This family has 100 genera and 850 species. Scandent herb cultivated for delicious vegetable. Muller (1887) regarded the upper portion of the tendril as a modified leaf and lower stiff portion as the axis. Leaves: Petiolate. 4. Alternate, petiolate- petiole long and hollow; simple, lobed, exstipulate, palmately veined; tendrils present in the axil of leaf or opposite to the leaf. They are mostly tendril climbers. The family Cucurbitaceae has traditionally been divided into two subfamilies, the Nhandiroboideae (often still referred to by the younger name Zanonioideae), with 19 genera and 60 or more species (depending on species concepts in some Chinese genera, there could be as many as 90 … Detailed morphological study of the vegetative and floral parts of the melon species belonging to the family, Cucurbitaceae, found in Nigeria was conducted in search of intergeneric and intraspecific characters that may be of taxonomic value in the species identification. Citrullus, Luffa, Bryonia, Lagenaria, Ecballium. There are a few plants also important medicinally. Rosa indica (rose) Pyrus ma/us (apple) Prunus persica (peach ) Fragaria vesca (Strawberry) Similar Articles: Ranunculaceae family floral formula , characters & importance; FAMILY 6: Rutaceae – characters , Floral formula, importance & pattern Ovules 1-2 pendulous, pollen reticuloid, tricolporate. Common name: Cucumber/Pumpkin family Number of genera:This family includes 110 genera and about 640 species Propagation type:Fruit or seed Distribution: The species of this family are distributed throughout the world. TOS4. 64.3): Herbaceous, weak, green, cylindrical, solid, branched, hairy, tendril-climber. Petals 5, gamopetalous, campanulate, imbricate aestivation. The chief centre of distribution of these members is Eastern Himalayas. Disclaimer Copyright, Share Your Knowledge PDF | On Jun 1, 2013, Bhagyashri B. Kumbhalkar and others published Standardization of family Cucurbitaceae | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Diagnostic characters. Most species are extremely sensitive to temperatures near freezing, a factor that limits … This is a primitive genus. Tricarpellary, syncarpous, ovary inferior, unilocular, parietal placentation. Distribution of Cucurbitaceae 3. About 29 genera and 213 species of this family are present in Pakistan. Schizopepon. Welcome to BiologyDiscussion! Leaf axils usually carry lateral and sometimes branched tendrils . According to Robert Brown, De Candolle, and Bentham and Hooker this family is allied to Passifloraceae and placed with perigynous polypetalae under Calyciflorae. Paris, in Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition (Second Edition), 2003 Background. Gynoecium apocarpous (comprised of 2 or more distinct carpels) 3. Leaves compound and in many genera leaflets are modified into tendrils … There is great variation in the inflorescence. Tendrils distally bifid; seed mostly winged. In Fevillea a polyandrous condition is found with all the five stamens free and alternating to the five free petals. Stems and alternate leaves covered in rough hairs. Vegetative Characters. Vascular bundles bicollateral and in two alternating rows. The stigmas are commissural i.e. Flowers ebracteate and sometimes zygomorphic (Iberis). It is said to be useful in gout and rheumatism. Bracteate, pedicellate, incomplete, staminate, actinomorphic, pentamerous. The fruits are large and ripen during summers; it is cultivated on the sandy beds of rivers. Flowers are epigynous and unisexual. This is also a popular vegetable. Advanced characters: 1. A.A. Schaffer, H.S. This view was supported by Hagerup (1930). It is used as vegetable; PETHE-KI-MITHAI is also prepared from the fruits. Jeffrey (1962) divided the family into two sub-families and 9 tribes. Which part of the male reproductive system store the sperm? 4. January 31, 2019 Angiosperm families, Botany, Rosaceae, Rose family. Unisexual flowers (Thalictrum). Exalbuminous, flattened, numerous, embryo straight, cotyledons large and oily. Stamens 5, syandrous, seemingly 3; 4 stamens fused in two groups of 2 each, one free; anthers basifixed, extrorse, coiled. By the work of Sensarma (1955) it appears that the tendrils is partly vascularised in the manner of a stipule in some cases. Willis, Eichler, Engler and Wettstein consider that the placentation is axile whereas Hooker, Warming and Rendle etc. Tricarpellary, syncarpous, ovary inferior, trilocular, parietal placentation, style long and slender, stigma 3 and each is bilobed. Androecium polyandrous in Ormosia, Baphia, Sophora. Few species are found in temperate region (Trichosathes, Sechium etc). Primitive characters: 1. Sepals 5, gamosepalous, calyx tube adnate to the ovary wall; imbricate aestivation, superior. Plants only herbs that are widely distributed and successfully invaded in various situations. The Cucurbitaceae, also called cucurbits or the gourd family, are a plant family consisting of about 965 species in around 95 genera, of which the most important to humans are: . Cucurbitaceae shows affinities with Campanulaceae in synandrous condition of stamens, similar structure of calyx and corolla and also in the presence of bicollateral bundles. logenetic structure of the family is now clear, and this chapter includes an up-to-date phylogenetic scheme with the placement of all genera. Petals 5, gamopetalous, inserted on calyx tube; imbricate aestivation, superior. Petals and stamens are free in some genera. Advanced characters: 1. 2. momordica is Phut and C. melo var. The seed color varied from black Coniandreae seeds lack a hypodermis, while other Cucurbitaceae have seed coats with a hypodermis including … Stem: Herbaceous or Moody; Cylindrical, tendril climbers. Ovules many, horizontal or 1 to few, ascending, pollen spinose: pentaporate. Herbaceous, climbing, angular, fistular, branched. Leaf axils usually carry lateral and sometimes branched tendrils . Petals fused and forming spur (Delphinium). 2. fistulosus is Tinda which is used as vegetable. Affinities 5. Sepals 5, gamosepalous, green, hairy, lobes linear, imbricate aestivation, superior. (b) Petals without fringe or ventral scales. Cosmopolitan all over the globe. Som_g of vegetables and fruits are: wax gourd , Water melon . Sonic leaves bear tendrils in their axils. The fruits are bitter but used in vegetable preparations. Leaves exstipulate and palmately lobed. Ovules anatropous. Sepals 5, gamosepalous, green, campanulate, hairy, imbricate aestivation. Muller and Pax divided the family Cucurbitaceae into 5 tribes viz., Fevilleae, Melothrieae, Cucurbiteae, Sicyocae and Cyclanthereae. The family is mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions with relatively few species reaching the temperate regions of the world.