We subscribe to the HONcode principles of the, Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. Nub theory was right - we're having a girl! The gender will usually be easier to predict if the nub is seen to be angled above 30 degrees or higher in relation to his spine. This is why many mistakes happen using the Ramzi theory. To see the nub your baby needs to be lying on their side, not curled up and they need to be as flat as possible. This is sometimes called “nub theory.” Using this method, the sonographer looks at whether the tubercle is pointing up toward the baby’s head, which indicates a boy, or whether it remains flat or points down, indicating a girl. Again, perfect nub images. Everyone here guessed girl as the nub was less than 30 degrees and in line with spine, but 20 week scan revealed a boy. However, babies are not robots: they move a lot in utero and very often the nub happens to be totally or partially hidden. So far we have 1 boy and 2 girls. 3. In all honesty it’s a bit of a guessing game. Nub theory girl . Has anyone heard of the "nub theory" being wrong? Oldest First. Feb 11, 2021 - Skull Theory - this theory continues to fascinate mothers-to-be, as many claim this at-home technique can be up to 92% accurate. Yep ! Below you will see examples of risen boy nubs. During the 12th week of pregnancy the nub is going through the rapid development changes and the accuracy of your prediction will be much higher. eandz, I think most of the nub detail is hidden but I would be guessing boy for you There are loads of free sites who do nub guessing out there who sound like they have a much better strike rate, save your money everybody! Create a thread. Boy … “Up until your 14th or 15th week scan, the female and male genitalia simply look too similar to 100% differentiate between the two. I don't even understand the skull theory! Boys angle upwards and girls lay flat, This is a FACT and not a theory! This is due to the lack of understanding on how to read the ultrasound scan. Reply. 12W. Usually the earliest point you can tell the sex of a baby from a scan is 20 weeks, so the quirky theory is popular with those who can’t wait to find out if they’re having a little girl or boy. Me! 0 like. https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=maymommy2011 I'M PREGNANT! My OB strongly suspected girl at my 12 week scan.. We were told at our 12 week scan that she thought she saw 'boy parts'. Most said girl for me initially then when I posted again the said boy (it was the same picture!) The nub shot below shows developing clitoris and labia. Bump. One looks very girly to me and I can’t work out the others. 0 like. a forked nub, this can be a telltale sign that his nub is undeveloped and in this case someone with an untrained eye in the theory will almost always predict a girl. The nub theory isn't 100% so I would just wait until your 20 week scan to find out for sure instead of relying on the nub theory. ... My first baby had a clear nub, 14/15 guesses were for a boy and she's a very girly girl - so yes, can definitely be wrong. I actually had a similar experience. And if the nub is pointing straight out, or under 30 degrees, or even pointing down, it is likely that your baby is going to be a girl. Has anyone had a guess at 12 weeks based on nub theory and it turn out to be incorrect? Sagittal view is more suited to the skull and nub theory. There is NO mirror image or flipping of the image. All our content, including text and images, are owned by nub theory. I went for my 12 week scan and the nub was sticking straight up, indicating a boy. On the other hand, if the nub theory determines a boy, additional tests may be required to evaluate the health of the unborn. In order for a sonographer to have the most success of predicting the correct … Disclaimer: THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. I read it is 75% accurate at 12 weeks. It's parallel to the baby's spine, angled at less than 30 degrees and the appearance is flush to baby's the rump. Either that, or our little one was being very naughty and hiding 'his' bits between his legs! Ours had a v clear spanner nub pointing up the way but found out yday it's a girl. Copying is prohibited. Both boys and girls start with a flat ambiguous nub (which is why most boys can be inaccurately guessed as girls during the 11th gestational week) The nub is a fact. But has anyone had any experience with it being wrong? Gestation plays a huge part, the exact gestation is a must, even one day wrong can make a huge difference in how the nub develops. This will vary between 80-99% depending on the quality of the scan. But because we were not at 13+ weeks yet, there was still a big of uncertainty in their guess. With this kind of nub shot an accuracy of 99% can be given. How early can I use the Nub Theory to know whether it will be a boy or girl? A full long line (clitoris) will image and the bottom second line (labia) will show just at the tip. Do we have anymore? Has anyone ever had this be wrong or change? Sometimes, the nub theory can be wrong As explained, the nub theory is reliable only if we can see the baby from the side and if the nub is fully visible. Everyone said girl on mine but confirmed boy . A nub is a small protrudent seen between the legs as early as 8 weeks. All old wives tails pointing to boy. According to proponents of nub theory, you can crack the code of your baby’s sex at a 12-week ultrasound. Of course, the key to drawing the nub line is being able to identify the nub. So even though if that is a nub … These nub shots show a classic forked shape and they look very similar in appearance. There are times when the nub theory will be incorrect, this is usually down to a poor image, the incorrect identification of all the gender markers and the wrong gestation submitted at the time of analysis. (22 Posts) Add message | Report. The genital tubercle develops into either a penis or clitoris and this is possible to view from around 12 weeks by analysing the ‘nub’ in relation to the spine and other factors such as nub shape. I was told I likely was having a boy during an ultrasound to screen for Down syndrome at about 12 weeks. The nub on your scan picture looks the same as my ds2's on his 12 week scan, everyone said he was a girl 1 person said boy out of