For an example, Iroh drew the four elements in a circle that was divided. - #121047488 added by shadowstepone at secret tunnel Fire is the element of power. I am willing to bet that the line between Firebending and Earthbending blur with Lava. The same is true of the lightning produced, just with energy in a different state. The subreddit for fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, the comics, the upcoming Netflix live action ATLA series, novels, games, and all other Avatar content. ... Fire can use electricity and Earth can use Metal, Sand and Lava. That's only because he could also bend Earth. The short wouldn't be considered canon, since it is chibi. There are 3 different main theories on how firebenders can bend lightning: Firebenders bend Chi, which would also explain how in TLOK the firebender could detect a dark spirit. The Sun gives energy to the earth, while volcanoes and lava do not (directly). The first known user of lavabending was the Fire Nation Avatar who preceded Yangchen, who used it to cause the simultaneous eruption of four small volcanoes.Centuries later, Kyoshi utilized the technique to split her peninsula from the Earth Kingdom mainland. So that was maybe that ? For the not-really-canon ATLA Short bending battle Zuko does clearly manipulate lava. It's pretty obvious that it was originally thought of as a firebending ability, but they probably realized at some point that it would make a lot more sense as a sort of phase change earthbenders could impart on their element, akin to the ability that waterbenders have to turn water into ice or steam. Related: Fate: The Winx Saga's Biggest Changes From The Nickelodeon Cartoon Initially the creators didn't put much thought into Bending ? No, bending lava is a very rare skill distinctive to earthbenders. The guru that trained Aang once said that the separation between the four elements is an illusion. Firebenders cant move earth no matter how molten it is. For example, Kyoshi is shown using Earth, Avatar Kuruk using water, Avatar Yangchen using air. - #116905526 added by anonymous at Can firebenders do it Water had liquid/solid, because ice is easy to access ? Firebenders bend therno energy; this theory is o.k except though then that would mean firebenders are able to bend radiation. read more, So, in that sense firebenders can't control lava either. Cookies help us deliver our Services. But he said that the lines don't actually exist and that all four elements work in harmony. My guess is a Firebender can bend lava, but heat only, not matter. Add new page In addition, extreme cold can weaken firebending, and the combustion bender P'Li couldn't bend at all while in a frozen prison cell. Firebending moves and sub skills disappear when a Solar Eclipse occurs and are enhanced when Sozin's Comet occurs. I don't know if this is just an oversight or what the creators are going for, but I think mainly the point was what Iroh said at the end (before he remarked that fire was the best) and not about the pure capabilities of bending. Can Toph heat up metal like Zuko can? So, in that sense firebenders can't control lava either. Firebenders are able to "bend" or redirect the heat from the lava. The problem is that lava is associated with fire, because it burns and melts, and it's red hot ... because that's what it is. The second is our mysterious "Avatar Jafar". From what I've read of the comments of the creators both in the art books and comics, they didn't establish much of what is the Spirit World, so I guess it went the same with the bending, it wasn't that much established or solid back then. # #km just sayin 12 notes Platinum is very pure and thus it would take an extremely skilled and focused metalbender, even more skilled than Toph. So these are Avatars doing lavabending. So perhaps they could do the reverse of that and take preexisting heat and force it into rocks to create lava, but they probably wouldn't be able to just turn rocks into lava without a preexisting heat source. Of course, it wouldn't work the same way. Earth is the element of substance, and when you think about what is inside the earth, it is mainly rock and magma, which makes sense about why earthbenders can manipulate lava/magma and rock. If thought about it scientifically, fire is ionized gas. "Lava/Magma Bending: Avatar-level Firebenders are able to bend lava and magma, although not with the same ease with which Waterbenders bend water. Is heatbending it’s own thing and every bender can do it?” He questioned. Lava is not created from Jafarvatar, Kyoshi, Ghazan, Bolin, or even Zuko from the Short. It could very well be the case that "Avatar Jafar", his unique Avatar thing was that he was a lavabender. Traditionally, lightning is a mix between fire and air, like mist is air + water or lava is fire + earth. Well, it is explained multiple times throughout the series that firebenders get their energy from the sun. Lava is a combination of earth and lava, a firebender or an earthbender could only bend their own element. 