Thank you for the easily understandable commentary, Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! Gajendra Moksha Stotram is a prayer to Lord Vishnu by Gajendra, the King of Elephants, when a crocodile caught hold of him. Divine is never born and has many forms- Wondered how? Asathaa cchaya yokthaya sadaa basaaya they nama. पुरुषायादिबीजाय परेशायाभिधीमहि || Thasya aathma loka varanasya moksham. Naishkarmya bhavena vivarjithagama, SB. Gajendra Moksham is one of the most famous exploits of Vishnu in Srimad Bhagavatam. namah kaivalya-nathaya nirvana-sukha-samvide  -11. Avyaktha madhyathmika yoga gamyam, “Gajendra Moksha” a prayer, addressed to Lord Vishnu by Gajendra, the King Elephant, is one of the most  magnificent hymns of bhakti from the Bhagavat Mahapuran, embellished with the jnana and vairagya of the Upanishads. Anthar bahi schavrutha ye bhayonyaa, 4. Of what use is life in this elephant body wherein veils of  ignorance hide the spiritual vision both from within and without? You are unapproachable by those who are unable to  control their senses. purushayadi-bijaya pareshayabhidhimahi  -2 नमो नमस्तुभ्यमसह्यवेग शक्तित्रयायाखिलधीगुणाय 15. तमस्तदासीद्गहनं गभीरं यस्तस्य पारेऽभिविराजते विभुः ||, kalena pancatvam iteshu  kritsnasho lokeshu paleshu cha sarva-hetushu Once a family of elephants, which inhabited the forest on the mountain, entered the garden led by their mammoth chief, Gajendra, and made it to a big lake in it to drink water and cool themselves. sarvagamamnaya-maharnavaya namo‘pavargaya  parayanaya -15. Na yasya devaa rishaya padam vidhu, अत्यद्भुतं तच्चरितं सुमङ्गलं गायन्त आनन्दसमुद्रमग्नाः ||, ekantino yasya na  kanchanartham vanchanti ye vai bhagavat-prapannaha who is seen in the core of the heart by the yogis who have purified and freed themselves  yo ‘smat parasmach cha paras tam  prapadye svayambhuvam -3. The life of a being is like that of Gajendra. stotra documents and pdfs. . Sathvena prathi labhyaya naishkarmyena vipaschitha, दिदृक्षवो यस्य पदं सुमङ्गलं विमुक्तसङ्गा मुनयः सुसाधवः स वै न देवासुरमर्त्यतिर्यङ्न स्त्री न षण्ढो न पुमान्न जन्तुः Purushaa yaadhi bheejaaya paresayaabhi dheemahi. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. गजेन्द्र मोक्ष स्तोत्रम् » Slokas and Mantras, கஜேந்திர மோக்ஷ ஸ்தோத்ரம் » Slokas and Mantras. Gajendra then attained a form like that of … Gajendra was a powerful elephant-king who lived in Trikoota mountains. Gajendra moksha prayers are nothing but a set of shlokas from Srimad Bhagavatam. Athma athmajaaptha Gruha vitha janeshu saakthai. Aroopyo roopaya nama aascharya karmane. Nama kaivalya nadhaya nirvana sukha samvidhe. These texts are prepared by volunteers and are to be used for personal study and research. Its known as Gajgadha where the King of Elephants fought and Lord Vishnu came to his rescue. Indra Dhyumna was a great king who was a … 2. the Being who is attainable only by  meditation, the Being who is subtle and infinite, 8.3.2-29.Enjoy this rendition as you read the shlokas by yourself. Swa mayaya thaanyunukala mruchathi. Lord Vishnu comes down to Earth and protects him. I bow down to that Lord of Yoga, पुरुषायात्ममूलाय मूलप्रकृतये नमः ||, ksetra-jnaya namas tubhyam sarvadhyakshaya  sakshine May all  glories go to Him! As soon as Gajendra dipped his feet in the lake, a crocodile  clutched at one of his feet and started dragging him into the water. Niryanthi samyaanthya sakruth swarochisha, As gajendra moksham slokas in telugu pdf that the king was born as Gajendra. First of all I’d like to make a correction about the curse of Maharishi Agastya. Read More. मादृक्प्रपन्नपशुपाशविमोक्षणाय मुक्ताय भूरिकरुणाय नमोऽलयाय Dear Internet Archive Supporter,. This enraged Agastya who cursed the king to become an  elephant in his next birth. The mighty elephant was living royally surrounded by other elephants ready to serve and entertain him. 18. who are immediately perceived in the cavity of their hearts by those who  are free from ignorance. तथापि लोकाप्ययसम्भवाय यः स्वमायया तान्यनुकालमृच्छति ||, na vidyate yasya cha janma  karma va na nama-rupe guna-dosha eva va I glorify that Imperishable Being, the Brahman, the overlord of Brahma and others, I can only be saved by Your Grace!”. Charanthya loka Vrutha mavranam vane, 27. Indradyumna did  not notice the sage. He recalled that hymn now with great feeling, praising the Lord for his many mercies and ended with a prayer to Him to listen to his cry of distress and save him. Namo giraam vidhooraya maanasa schethasam api. tatha yato‘yam guna-sampravaho  buddhir manah khani sharira-sargaha – 23. When the equilibrium of gunas is disturbed, there arises in  you the will to create. Prapatti Online - Hindu Sri Vaishnava Community - Hosting Stotras,Audio MP3s, Slokas by Vedanta Desika, Ramanuja, Alavandaar, and more. Nayam Veda swamaathmaanam yacchakthyaa hamdhiyaa hatham, 28. I bow down to the Lord who cannot  be reached by speech or by the mind