Talk to your vet if your dog is approaching old age, to find out what you can do to make the transition to maturity as stress-free and comfortable for your dog’s changing needs as possible. Or maybe your dog is anxious because you’ve brought a new dog/cat into the household, and their presence is bothering him. Separation anxiety in dogs usually develops when the dog bonds too closely with their owner. However, many dogs will seek out their family and handler for security and comfort if they are feeling unwell, so never disregard sudden clingy behaviour, as it may be a potential indicator of ill health. Read on to learn more about some common reasons behind why your dog might suddenly become very clingy. Now it’s time to talk about how to make them less clingy. If your old dog is … Besides clinginess, dogs with separation anxiety tend to act destructively when left alone. Help us by answering a short survey. A dog that is anxious about being separated from his owner will become clingy as soon as he suspects he is about to be left alone. Phobia of noises is very common in dogs and often involves fireworks and thunderstorms. Certain times of the year can cause fear and general anxiety more than others, such as around bonfire night when there will often be fireworks going off for several days either side of the event, or Christmas and New Year when a lot of people will be coming and going, and changes will be taking place within the home as well. Neutering or spaying will make your dog more docile. Your dog can also develop specific phobias to: Insects if dogs have received painful bites or stings from them Humans, often men or certain apparel, that they associate with a traumatic situation Fireworks during the Christmas holidays are also likely to cause fear and stress in your pooch and make him reluctant to leave your side. Please help! Some females also get more affectionate as the heat cycle progresses and turn into Velcro dogs. Has your female dog suddenly become more affectionate than usual? My dog is acting strange since this morning. I'm very worried about your dog. Abrupt changes in a pet’s behavior might be due to some serious conditions and should not be ignored. The most frequent reasons a dog is hiding and acting strange include: Disease; Cognitive dysfunction syndrome; Fear As you’re going to see, the possible reasons for your dog’s clinginess are many. I am now looking up some animal hospital to have him checked. There are certain steps you can take to calm a dog in heat. My dog has been sick going on 3 days, he wont eat hes very weak and hes vomiting up water like and green stuff. You aren’t sure whether he’s just getting old and cranky or if something’s really wrong. While there may be some treatments that can slow the progression, dementia is not curable. My dog is acting strangely. A normally independent dog or cat that suddenly becomes clingy is a warning that should not be ignored. She keeps going into the bathroom and hiding, pacing back and forth, seems to be walking very gentle on rear legs. As such, changes are quite scary for your pet, no matter how small they seem to you. If you have more than one pet, it’s possible that one is bullying the other. Along with this, there is a significant change in a dog’s behavior and activity levels. Often when animals are sick they will display strange behavior such as hiding and refusing to eat. Never hesitate to seek medical advice from your veterinarian for any sudden change in your pet’s behavior. December 10, 2019 By Grigorina S Leave a Comment. Gorgeous Tri Colour Pups ready to go. Unfortunately, some breeds are prone to separation anxiety, especially those bred to be companion dogs. ... My Yorkie is Acting Strange Following a Trip to the Groomer. Buying a puppy - The most important questions to ask the breeder, Dog Pregnancy - A Week by Week Pregnancy Calendar, The downsides and problems you’re almost certainly going to encounter when you first get a, Cockapoo F1, F1b, F2 Generations Explained, Five dog breeds that need less exercise than most people expect, 3 left! My SBT mix has been acting weird the last 3 days or so. If your dog doesn’t want to leave your side when you come home from work, it might mean that your pooch has separation anxiety. A dog in heat will start becoming restless, appear more nervous, and urinate more often. They bark, whine, make a mess in the house, pace restlessly, or tear stuff apart. After your dog comes home from the grooming station, especially after a huge change, he may begin to feel weird. The only thing I can think of is she is constipated; would she act like this if she was? She is a 4-year-old Boston terrier x. My dog is clingy and needy after boarding On the other hand, it’s not unusual to see the exact opposite dog behavior after a kennel, with your four-legged friend clinging to you . Despite popular beliefs, only female dogs go into heat and experience signs such as vaginal discharge, swollen vulva, and mood swings. When we think of dogs, we tend to imagine a happy, goofy companion that loves to play and, most of all, loves to be sat right by our side. This is not always the case for all dogs, but if your dog is finding it harder to get around, is losing their vision and/or hearing, or otherwise is slightly more vulnerable and unable to take care of themselves, this can lead to clinginess too. When your dog is acting scared and clingy around strangers, it’s vital to show them that those you interact with are friendly and not to be feared. Have something to say? My dog is acting clingy and strange? Has your dog ever been clingy and whiny? Understanding why our dog is acting clingy is the first step. I can't even go to the bathroom with out her following me and atleast snuggle up against my leg. That’s quite scary for your pet because he loses the ability to orient himself as he used to.