10 Jeong Jeong It should speak volumes about the number of master firebenders introduced by the series that the very first entry was a highly-ranked member of the coveted White Lotus. I think one thing I would add is that although firebenders cannot necessarily control lava, they do seem to have some sort of control of heat energy (i.e. I don't remember exactly when, but there were a few 'cutscenes' in which a sillouette bended lava out of a volcano and was a firebender. Firebending is one of the five bending arts you can learn when you start a new game. Only the Avatar can bring balance. What does he do ? Lava may be hot, but it is still (somewhat) solid/liquid and not ionized. Lava … So while a firebender cannot explicitly control lava since it is elemental earth heated to its liquid form, maybe they can have some sort of control of or resistance to lava because they can control that heat energy in it. He pulls the heat from the lava and directs it away, with almost the same movements as Lighting Redirection. The problem is that lava is associated with fire, because it burns and melts, and it's red hot ... because that's what it is. But, I think it is safe to say that Firebenders are not capable of bending lava. Like the other elements, it suffers from its opposites. As far as creating lava, they could easily just heat up some rocks with fire. Now I'm also wondering if Ozai's fleet would've turned the Si Wong desert into glass with the power of the comet. Also, in part two of The Spirit World, when Roku 'posseses' Aang, he bends lava. Avatar Roku did this while trying to save his hometown from being destroyed by the volcano. We see at the 3 minute mark, Zuko is riding a wave of lava...which he wouldn't be able to do if he didn't have any control over it. Then Book 3 came along with real weirdness like Bloodbending and Combustionbending, Bending that depend on the level of control or spiritually of the Bender, making both much beyond one's natural abilities. avatar roku and firelord sozen could bend lava, despite being firebenders. They could request it whenever they ventured into the Spirit Wilds and were to return it when they came back. Lava is however molten earth so is a sub skill of Earthbending. HOWEVER, this would go against the preceding clips in the episode that demonstrate the past Avatars and how deadly they can be with their respective element. For example Sozin was an extremely skilled firebender, so he could take the heat from lava, and transfer it to smoke, combustion man could create powerful explosions. However, using avatar extras (from Last Airbender only), they mention that lava is a combination of fire and earth, so only an Avatar is capable of bending lava, like how Kyoshi melted the tectonic plates surrounding Kyoshi Island and … quick question can firebenders bend lava ?? when Iroh heats his tea without actually making any fire). The other one very well could have, if his background had been explored. So, in that sense, firebenders shouldn't be able to control or create lava. Yes, metalbenders can bend platinum but none has ever done so. View entire discussion (36 comments) Can Zuko make lava but not bend it? Avatar: The Last Airbender is a show that has given its fans some truly awe-inspiring characters. But in the end, lava is made from superheated rock, which means it's earth. I mean firebenders can bend lava, which is just heated stone, and Iroh has demonstrated the ability to control smoke, and they go into depth a few times in the - #192091810 added by ventusautemvalle at yes If they could, then we would have seen Sozin bend lava when him and Roku were battling the volcano. How does granitic lava differ from basaltic lava? But steam can burn flesh, and it's still water in the end. Firebending and its subforms combustion and lightning all come from within the firebender, using their own energy. Sozin cooling the lava with fire redirection. And why can earthbenders bend lava (LOK example). “Can Firebenders bend lava as well?” Sokka asked in reply. 13,051 Pages. Lavabending is a rare technique which involves the manipulation of molten rock. However, I do remember Fire Lord Sozin turning lava back into solid earth by extracting the heat from the lava.Aug 24, 2014 read more, Specialized bending techniques are sub-skills that exist within each of the four bending arts, of which only skilled benders can take advantage. Flame Vortex. I imagine this has been discussed before with Bolin learning how to lava bend and the concepts behind earth and lava vs fire and lava. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Sub skills for Firebending include Lightning Bending and Combustion Bending. Using Toph they are able to find the direct path that leads to the hidden chamber (where it is actually Azula awaiting them). The bordering elements can probably interact to a degree and thus so can the respective bending. Press J to jump to the feed. Firebenders are able to "bend" or redirect the heat from the lava. I think Iroh said something similar to Zuko once too. You can take this as canon or not, but there are two instances where we see a firebender utilize lava. It introduced fans to a world where humans had the power to control the elements. Avatar Roku did this while trying to save his hometown from being destroyed by the volcano. Otherwise, Sozin could have just straight up changed the lava into rock without doing all that heat manipulation stuff. In fact, in the Avatar franchise, lava's nothing more than just another element that skilled earthbenders can bend if they happen to have this ability. Being able to bend the four basic elements was cool enough, but the show upped its “wow” factor by introducing blood, lava, and metal bending! Lava bending isn't available to fire benders as lava is molten earth, lava can cause fires, but lava isn't fire itself. Since lava is the molten rock outside, lavabending would be for earthbenders. But not once it becomes rock, just like they can't airbend either but can control gaseous flame, which is plasma. In The Day of Black Sun, Aang, Sokka, and Toph go to the underground tunnel system where the Fire Lord is hiding out. Of course, in LoK B3 and 4, Bolin and Ghazan are only earthbenders, so it is implied that basically only very specially skilled earthbenders can lavabend, otherwise it is just a combination of fire and earth that only Avatars can manipulate. That's not a coincidence, that's a deliberate choice by the showrunners, as was not having any new ones come up in the time skip between book 3 and 4. Lava is molten rock but that’s still just heat. While Firelord Sozin did assist Avatar Roku in stabilizing the volcano eruption, Sozin helped by only directing the heat away from the molten lava (thereby helping to solidify the earth); he did not bend lava. read more, Firebenders are able to "bend" or redirect the heat from the lava. Fire is energy, life and power. Only the avatar could bend both at the same time, techincally speaking, lava-bending. probably not huh but that would be sick as fuck wouldn't it #atla #avatar the last airbender #firebender #lava bending #??? And lastly, Firebending is unique because it is the only element that a firebender can spontaneously create from within themselves. For example, any Avatar who is born as a firebender struggles to learn waterbending, given its defensive nature and how water can douse flames. Which is interesting, since we saw from a montage of past avatars powering Aang up (and Roku himself possessing Aang to set off an eruption at the Fire Temple) that firebenders implicitly can control Lava. With how hot lava can get, anyone on the other end of a Lava Bender's attack is definitely going to walk away with some nasty burns, if they even manage to walk away at all. I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I'd like to hear some insight into what others have to say. Each sub-skill requires a different level of mastery over the root element from which it is derived, as its practice often deviates from conventional bending. The first is in the TLA Short - Bending Battle. Well because every Avatar is a reincarnation of Wan, who over time became a natural bender of the 4 elements, any Avatar could have been born with one of the special bending abilities that we know about. Nope, same reason air benders can't bend water vapor. What kind of power? Ozai's attacks against Aang went on until he was almost melting the rock formation he created to protect himself. However, using avatar extras (from Last Airbender only), they mention that lava is a combination of fire and earth, so only an Avatar is capable of bending lava, like how Kyoshi melted the tectonic plates surrounding Kyoshi Island and Jafarvatar erupted those volcanoes. They can … Lava … It is implied in the series that it is much easier to summon fire from within the firebender rather than controlling fire around them, which is what true masters (specifically Jeong Jeong) primarily emphasize. So, even if firebenders were able to Lavabend, it would be extremely difficult for them. If that is the case, it could be possible for a Firebender to learn Lavabending, but they would have to be unimaginably gifted. During the era of Raava, people received the element of fire from the fire lion turtle that was the guardian of their city, who would grant them the power with energybending. I would say firebenders can bend lava for one piece of evidence I haven't seen brought up yet. So, in that sense firebenders can't control lava either. While fire isn't as tangible as water or earth, it can still be used to protect Firebenders … Maybe ? Or, maybe a very powerful firebender could produce fire so hot that it turned stone to lava. Like Kyoshi was the tallest Avatar. 