Female Siamese Fighting fish are not as aggressive and won’t immediately try to scrap with every fish they see. Luckily these fish offer visual cues you can use to identify males from female beta fish. How do you keep your female fish or sorority healthy? Sorority Tank Rule #7: No males allowed. Turn your heater on and set the temperature, and allow your filter to cycle. Fill your tank with water and add your filter, heater, thermometer and any decorations or plants you’ve chosen. I'm wondering if she is very young because she also still has "stress stripes" after having her for a few weeks. They’ll think they are in a whole new space and the new fish is part of the new set up. They are beautiful fishthat will display plenty of personality. Sorority Tank Rule #4: Even in the most well-adjusted families disagreements still crop up from time to time. With a good filtration system, you may only need to do a water change once or twice a month, depending on the size of your tank. They will chase fish from their territories and they don’t always play nicely with others. And if one isn’t getting any food being on her own might mean she’ll be able to survive. This fish is a favorite because of its beauty, its long flowing fins and because of their relatively easy care. Sorority Tank Rule #6: Females from the same spawn, ie sisters, that have been together since birth have the best chance of getting along. Written by. You may even have enough space to add some bottom-dwelling or schooling community fish if you want. Avoid stressing your fish and they should thrive in your tank! See this as translating into any any harassment will be dished out to multiple targets meaning no one fish is likely to be bear the brunt of it all. For community set-ups, I make sure to offer a variety of foods so each type of fish can pick what they prefer. I don’t recommend trying to keep fewer than 3 females together, as they may single each other out to fight. Caring for a single female betta is really no different than taking care of a male fish. Now you can shop for your fish! That’s what in part accounts for their popularity. When buying fish, the male’s unique variety will be identified while the ladies are often simply listed as “female bettas.”, The ovipositor tube (a white spot) is noticeable at the base of ventral fins, Beard is tucked under the gill cover and almost invisible, Extended fancy tail, anal and dorsal fins. Size: Females tend to be smaller in size. Bettas don’t like a lot of water current, however. Check your aquarium temperature before you change the water and adjust the heater if necessary. You should add live or plastic plants, rocks, sticks and other decorations to your tank to give your fish places to hide and explore. Okay so given the risk of attitudes flaring is it still really possible to safely house more than one female fighting fish in one large bowl, tank or aquarium? Let’s tackle the most important question first. The key to a healthy sorority tank is to maintain really good water quality and give each female plenty of room for their personal territory. Betta Splendens (more commonly known as “betta fish”) are among the most popular and well-known aquarium fishes. Bettas don’t need a high level of oxygen in their water, but they do prefer very clean water. You’ll need at least a 10-gallon tank to keep a single betta and a few other community fish and a minimum of 25-gallons for a group of female bettas. But I have to see giant betta fish that is 7 inches long. While you have the option of feeding your betta a commercial diet, many fish greatly prefer live or fresh-frozen foods over flakes. It’s not hard to set up an aquarium for your pretty female betta fish! Where they differ is in their fins. The idea here is to make sure you get helpful info and useful ideas on betta fish care that really work. Dropsy. The key to creating a community tank with a female betta or sorority is: Now that you’ve got all the details on female bettas, let’s talk about their requirements and how to set-up and maintain their tank. While technically you could keep two females alone in a 10-gallon set-up, this is likely going to be stressful for them. That and the fact that bettas each pretty much have fairly unique personalities – for fish. Females may be kept in a group (called a sorority) and with other community fish. Then too keeping the cast of characters the same, that is no new fish, also helps keep “misunderstandings” to a minimum. They should be roughly the same size, and the female should be slightly smaller than the male. I have a female betta who is about an inch long (not including fins). The size of your tank matters, but how you arrange your decor and equipment is key to minimizing aggression between your betta fish and their companions. Like you I'm passionate about betta fish and hope to share my enthusiasm. While you can often get by without a filter, you need a heater for a betta tank. We’ll save discussing males in more depth when looking at breeding beta fish, okay? So I guess I have two questions. Colors: Typically female betta fish have less vibrant coloration than males. Seven or nine fit comfortably in a twenty gallon set up. But they don’t like it when others invade their space. Bettas are not picky about their substrate, so feel free to pick the product you prefer. You’ll need a breeding