They choose to focus only on spiritual aspects and neglect the physical body (i.e. God is always better than random chance. What kind of life does God want me to live? The intellect can sometimes get in the way of that. I love Bible plants along with their symbolism. When we read the bible I think it’s important to remember it is a whole book and tells a whole story. The fear of the Lord prolongs life, but the years of the wicked will be short. Neither does Richard Dawkins who actually admits in his book, Climbing Mount Improbable, that “The original replicator probably was not DNA. Loneliness is not pleasant to experience, but it can be the tool God uses to craft you into a force for good in your life and the lives of those around you. If you do, here are some things you'll need. Example – say your driving towards an intersection, and if you keep going at the same rate you are going you will be broadsided by a drunk driver that you will never see coming and you will die at the scene of this intersection. And then all of sudden it happens, this person dies young, in their early 40’s or 50’s – right in the prime of their life. When I was growing up, my father was in the military. Do you want to live the life that God has prepared for you? In rare cases HE may extend life as in the case of king Hezikiah or Lazarus. Study these three specific conditions very carefully if you want to have any chance of getting God to give you this long life blessing. For just $100 per month you can bring the gospel to 10,000 homes. When I asked them why they felt this way, the answer I always got was because one of their parents had died young, usually in their 40’s or 50’s. Does God Intervene in Our Lives? Since God actually lives in us, Paul tells us in … God Still Wants All of Us … This choice by God Himself, as to how and when you will die, has absolutely nothing to do with when or how your own parents had died. God does not mean for us to endure suffering on our own. God uses problems to DIRECT you - Sometimes God must light a fire under you to get you moving. That’s the promise God gives us in Exodus 20:12. You have the rest of eternity to spend with God on the other side, but you only have one chance down here on this earth to watch your children physically grow up right before your very eyes. I came across an interesting study today that talked about how to live longer. He wants all four of these things fully surrendered to Him so He can have full and complete control of your entire life in order to properly work it and build it up in Him. If you feel that you are going to die within an age range of 40-55, then this should also apply to the rest of your brothers and sisters as well. Get on with your life and do not hold any grudges against God for the personal decision He made to take your loved one home early! God does not become merely a part of our lives, He IS our life (Galatians 2:20). God has promised us long life if we live in His will but if He decides to take someone early, He has a reason and we should just accept it,whether it hurts or tears out our hearts. However, he is overlooking one major thing. This scenario right here is a perfect example of how some Christians manage to live a long life in the Lord and others do not. For those of you who are not aware of these verses from Scripture, I think you will be pleasantly surprised to find that God does want many of His people living long lives down here on this earth – and that this is a particular blessing that He can grant to us if we meet certain conditions under the New Covenant that we now have with Jesus. Undoubtedly, it is hard to swallow. While I don't believe anyone can be God-like in their life, I do thing we should strive to live in a way that shows we deserve the best that God has to offer us. Panama, Korea, Costa Rica, Japan. Quit feeding people crap. 20:30 (GN) 2. But he grew weary in the battle and needed the help of Aaron and Hur to hold up his arms when he lost strength (Exodus 17:8–13). My best days are ahead”, “though the young may feel weary and faint my strength is being renewed everyday!”, Regular fasting can have a positive effect on your life, both physically and spiritually. God lets us lives life because he loves us so much that he wants us to partake of his love and feel it inside us. That is why I had the title of this article to read, “Living a Good and Righteous Life Before the Lord,” so you will know exactly how God wants all of us to live in this life and what He will be expecting from all of us as we journey through this life. Project Description. She kept praying and praying for her son’s healing. She said she had a 10-year-old son who was dying of an incurable disease. And faith comes from practice-from constantly hearing and doing the will of God. Whilst I dont know yet whay he was taken so early at a time we needed him most, I belive God had a good reason and one day I will understand! I think God wants to give us the ability to grow old so we can watch all of our children grow up, and then watch them get married and have their own children. There are three of them. Have you ever prayed something like this? In order to avoid extremes, you need to live by the Spirit. Both of them look at least 10 years younger than their age, and friends … For those who will seek after it, I believe God will sometimes let you know why this person was taken home so early, but other times He will not. I wish that every one of us in this auditorium would make the answer to this question the driving force in our lives. One scripture that reminds us that our body is God’s temple is 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. Just as no two people have the same set of fingerprints, no two people have the exact same walk and destiny with the Lord. Will Jesus now become both Lord and Savior over your life, or just your Savior? (Proverbs 3:7-8), Our words have the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). God is not expecting you to measure up. Why would living on this crappy world be considered a blessing? Each Christian, once they have become saved and born again, will now have to make one more big final decision with how they will live