8 Answers. 1 decade ago. This Celtic Goddess is often depicted as a Crone Goddess as she is wise and due to her cauldron's associations with transformation and rebirth. She appears in Irish mythology as a member of […] Nehalennia is a goddess of the water, fishermen, traders, travelers, and royalty. The Shape-shifter. Wepwawet, or Upuat, is highly regarded and referred to as: God of War, Guardian of the Deceased, Protector of Pharaoh, Protector of the Egyptian Army, etc. Morrigan. 8) Morrighan. Her name meant ‘exalted one’) was a goddess of pre-Christian Ireland. A wolf is just one of the many forms of the war-goddess the Morrígan; even the Dindsenchas describes her as the “shapeshifting goddess”. The Leader Is Bizarrely Jolly for a Chief God. She is a Celtic deity of healing, the afterlife and prosperity. The three Brighids were typically treated as three aspects of a single deity, making her a classic Celtic triple goddess. I'm looking for any sort of Wolf Gods or Goddesses within the Norse or Celtic pantheon. The stories of the Ulster cycle, talk about the Celtic warrior goddess Morrighan. Answer Save. Relevance. A trio of sisters who appeared as a crow, she was the keeper of fate and purveyor of prophecy. Favorite Answer. Please help? 10 Celtic Gods and Goddesses of the Firmament Posted by wolfofthedarkmoon February 13, 2021 February 13, 2021 Posted in Uncategorized There are many gods and goddesses in Celtic lore who might fit the description as a god or goddess of the firmament, or upper world, and it’s related phenomena (the stars, sun, and moon). (D’Este & Rankine: 83) In the story of the Taín Bo Cuilange , she first threatens the warrior Cúchulainn: “I will drive the cattle on the ford to you, in the form of a gray wolf.” Gear. Her image is often accompanied by a great hound (possibly wolf) or dolphins with a seashell canopy above her. Name: The Dagda – the good god Realms: Father god of Ireland; knowledge, weather, fertility, druids, warriors Family: Father of Aengus, Brigid, and Danu, member of the Tuatha Dé Dannan Fun Fact: In Dorsetshire is an enormous drawing of a man.Some believe that the chalk creation is meant to show this deity. She was especially honored when it came to matters of prophecy and divination. They are also able to adapt … Lv 4. In Celtic lore, the Wolf has the power to transform into another animal ~ once again we see the this magical ability of the wolf known as shape-shifting. Brigid – Goddess of the Irish Brigit, Brigid or Bríg. The shape-shifter has the ability to change her physical appearance. The Morrígan, or “Phantom Queen,” was a fearsome Celtic deity and Irish goddess of death and battle. https://www.learnreligions.com/wolf-folklore-and-legend-2562512 I already know of Fenrir, but I can't seem to find many others. Wolf in Celtic Mythology, ancient and medieval // Der Wolf in der keltischen Mythologie // Le loup dans la mythologie celtique For the 'Celts', we need to distinguish different regions of the Celtic World and different periods, notably between the Continental 'Celts' and the Insular 'Celts'. She is often portrayed as a wolf and at other times a cow. Celtic or Norse Wolf God/Goddess? Patron and Protector . Brighid was the patron of poets and bards, as well as healers and magicians.