tank for your male fish to build his bubble nest and at least one other tank to raise their offspring. They don’t do well when their tank is out of this range and they get stressed and sick if their water fluctuates more than a degree or two over 24-hours. They’ll be dreadfully unhappy. Are 1.5- and 3-gallon aquariums large enough for bettas? Shirlie is a fish and aquarium lover with 16 years of experience writing on the topic of raising and keeping fish at home. This leaves the occupants enough space and hiding places to go around. You might search for a crowntail or double tail male, or pick a male based on their color. How often do you need to change your aquarium water? If you’re using an under gravel filter, set that up first. Where they differ is in their fins. But, female guppies typically range from 1.2 inches to 2.4 inches in length, putting them at about the same size as female betta fish. Wild betta fish lack the vibrant colors of the fancies, although many have interesting scale patterns and spots of bright color. Male betta fish can grow up to 2.5 to 3 inches while the female can only grow up to 2 inches in size. Male fish are known for their elaborate, decorative 1 to 2-inch long tail fins. You don’t have to have a light set-up for your tank unless you plan on growing live plants. It may also be helpful to know that female betas can display horizontal stripes when they are stressed or frightened. Distinguishing between a male and a female koi betta fish is a daunting task even for pet store owners. Keeping a betta in a tiny tank will lead to stress and can cause health problems. If you want to have other community fish with your female, upgrade to at least a 10-gallon set-up. Plus, you may opt to get several females and start a sorority tank! But they can’t help themselves. You’re better off going with a bigger tank and larger group of females. You can do as much as is necessary to get the water clean. I have found that, in most sororities, the female bettas form a pecking order and are able to successfully live with one another. Another betta selling point perhaps? This is because those elaborate fins predispose males to many health problems, such as fin and tail rot and swim bladder disorders. Anyone who keeps tropical fish will know of Bettas. Putting one in first lets that one mistakenly see the entire tank as her territory. If you notice that certain bettas in the tank are fighting, or if … Rinse your substrate and place it at the bottom of your tank. If you have a single female in a small tank you may be able to get by without a filter, but you’ll probably have to change the water a few times a week to keep your fish healthy. And keeping more than one sorority sister in a tank can work just fine (most of the time) provided you follow a few basic guidelines. Jen has more than 30 years experience as a biologist, aquarist, and fishkeeper. Unlike many community fish, bettas don’t require high oxygen levels in their water. Although anymore breeders have found ways to develop females that are almost every bit as colorful as their brothers in some cases. I’d offer a single betta a couple of bites or flakes of commercial foods or a few rehydrated freeze-dried treats. But some would say that’s definitely what makes them just that much more special. If plants are a priority, then I would invest in a high-quality light set-up to maximize their potential growth. Such a trick tends to cut down on any group territorial aggression towards the newcomer. It’s any betta’s nature to be in constant attack mode. If a betta is in a tank that’s too small for them, they’ll never grow to their maximum size (which is generally 2.5 inches, however, some can grow to 3 inches as well). This saves you the hassle of having to buy everything individually. I know babies have those stripes for camouflage and then the stripes go away at a certain age. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Male bettas can be more aggressive than their female counterparts. Learn about The Spruce Pets' Editorial Process. Bettas get bored if they live in an empty tank without any plants or decorations to play with. Poor water quality and cool water temperatures are the leading cause of stress and sickness in betta fish. Anyway, enough talk about a sorority, let's get on to the tank details. Things that may stress your female betta include: Female bettas are usually healthier than colorful male fish. Tankarium is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Since bettas prefer to hang out at the surface, a long tank should provide plenty of room at the top for multiple female bettas to each have their own territory. How To Set-up Your Tank For Success! This impacts the way you’ll set-up your tank and the types of tank mates you might add to your community. Shirlie Sharpe. I usually feed my fish every other day, as this pattern of feast and famine more closely mimics their natural way of eating than daily feedings would. For the most part, the bettas you’re going find at the chain pet stores are going to be males because they are the showier sex and as such better grab the attention of would be buyers better. You’ll also reduce your betta’s stress and potential aggression by feeding them on a regular schedule. If you’re interested in keeping female bettas together you’ll need to set up a sorority tank. While you may be able to maintain a single female in a small 1-gallon set-up short term, this is much less room than is ideal. Besides like in anything else some simply do not play well with others. If the betta fish is healthy it will noticeably exhibit vibrant colors and very healthy looking scales. A territory that is to be defended. Although betta can survive in smaller tanks, it can be difficult to establish a stable nitrogen cycle and regulate temperature. Once your water is clear, add the appropriate amount of water conditioner. Favorite hiding places claimed. They have the same needs when it comes to diet, temperature, and water circulation. 