out the allotted amount of time they still have left down here on this earth. This is such an important principle. And once you start to pull away from Him, then He may just start to pull away from you. Join us as media missionaries! If you want to learn more about them, read my two books: 1) Rooted in God and 2) God as a … Coming into our spirit and spreading into our soul. The New Testament knows nothing of such a person. I lost my husband at a very young age and this 13 years ago leaving behind two young children and I used to question why? Then check out our latest video to find out what is God’s plan for you. This means that God will be the One to choose the day, the time, and the method of your departure from this life. I believe this may be one of the main reasons why many Christians do not live long lives. An abundant life. He is married, has 4 or 5 children, all half grown, and then God takes this person home early right in the middle of his marriage and call in Him. For those of you who have lost loved ones in their prime and have been wrestling with God on this issue as to why He would take them home so early – try pressing in and ask God why He allowed your loved one to be taken home so early. As you stated, some have life spans longer than others but He is sovereign. Thank you very much for this. Ephesians 1:11 says God “works all things according to the counsel of his will.” There is no reason contextually or biblically or theologically to limit that “all things.” So, God … As a result, they are operating under a whole different set of rules. And I confess that I question God everyday. “Lord Jesus, I will go where You want me to go, do what You want me to do, say what You want me to say, and give what You want me to give.” Could you say those words now and mean them? If you ask them the secret, they will tell you that the key is to live by God’s Word. Did you know that God desires to see us live a long good life? However, if you are operating under a full surrender with God the Father and He is now leading and directing your life, then He can now choose to protect you from this accident because you have not finished your work for Him down here yet. However, just the opposite is also true. And they don’t want to be accountable to God. “Safe life is a wasted life. Remember, your loved one is no longer in your past – this person is now in your future – waiting with open arms to see you again once you enter into heaven. It can be really hard, but if you want to have a good life as a Christian, you'll have to do your best to avoid sins. The only answer to this would be the fact that even though the above verses do imply that many of God’s people can have this long life blessing – God is still sovereign in all of His ways – including His decision as to who will be getting this long life blessing and who will not! This is the Truth. But what about the Christian who has done everything right in God? This soveregin nature can be seen in Esau and Jacob…Jacob have I loved and Esau have I hated (loved less-for God is love). This article is disgusting. If you are not living under a full surrender with God the Father, then God is not leading and directing your life. You just need to be patient. “Lord Jesus, I will go where You want me to go, do what You want me to do, say what You want me to say, and give what You want me to give.” Could you say those words now and mean them? I guess they thought there was some kind of curse on them, and that what happened to one of their parents was going to happen to them. I am the only person I know who’s favorite book is Deuteronomy, and today I’m going to tell you why. If you make the personal decision to run your own life instead of turning it over to God the Father, then you will be taking yourself right out of some of the above blessings. If he thought that you could, he wouldn’t have come to earth to die for you. Kim‘s calling is to encourage and edify believers through both the written and spoken word. GOD IS REAL does not represent any religion, but shows you that God is the most beautiful reality there is. It promises you salvation after death. Deuteronomy 6:2. Life is simply way too short to be holding a personal grudge against God for something that He may have done that was in the best interests for everyone involved. Live long, stay strong and glorify Jesus through your life! My husband heard a minister expound regarding “sin unto death” and that being soveregin as you described God being, would not allow one to “sin unto death” therefore takes them from this life to avoid this action. God knows what all of our futures will hold for us. As always, we can look to God’s Word to provide us with the answers. Romans 5:8 ESV / 25 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Hey guys this is a small try to tell u how god wants us to live our life :) Hope u all like it The Sing Team – Satisfied in You (Official Music Video). Since sin is anything that isn't part of God's will for your life, it can feel almost impossible to avoid them all. I will not pretend to know the bible or the mind of God but I can say I believe His promises need conditions to bear fruit the way we treat our mind body and spirit what we think, eat, and hang around contribute to our long life. But sometimes life gets in the way. Because God knew what was going to happen to her son down the road, God was actually showing incredible mercy and compassion on the boy by being willing to take him home early to spare him and his family the trauma of having to go through such a horrible event, not to mention the grief and agony of the family of the person who would eventually be murdered. What is your favorite book of the Bible? Thats the most important one because our belief that Jesus rose and died for each of us will give us eternal life and I would imagine our time here will not be quite as significant by then. Learn more about job opportunities at Life.Church. “My son, do not forget My law, but let your heart keep My commands. Lesson – no matter how far and how high you make it up the mountain with God in this life – you always have to keep on your toes and make sure that you never, ever test God’s limits