It might be that the object is just too low in the sky. Looking through this, but a couple inches away from eyepiece, I can see my hand waving at the end of the telescope and the light. And yes the moon was visible with bare eyes. I got it for christmas and put it all together. The lower down the object, the more atmosphere you’re looking through and not only the dimmer the view, but the brighter the sky background if there’s any light pollution at all, and in the case of planets, the greater the chance of a blurred image due to atmospheric turbulence. The High Point Scientific moon observation guide while using a telescope provides beginner tips for creating the best viewing experience. Take control of your telescope! I don't have any lens. Planets are small and far enough away that they will never fill a significant portion of your field-of-view, even at you scope's highest usable magnification. Perfect for the serious student, professional scientist and discriminating hobbyist. I would always just see a dark blue. And even then, I never saw ridges. But it had Celestron's superb optics. Positive: 14.285714285714 %. Thank you! Why you can’t see anything in your telescope and how you can fix this. Today I aligned the finderscope and tried to look at the moon. Is it really a subpar telescope, or are you doing something wrong? :(I paid over $100 for this, but sadly, it does not work! Using a 5mm eyepiece instead will double the magnification compared with the 10mm eyepiece. I have it in Live View I TRIED EVERYTHING. Even with a lower-power eyepiece like the 20mm, a view can be blurry because of the Earth’s atmosphere. You, first, need to take your telescope outside. NOTE: This is just for NexStar+ hand-controllers only. My adapter and telescope work. You may believe this to be true but it is not. With a 10 mm eyepiece that should be 65 power. The Moon is one celestial object that never fails to impress in even the most humble scope. It’s our nearest neighbor in space — big, bright, starkly bleak, and just a quarter million miles away. ... Mars is so far away that it is just a tiny dot and Saturn's rings are almost edge on to us, so look like a toothpick through a cocktail onion. We set this up together and we followed all instructions to set it up but we still can't see anything through the lens. But I just can't seem to find anything in the sky with it. Astro-images taken through a telescope on a tracking mount provide breathtaking color and detail that you just can't see with your eyes alone. For a finderscope to work, you need to align it with your telescope. The most popular accessories for your new telescope! Now turn one of the two knobs to the side or below the draw-tube–first one way then the other until the object is in focus. If you can’t see anything clearly through your telescope at night, try using the scope in daylight first. Your eyepieces are the first accessories you should learn to use with your telescope. Help, I cant see anything through my eyepiece (Celestron PowerSeeker 127eq). I have tried so much stuff, but I can't see anything. If you want to see a larger disk, you need to use a higher power eyepiece. It takes some practice. All Rights Reserved. There are several reasons for the eyepiece not functioning, or a lack of visible images. This rugged, 3-in-1 device features a true tactical 3-mode flashlight, a hand warmer, and a portable power bank for recharging your personal electronics on the go. That’s true up to a point, but if you buy a scope that’s too big and unwieldy, it could become a hobby killer simply because it’s too difficu… I have a Celestron Astromaster 114 EQ, which I saw was highly recommended as a great beginner scope. I looked through the eyepiece and couldnt see anything except stars, I enjoyed seeing the stars, but I really wanted to see Andromeda. Celestron's Greg Bragg is here to help you get your telescope setup and have you viewing as soon as possible. Have a promo code? telescope.. celestron.. cant see anything? Please let us know what topics you are interested in. I wave my hand past the end but doesn't even go light and dark. Is there a certain setting or something. Heat waves and high-altitude winds move air around and cause differing temperatures of air to mix. I was told I didn't need one. If you can’t see anything clearly through your telescope using your eyepiece, try using a different eyepiece; switch from a high-power eyepiece to a lower-power (ex: 4mm to a 20mm eyepiece) instead. Whenever there's any light in front of the telescope, it goes through the lens, but we still can't see anything, and then it feels as through we're looking into a microscope because it just looks like we're looking at cells under a … It's full on the night of January 1st. According to specifications I found online, your scope has a focal length of 650mm. Now, I’m going to deal with a giant issue right upfront to get it out of the way. If its your first time using a telescope, finding objects in the sky can be very difficult. My NexStar+ hand control is stuck displaying “Initializing….” What can I do? Then five years ago, I bought a real telescope (Celestron NexStar 8SE below) and attempted to embrace my new hobby without a lot of success. It stands to reason that the more light you gather, the more you can see. It's the MOON. Always start with the lowest power eyepiece (the one with the highest number in millimeters printed on it). Celestron’s FREE planetarium app is an astronomy suite that redefines how you experience the night sky. I was using the 20mm eyepiece not the 4mm, so I should get a lower magnification right? Your telescope collects the same amount of light no matter the eyepiece. Learn More It will still be a small disk, but you will potentially be able to see more detail than with the provided eyepieces. I cant see anything in the sky.. just buildings close by. I did remove the caps on the eyepiece, on the tube and everything. © 2021 Celestron, LLC. I had purchased this as a gift for my niece's birthday. I wish I could still return it. On the trail, at the job site, in the classroom, or simply sitting at home relaxing – the Celestron Elements ThermoTank 3 will keep your hands toasty. Celestron’s award-winning Nature DX binocular gets a major upgrade with the addition of ED objective lenses. For example, many of Celestron’s basic telescopes come with a 10mm eyepiece as the shortest focal length in the box with the new scope. This should be sufficient to show a small reddish orange disk for Mars. Yes, I've removed the lens cap, yes I've tried aligning with Polaris. You read all these raving Celestron Powerseeker 127EQ reviews, but now that you got one, you find out it’s a useless piece of junk that doesn’t show anything. As soon as I insert any lens (one of those approx 1" long items 20mm, I have a couple different ones.) After