2. As attractive as they may be, they are a very bad idea for bettas and are completely unsuitable for betta sororities. In addition, it helps to know whether your betta is male or female. For one betta, either the 1.5-gallon or 3-gallon aquarium is a perfect home. The main focus on this article is the Betta fish and mainly the females. One fun fact about bettas is that they are a type of labyrinth fish and have an organ that allows them to breathe air on the surface of the water. Add a few fish at a time, gradually bringing your tank to its capacity over the period of a month. Table of Contents The giant betta is the same as regular betta fish, but the body size grows larger than traditional betta fish. There are a number of verities of bettas by fin type and fin colors and personality. This is the single most important thing you can do to keep your female betta looking her best! Turns out a lot and yet not so much. It’s best to place your betta tank out of direct sunlight so it doesn’t get too hot in the summer months. Fact: Two females in one tank equals total CHAOS Part 2. Sorority Tank Rule #2: A number of female bettas can be kept in the same 10 gallon tank as long as it’s an odd number. Of all aquarium fish the Betta is probably the second most popular fish kept with it being only slightly less popular than Goldfish.. Yes. If that’s clear as mud let’s see if we can’t explain that two of a kind paradox and find out more as we try to understand female bettas from the inside out. If you are going to stick with an easy manufactured betta diet, pick a high-quality product that’s high in protein and made for betta fish specifically. But since it’s a tall tank it’s not ideal for more than 3 female bettas. Both male and female fancy bettas typically average about 2.5-inches in body length when fully grown. Having an odd number also makes it more likely a peaceful pecking order will be established. Female Betta Fish: Not Pairs But Three of a Kind, Easily Avoid the More Common Betta Fish Diseases With Better Betta Fish Care, Demystifying Buying Betta’s From Overseas, The Top 10 Things You Should Know About Constipated Bettas, The Top 10 Lessons For Conditioning Bettas For Breeding, The Anatomy of One Primo Betta Barracks Sump Setup, Bio Bale Tips For Your Betta Barracks Sump. Plants do better when planted in tanks with gravel or special substrates like Flourite than in sandy-bottomed set-ups. For 1 betta fish, you need 10 gallons, while for two betta fish, you need 15 gallons. Speaking of size, when it comes to housing male and female betta together, you need to consider the size of the tank. But these are still fighting fish so you shouldn’t expect calmness to reign 100% of the time. If they gobble it up quickly, I’d offer a little bit more. Once she’s done, you’ll need to return her to her original tank so the male doesn’t attack her. Absolutely! First you may be wondering, given these are fish, how does one distinguish the boys from the girls. They can grow up to 3 – 6 inches in general. She is an expert in setting up new tanks and maintaining naturally-planted freshwater habitats, and has experience raising a wide variety of aquatic species. Female groups of bettas, also known as betta sororities, need long, 20-gallon tanks as a bare minimum. Conditioning the Bettas for Breeding Next step in our ‘How do Breed Betta Fish’ guide is the conditioning part. As mentioned previously the betta fish can grow up to 2 to 2.5 inches in body length. It’s called a sorority tank. Here’s …. This guide to female betta fish care will cover everything you need to know to set up the ideal habitat for your pet and keep her healthy and vibrant. Give each lady plenty of room by allowing at least 5-gallons of capacity per betta, plus whatever space your other community fish require. Think of her as like the pack leader who the rest submit to. For a sorority of GloFish Female Bettas and/or a few community fish, a 5-gallon aquarium is recommended. These gorgeous bettas would be a wonderful addition to any home. What is the average adult size of a female betta fish? But what about if a female betta shows vertical bars around another female? Temperament: Betta fish are a tempermental fish that portrays an awesome personality to behold in the home aquarium. First, unwrap or unbox your equipment and remove any stickers, and then rinse everything off in a sink and dry it with a towel. The Aqueon 29-gallon Tank with LED Light is a good option, but you’ll still need to buy a filter, heater, substrate and decorations for your tank. If you want a vibrant community tank, opt for a 29-gallon set up with three to five female bettas and a variety of compatible tank mates to complete the picture.