or patience beyond His breaking point where He then removes His hand of divine protection off you and your life. Non-believers want us to believe that we’re just a random accident of time and chance because that would push God out of the picture (with their guilt) as the cause. An abundant life. The Me I Want to Be Quotes by John Ortberg. From staying devoted to … She is an author and avid blogger, read more at So, watch out for your words! You will become conscious of what you put in your body. But He doesn’t just want to exist in us; He comes into us to be our life so He can be expressed through us. This is why each Christian should spend some good quality time studying the Old Testament – to find out what these blessings are and the conditions that must be met in order to be able to receive these kinds of blessings. And then all of a sudden it happens. – Proverbs 10:27, Proverbs 3:1-2 says: “My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity.”, Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear The Lord and shun evil. Everyone wants to be happier and more successful, pursue dreams, and feel fulfilled. As I have stated over and over in all of my other articles – the #1 key in getting to God to move full force into your life is to come under a full and complete surrender with Him. God may not call you to West Africa to translate movies, but He invites you to engage in spiritual fruitfulness where you live. It’s not automatic. If you have any further points to add to this post, feel free to add in the comments below! And so, God decided to preserve me and not allow me to become very rich like Trump , therefore, I try to do business but … And once you enter into heaven, you will never be separated from this loved one ever again! Can man live without God? I think we need to take Him by his Word and trust that what He is saying is true. He figures one time won’t hurt – his wife will never find out about it – he has been doing so good with God all of these years that maybe God will overlook just this one transgression. We moved every 2-3 years. Once we all enter into heaven, we will all be set at a certain age. And then the story ends stating that the woman lived just long enough to see her son hanged as a criminal for a murder he ended up committing at 41 years of age. Children within families all die in different kinds of age ranges – from early on to ripe old ages of 80-90 years of age. Being a follower of Christ doesn’t guarantee you long life. However, if you are not lucky on a particular day, and find yourself at the wrong place at the wrong time, then you may go home early, possibly much earlier that God would have really liked had you been doing His perfect will for you life rather than your own will. Slide Graphic – House with for sale sign in front. Your parents may not be your ideal role models and you may not have very fond memories of your childhood growing up with them either. If we are going to live as God wants us to live, then we must . If God knows that if I become very rich, I will divorce my wife, having many women, live sinful life and forget God, lose my salvation. If you ever get a chance to meet my husband’s parents, you will never be able to guess their correct age! Over the last 10 years or so I have met several people who had very irrational and abnormal fears of dying young. God indeed unquestionable. If God chooses to take someone home right in the middle of the prime of their life, then I believe that He has a very specific reason for doing so. He has them successfully fulfilling the calls that He has placed on their lives. Maybe this person was heading for some kind of disastrous event, and God chose to actually manifest mercy on this person by taking him home early in order to spare him the ordeal of having to go through that traumatic event. God is not expecting you to measure up. There is also the power of darkness in this world and if we do not acknowledge that is there we cannot fight it with our prayers. And once you find out what that very good reason was, you are going to kick yourself in the butt for even questioning God in the first place, and possibly carry an eternal regret knowing that you lost very valuable years in this life due to the grudge that you held against Him all of the remaining years of your life here on this earth. I think the main reason God would like many of His people to have long lives is so they can complete whatever calls and plans that He has set up for their lives – and also for them to be able to enjoy the fruit of all their labors before they go home to be with Him for all of eternity. Holding this kind of grudge against God could also rob you of some incredible years you could still have left here on this earth. Video | 1:21 min. Can you tell me please why does God’s word promise so much and yet fulfils so very little to nothing in the lives of many believers, in terms of long life, health, peace, joy and happiness, etc? All rights reserved. If you are fortunate enough to be born with a good healthy body, and get lucky with some of the cause and effects that could occur throughout your lifetime, then you may get lucky enough to live to a ripe old age. Why do Christians today only live 70-80 years when we’ve been born again? When the Israelites were fighting Amalek, they were only victorious as long as Moses was raising up his arms. Yes and yes. We could spend more time with loved ones, travel the world, develop new skills, grow in wisdom, and learn thoroughly about whatever interests us, to our heart’s content. Whether you believe this or not, it is up to you. God can use your gifts and skills to make a difference in the lives of others at Life.Church. Do you want a long life? . Fact: The offer of everlasting life comes from God, who loves us and wants us to be happy. If he thought that you could, he wouldn’t have come to earth to die for you. When I fully understand that he said in him we have eternal life and trust that he meant what he said, not seeing things from my five senses, then I will find that freedom to be like Paul, when he said it was better for him to leave yet for the peoples’ sake at that time it was better for him to stay.