a little bit of trying I centered the moon in the finderscope, but I couldnt find it in the eyepiece even with turning the slow motion cables. Just look down the tube of the scope, line it up and swing the end of the scope around until you see a really bright light. Looking for an advice video on How To Look Through A Telescope ? I connected a 9mm lens to the adapter and a barlow, I connected a 20mm lens and a barlow. A telescope’s primary job is to gather light and squeeze that light down into a small beam that it directs into your eye. On nights that are like this, the situation gets worse when you magnify it using an even higher power eyepiece like your 4mm. If you can’t see anything clearly through your telescope using your eyepiece, try using a different eyepiece; switch from a high-power eyepiece to a lower-power (ex: 4mm to a 20mm eyepiece) instead. Q: If you really cannot find focus there may be a fault with the telescope. For NexStar* hand controllers, please click here.... We process your personal data as stated in our. Observing the microscopic world has never been easier! Here are some solutions to your problem. An amateur telescope and a good Moon map can keep you busy forever. Anytime we do look through the lens, it's as though we're looking at a white blob. Focus, see the moon, then look through your finder to see where it's pointed. But I can’t see anything in the telescope’s ... Keep in mind that these same atmospheric conditions can diminish image quality when viewing objects near the horizon through your telescope. In 1984, an 8" Celestron telescope was painted orange and black and cost $1438.45 ($3484.17 in 2017 dollars) – and didn't have a go-to computer or Starbright XLT optical coatings. Look through the eyepiece by placing your eye just behind it, not right against the lens. I often see pleas of help from new telescope owners who purchased a telescope to view features on the prominent planets that grace our evening … Then I don't see anything, not even light. I have a Celestron Nexstar 130 SLT (D=130mm/FL=650mm) I used it last night, on a clear night with a 25mm eyepiece. Read … I can't see anything through my reflector telescope!? This is a fundamental law of physics applies to all kinds of astronomy. Why can’t I see anything with my Celestron Powerseeker 127EQ? Answer for question: Your name: ... while also sometimes needing you to move quite far through the focal range. Your scope will show a larger disk than what you are seeing now. Great for home, classroom, or home-school use, this kit includes all the essential items you’ll need to begin exploring the wonders of the microscopic world. Many people still fondly recall their original orange tube Celestron C8 as being the best telescope they ever had. celestron 114lcm (electronic/ reflector) last night I saw total blackness through the eye piece (Clear sky) today (in daylight) I saw distant trees with great clarity and detail! Viewing the moon through a telescope may seem like an easy task, but it's more complicated than grabbing your gear and waiting for the next full moon. Why do planets appear as small dots with Low-Power Eyepieces? Why can't I see anything at night? Enter it during checkout! It is very easy to align a finderscope with a telescope. I would really appreciate if anyone had an idea how to fix this. When someone considers buying a new telescope - the first question will usually be \"what can I see through it?\" In this article I will try to illustrate the views you can expect through different telescopes, and maybe help to decide which one to choose. Why I can't see anything in my celestron 8se even after trying different eye pieces? Maybe you even have a Go To telescope, and still can’t see them. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Celestron - PowerSeeker 127EQ Telescope - Manual German Equatorial Telescope for Beginners - Compact and Portable - Bonus Astronomy Software Package - 127mm Aperture at If you can’t find objects in your telescope, your finderscope isn’t aligned with your telescope. This makes the air act like a weak lens that interferes with the light from a planet or a star by de-focusing it. Read our guide! It is much easier to focus and has a wider field of view making it easier to aim the telescope. If its brand new, never been dropped, etc, it should be aligned correctly. Atelescope eyepiece focuses the faint light of stars, planets and other distant objects captured through the lenses contained in the barrel of the telescope. I’m not a star-hopper kind of learner. The sinuous Hadley Rille runs through this valley, ... #1 rated Beginner Telescope. Start here to find the perfect telescope for you! #DearCelestron Series - I can't see anything through my telescope. You can see everything out to Uranus with your naked when they and Earth are appropriately positioned in their orbits, so of course they will be visible in a 40mm telescope as well. Remember that the smaller the focal length eyepiece you use, the higher the magnification you will see in the scope. Download the Celestron PWI Telescope Control Software. I look through them separately. The astro-images on our web site demonstrate the imaging capabilities of the products used and are not intended to represent what you will see when you look through a telescope. October 8, 2008. Tomorrow I can try to realign the finder more perfectly, but I think it should have been pretty good. What could I have forgotten? Sign up to receive sale alerts, news about upcoming celestial events, and telescope tips from our experts! It is much easier to familiarize yourself with focusing, aiming the telescope and aligning the StarPointer in daylight if you are new to astronomy. The Moon is well-placed in the evening sky this week (December 25–31, 2017) as it waxes from first-quarter to gibbous toward full. I have a 200mm telescope which collects perhaps 1600x as much light as my naked eye, but objects such as the Andromeda Galaxy or the Orion Nebula are no brighter in appearance than I can see with my naked eye, or through binoculars. Celestron NexStar 130SLT Computerized Telescope. Always start with the lowest power eyepiece (the one with the highest number in millimeters printed on it). There were a few clouds but you could definitely see the moon shine through all the time. DUE TO EXTREMELY HIGH DEMAND, WE WILL NOT BE TAKING NEW ORDERS UNTIL MONDAY, DECEMBER 14. Can’t see anything through your telescope at night? Help! So in general, the bigger the aperture (the diameter of the objective lens or primary mirror) the more useful the scope. I selected Andromeda from the list of objects, and it slewed to where it was supposed to be. I couldn’t see diddly except for the moon. … Hi Moi, Thank you for your comment, but I have to disagree. I did try playing around with the focus, but it didnt change anything.