Consider white walls Don’t be afraid of white walls. As an adult, I was once woken by a loud bang, and when I opened my eyes, what looked like a static electricity ball without the glass was floating towards my face. Finally, you will need to use a stain-killing paint to seal up the stains and then repaint the walls and ceilings. This is the expensive and inconvenient part. Dark spots, usually due to hyperpigmentation, are a common issue for people with black skin. That may explain the patterns you see on awakening, or it may just be a residual contrast image from changing background lighting intensities after waking up. About seeing writing on the walls - b y Steph Beth (New York USA) First it started out every night in the middle of the night or when waking up I would see dots on the wall moving. This phenomenon only lasts for about 15-30 seconds and completely goes away once more light enters the … I can remember waking in the middle of the night and seeing a giant spider on my bed or a dark figure walking into my room. Occasionally when I wake up in dim lighting, while staring at a white wall or ceiling, I'll see a solid black blob in the center of my vision that quickly fades but reappears upon blinking. Wet the sponge and rub gently to avoid taking bits of paint off with the stain. Pull the white throughout the room through textiles and accessories, and vary the shade of the white for texture and additional warmth. So usually when I wake up and I blink quickly I will see a white circle in the dead center of my vision on a bright contrast or black circle if looking at a dark wall. Also called sun spots, age spots, or hyperpigmentation, dark spots can pop up on your face, hands, and décolletage as a result of sun exposure, genetics, … Here are the photos before I identified the cause. In this article, learn about how to get rid of dark spots with home remedies and medical treatments. The oil from your hands gets onto walls, cabinets, doors, and door frames. Then it became grids perfectly squares that where bright blue. Find out how to clean black spots in the bathroom with a few supplies and a little elbow grease. Some people actually continue dreaming after waking up, in a form of lucid dreaming described in the 19th century by the English author Thomas De Quincy. The good news is, you don’t have to live with that mold forever. Black or Dark Spots on Walls: diagnose accurately before "fixing" or cleaning Black spots on walls may be ghosting, thermal tracking, leak stains, or even metallic debris - wire wool "mold" ! Also, I have these 2 glow in the dark stickers in my room about 2 feet apart on a wall, if I try to look at one with just my right eye I can't see it but I see the other and then if I try to focus on the other I can only see the previous one out of the corner of my eye. Yuck. If you see the staining developing in larger patterns on the wall or ceiling, in places between the framing, this indicates the wall or ceiling is likely not insulated correctly. It’s a problem no one wants to deal with, but unfortunately is a common occurrence in bathrooms—especially if your home is located in a moist climate. Also when i look side to side (for example if i look all the way to the right with only my right eye i can see the dark circle. I am 20 yrs old and have many floaters in both eyes. They are sharp of the woodwork, but not as good as I'd like of the marks. A wall eraser, like the Mr. Clean Eraser ($3 for 4 pads), easily wipes away these stains. I go to sleep, wake up and my right eye is dimmer than my left. The key is warming them up, and dark furniture does exactly that.