I am primarily a painter/hobbyist, but I have amassed enough stuff that I can make a 2,000 point army for 9th. Your Hounds will deal an average of 5,5 wounds to Eldar Farseers with 4++ invul saves, killing them outright. With Psychic Awakening and a glimpse into 9th, I've been thinking about the various Death Guard archetype lists as there is certainly some strong identity enforced with the new Psychic Awakening. Continuing on from the Codex releases that followed the launch of Indomitus and the 9th edition of Warhammer 40,000 it is now the turn of Chaos to get their attention, and this kicks off with one of the armies that got their previous Codex back at the launch of 8th Edition, the Death Guard. Questions. Codex Death Guard. Good afternoon everybody. And of course a Death Guard Sorcerer won't even be phased. Overall, there are some nice abilities on the list and it’s a unique way to upgrade specific characters in your Death Guard army to do specific things. There are only a few slots left to ... book an army list session with us to make sure you're on the right track for 9th edition! With the Death Guard codex coming out this is a great way to get the right models before everything sells out. I remember starting the game back in the old days of 2nd edition. That being said, it's generally worth shelling out for the powerfist unless you're going against other T3 W1 models. Well, the one main terminator I played – Abbadon – was a pretty much awesome bad a$$. The delayed new Death Guard codex (9th edition’s first rulebook released for a Chaos army) went up for pre-order on January 16 and was released on January 23. Hey guys just wondering if there have been any leaks / known information on anything in the codex. This particular post chronicles the largest events of January 2021. Death Guard 9th Edition Codex News? Death Guard List w/ New Codex Rules Competitive With the new Codex being previewed and now everyone pretty much knowing (took me awhile), how things work for DG, I just came up with this list pretty quickly after posting another one which had some problems. The new 9th edition S bonus is effectively Sx2 for you, making this a budget powerfist. Goatboy here to chat about the those amazing new Death Guard Terminators! I got in 2 games of that edition before 3rd reared its head and I remember how amazing terminators were. 9th edition is a land of changes, so with every new month comes new codexes, FAQs, and rules. Blood of Kittens attempts to provide continuous coverage of ITC events, in posts showcasing the Top 3 Warhammer 40k 9th edition army lists from the largest events. Power Axe (Legends): S+2, AP-2, D1. It seems everyone knew all the changes in the Space Marine one before it came out. Alternatively, double the squad size to 10 and for 220 points only Terminator Armor will save your opponent's ass - and barely at that. … Want a custom Death Guard list? Death Guard list for 9th (2,000 pts) 40k List. the only thing that this isn't Legends for is an Enginseer.