1. However, Wan stole the power to better his life and that of his impoverished friends, but was captured and banished. Full disclosure, he does use the Avatar state to erupt those volcanoes, so it can be assumed he is using earth bending. They can even cause dormant volcanoes to erupt at will. Ozai's attacks against Aang went on until he was almost melting the rock formation he created to protect himself. 1 Earthquake Earthbenders are able to create earthquakes and fissures in the ground with a simple strike using their fists, feet, and even hammers. While firebenders can and do bend existing fires, they typically generate their own fire. Turn to Book 3, Roku is fighting the volcano, here comes Sozin, a really powerful Firebender from what we've seen. - #121059978 added by imnotkickthecat at secret tunnel If thought about in the essence of what each element represents, fire doesn't fit with lava. No, they cannot. How does rhyolitic lava differ from basaltic lava? Ultimately, a firebender and an earthbender can both heat up a rock to the point it becomes lava. It wasn't until Book 2 (beside Book 1 L-Redirection and Healing) we were truly seeing sub-disciplines, with Sand, Lightning and Metalbending. With that in mind, let's take a look at our list of the top 10 firebenders from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Only two can, and one of them we know has Firebender blood in him. When it comes to raw power, firebenders tend to be lacking a bit. The short is not canon. The second clip can be attributed to lavabending being established years later. Yes, there are strong earthbenders like Bolin who can, for instance, lava-bend without being metalbenders, but for the most part, two firebenders or two waterbenders will have access to the same core powers. Admittedly not the direction I thought you were going with this. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. level 1 All hail the Great Wuniter! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the TheLastAirbender community. As of now, my opinion is that fire benders cannot create lava like earth benders, but can control it if it's actively there to use. So logic points to Jafar using fire, right? In Avatar: The Last Airbender, it seemed like this skill was only exclusive to the Avatars since they can bend all elements. Fire augmentation: Firebenders can also control the size and intensity of any nearby flames and can draw them in to manipulate them at will. Magma on the other hand is what's inside, so magmabending would be for firebenders. Avatar Roku did this while trying to save his hometown from being destroyed by the volcano. From an episode in TLA, here is Jafar lava bending. Lava is 2 elements, therefore it depends if it is equal amount, if it were more fire, probably only firebenders could do it, or select earthbenders. Do lava lamps have real lava inside of them? It is probably a little bit of a retcon as the original intent was that it was meant to be a fire technique, but they later made it a special earthbending one. I would say no, specifically because lava is just molten earth and, although fire is hot, it is pure energy, lava is energy+earth so, although firebenders might be able to control fire energy, they couldn't control the substance of it. Avatar Extras for "The Avatar State" stated that lavabending was a combination of earthbending and firebending and thus something that only the Avatar could accomplish. No. read more. However, it is shown that firebenders can possess the ability to control heat itself, which Sozin uses to move heat out of the lava and into the air during Roku's island eruption. Korra learned Metalbending, while Aang either couldn't or didn't try. We see Roku use lava against Zhao's soldiers in the Fire Temple, and later Kyoshi to create the Kyoshi island. Why can sound waves bend around corners but light waves can't. After all, earthbending deals a lot with external forces. The closest thing we've seen is Sozin cooling the lava with fire redirection, which is awesome. My guess is a Firebender can bend lava, but heat only, not matter. Even if the Avatar can bend the crystals in place, he still need to be an engineering genius to make the crystal device work properly. 13 How Can Firebenders Bend Lightning If Both Elements Have Nothing In Common. ... “Zuko can heat water and so can you. However, using avatar extras (from Last Airbender only), they mention that lava is a combination of fire and earth, so only an Avatar is capable of bending lava, like how Kyoshi melted the tectonic plates surrounding Kyoshi Island and Jafarvatar erupted those volcanoes. It's like how the Airbenders from the Lion Turtle could fly on clouds even though clouds are made of water. It is implied that firebenders can bend lava. ... Avatar-level firebenders are able to bend lava and magma, although not with the same ease by which waterbenders bend water.