Resources, and the Department of Agriculture & Rural Development. LANSING, Mich.— Beech leaf disease has been added to Michigan's invasive species watch list and state officials are asking residents to be on … It prefers forested floodplains but will grow almost anywhere from deep shade to full sun. An invasive species can be introduced into a new area intentionally or on accident, but can have devastating effects either way. New Clean Boats, Clean Waters grants available for outreach activities, Time to check trees for hemlock woolly adelgid, Hemlock woolly adelgid found in Ludington State Park, Prune oak trees in winter to prevent oak wilt, MDARD urges continued vigilance after dead spotted lanternfly cases identified in Michigan. Not the Problem. Water Chestnut has green floating leaves with sharply serrated edges that form a densely crowded rosette. They can grow to 5 feet long and weigh up to 90 lbs. Download an aquatic invasive plant poster. Michigan An invasive species is one that is not native and whose introduction causes harm, or is likely to cause harm to Michigan’s economy, environment, or human health. Hydrilla is a submerged aquatic plant with generally green leaves whorled in a group of 4-8. (Pityophthorus juglandis + Geosmithia morbida). Many non-native species in Michigan, including fruits, vegetables, field crops, livestock and domestic animals, are important to our economy and lifestyle. Invasive species on the watch list have been identified as posing an immediate or potential threat to Michigan's economy, environment or human health. It has distinctive air bladders that keep the leaves afloat. Winter is still a time to stop invasive species (PlayCleanGo) How non-native plants are contributing to a global insect decline ( Yale Environment 360 ) Invasive, hyperbolically named vine makes first known appearance in Michigan ( Western Michigan University Public Radio ) They can tolerate a wide variety of habitats including reservoirs, estuaries, rivers, and lakes. Grass Carp have large scales that appear crosshatched and eyes that sit even with the mouth. Invasive species are a significant threat to Michigan’s native biodiversity and their impacts are wide-ranging. This plant can be found free-floating or rooted in shallow water. Nutria are approximately two feet long with yellow or orange colored front teeth. Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN) for reporting infestations and training in identification. Invasive species on the watch list have been identified as posing an immediate or potential threat to Michigan's economy, environment or human health. The Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN) is a regional effort to develop and provide early detection and response resources for invasive species. Spawning generally occurs following a flood event in large, turbulent rivers. A medium-sized (4 to 5 inch) crayfish with slender or narrow claws. Red Swamp Crayfish have dark red color with bright red raised spots - they look like small lobsters. It has a triangular stem with brown scales at the base. Bighead carp are able to establish populations in water bodies with a wide range of temperatures. Leaves are circular or heart shaped and are alternately arranged on the stem but oppositely on the flower stalk. They prefer quiet, shallow waters. There are 5-10 flowers on each stem and the flowers have 5 petals that are purple, pink, or white in color. It has alternate, compound leaves with three broad leaflets and in late summer produces purple individual flowers that grow in upright clusters. Invasive species have negative ecological, economic, social and public health impacts. Parrot feather has spikes of stiff, feathery leaves that grow in whorls of 4-6. They may exceed three feet in length and can weigh up to 60 lbs. Download an aquatic invasive plant poster.