Check out their page –, I am after a silica supplement for I have had compulsive finger, biting, picking habit for 14 years. April 2013 June 2016 The birds don’t like the randomly flashing lights and noise when the wind blows. Often it’s sold by the 50 lb sack or other incredible amount that you will probably not be able to use, but both times I’ve had to go that route I was able to talk the nice person behind the desk into measuring me out less. December 2016 If the species is Avena sativa, then yes it’s the same. Good question. November 2015 I just made my first tincture ever. since Milky oats has such a creamy compenent to it, does that creamy compenent have medicinal qualities left in it after tincturing? Hey and thanks! Leave the greens standing so you can harvest oat straw later in the month (which you will harvest by cutting it down with pruners or a scythe, then dry for tea or tincture fresh at 1:2 75% for your future happiness and health–instructions on tincture-making here). Ingredients/Parts used: ArtemAvena sativa (tops) Other ingredients: neutral distilled spirits Extraction: 1:2 (full strength//not from concentrate//no water added). Wait for the little tail to just appear and put them on the ground. If you didn’t till in the fall, know that you will most likely have to make a decision in March or April to either prep the bed by hand or wait until the ground dries out enough for the tiller–but then you’re gambling on the soil temperature for germination, which is often well into the high 50’s by the time the soil dries out, around here anyway. I also read a comment that said that tincturing of horsetail is a waste of both the alcohol and of the herb. There’s more info about this in the article on tincture making, under “solubility.”. Anyway, if it’s not mold, it’s probably phytochemicals that can’t join with alcohol. This blog is a labor of love. Please do not reproduce my writing without my permission. Food Plants January 2014 Im aiming for 12 liters of finished product,but who can tell. You can try again for a fall crop, which is harder to time but still works. Wheel Of The Year “Milky” refers to the whitish goo (latex) that comes out of the fresh, unripe seed when you squeeze it. Milky Oats tincture. March 2019 One thing the farmer pointed out is that when the oats are in the “milky” stage,there is lots of milk sap in the stalks,which feeds the seed. Holidays History Of Herbstalk St. John's Wort Herbal Marketplace First time I’ve grown them, and so far so good. Do you think it’s ok to pour it all back in my blender, blend, then pour it back in my jars? Shen Tonics . Avoid this for the long-season Brassicas like cabbage and brussels sprouts because the oats will be cut down long before those crops are ready. I have been harvesting my first grown oats and have a batch tincturing as well. Another option is to invite friends and neighbors to harvest your excess, which is what I do in this situation. Hi, I have begun a fresh tincture f the milky oats, and have discovered I have not blended them as stated in the instructions. Milky Oats. Succession Planting Oat is a great tool for succession planting, as it lays down a beautiful nitrogen-rich weed-free layer of mulch for your hot season crops. That should help lower the cost of the medicine and help you find a balance with how much medicine you’re taking. Seasons Eco-printing The secret trick to Milky Oats is using a blender, food processor, or mortar (last resort) to get the plant matter (marc) to stay submerged under the liquid (menstruum). You mentioned earlier (above) to start high and bring amount down over the week to find a dose that works for you. Ecological Herbalism Do I need to worry about getting out air bubbles…etc? ), and your own constitution. Thanks again! The answer is pretty simple–either grow them yourself, talk a friend into growing them for you, or buy them fresh from a local herb farm. How long do you leave the pulp in the Jar before getting juice out? Oats must be in the ground early enough to be milky before the weather gets really hot or it will blast through the milky stage and just bolt right to fruiting. Growing/Care Oats are easy to grow and need little to no care. December 2013 I just tinctured my fresh milky oats this morning, but knew I was missing a step (blending) because I was thinking, “how am I going to get all the milky goodness out”?? Microclimate Oats are kind of tall so you can use them to create interesting microclimates for early season crops. 2. I just made a milky oats tincture and used 11oz. Once the weather gets hot it does its baby-making thing and goes to seed, which means you missed the milky stage. What’s the difference? Mugwort Artichoke To prep the bed by hand, turn the soil with a shovel, weeding as you go; when the soil is as turned as it’s going to get, follow instructions below. I know nothing beats fresh, but is freezing viable? Cancer I live in tropics so none growing conveniently around me.