about 20 people! A lot of the time we do see these predicted as girl because of the fork shape, however the rise is what is most significant to determine the gender on these types of nubs. Draw the nub line. Has the nub theory been wrong for any of you? One of these nubs was later confirmed boy and the other confirmed girl. Putting the Nub in Nub Theory The nub is a protruding mass of tissues that starts developing around 4 weeks into the pregnancy, but it’s hardly noticeable by ultrasound, if at all. The genital tubercle develops into either a penis or clitoris and this is possible to view from around 12 weeks by analysing the ‘nub’ in relation to the spine and other factors such as nub shape. In a boy the nub points up towards their head, and in a girl it points down towards their feet. The analysis can then be very difficult or even misleading, as shown by the cases presented below. The nub theory claims to be a lot more accurate than some of those old wives tales – and claims you can even tell the sex of your baby just by looking at your 12 week ultrasound picture. 12 week scan, confirmed baby girl x. See more ideas about gender prediction, nub theory, gender predictor. The sonographer the second time round told me that it's very difficult to tell at 12 weeks because everything is so swollen and even girls look like boys sometimes! Both males and females have this nub, which will become the penis if it is a boy, or the clitoris if it is a girl. Most doctors dispute nub theory as it's very dependant on the angle of the scan. We do not adopt this method, as there is always more to the nub than just the appearance. Both boys and girls start with a flat ambiguous nub, this is why most boys are inaccurately guessed as girls during the 11th gestational week. (6 Posts) Add message | Report. I posted an u/s pic on a group on Facebook and everyone said girl besides a few who said it wasn't a clear enough shot. Has anyone ever had this be wrong or change? Below is a clear penis and scrotum in development shot. Feb 24, 2020. by Leigh Ann on The Nub Theory. More can be found here. Boy … On the other hand, if the nub theory determines a boy, additional tests may be required to evaluate the health of the unborn. Nub theory wrong? For example, if the nub is angled at 30 degrees or more it is likely a boy, if it is under 30 degrees it is likely a girl. But now, the nub theory is becoming an ever more popular way of guessing whether your baby is going to be a girl or a boy. We were going to be team yellow but our sonographer at 12 week scan got excited and blurted out that she thinks we are having a boy (70% chance) and explained to us about the nub theory. I had sent the scan off to some nub interpretation website and they guessed girl with 80 percent confidence too based on the 12 week ultrasound photo. However, the skull theory definately works for our little girl. However the nub was still undeveloped and yet to go through the rapid changes, during the 12th week of development you can see the nub has now found its final resting place and at 12.2 weeks the nub now shows a clear girl shape. In a word – yes. Of course, the key to drawing the nub line is being able to identify the nub. It sounds pretty reliable in that case...I was so team yellow, I guess I am hoping it could still be incorrect so we are none the wiser! It’s believed that the way this nub points, as seen on an ultrasound scan, can tell you whether the baby is a boy or a girl. In answer to. So, on my experience I would say boy, but could be either. One study describes the process as looking at the "orientation of the genital tubercle in the mid‐sagittal plane." Link to PDF of published medical study establishing the Nub Theory 1999 Example boy nubs. So, I have my 20 week scan on 1st June and really excited! 20+ Similar Discussions Found . As explained, the nub theory is reliable only if we can see the baby from the side and if the nub is fully visible. 1/25/2014 at 8:37 PM. Determine the nub angle. We were going to be team yellow but our sonographer at 12 week scan got excited and blurted out that she thinks we are having a boy (70% chance) and explained to us about the nub theory. This is a sure sign to purchase pink. Everyone here guessed girl as the nub was less than 30 degrees and in line with spine, but 20 week scan revealed a boy. In my last pregnancy the sonographer at 12 weeks told us our baby was a boy because of the nub, and she wS right. For example, if the nub is angled at 30 degrees or more it is likely a boy… e have studied this method for many years and we know that if your scan images are analysed correctly, using the many different gender markers, then the nub theory is up to 99.9% accurate. However, babies are not robots: they move a lot in utero and very often the nub happens to be totally or partially hidden. 2. See the confirmation of this Nub and many more on our Instagram account. BOY OR GIRL -> NUB/SKULL THEORY. A nub is a small protuberance seen between the legs at as early as 9 weeks. Here is a scan pic, it probably is a boy if nub theory is correct I reckon, but just wondered if anyone had anything like this and turned out to be a girl xxx. Get your gender prediction today! Come back and tell us if you were right Now you know more about how this theory works and how to look at your scan with using nub theory in mind to get an idea of the sex of your baby. Nub Theory – Confirmed Boy Nub Theory - Confirmed Girl Products. The nub shot below shows developing clitoris and labia. 12 week scan then confirmed boy at 20 weeks (even though everyone guessed girl from this scan pic lol!) Choose Ramzi Theory (most accurate between 6-8 weeks gestation), Nub Theory (12-14 weeks), or Skull Theory (12+ weeks) for our Experts to analyze to predict the sex of your baby as early as possible. Sex prediction through nub theory largely depends on the picture of the ultrasound. Select a Product and upload your scan. Determine the nub angle. Each baby has a little nub of tissue called the ‘genital tubercle’ which will develop into a penis in a boy, or a clitoris in a girl. I know it's very selfish of me to be upset if its another girl, since I already have a boy, but I … They said a long nub (clitoris) and the angle in relation to the bladder suggested girl. We can tell you the gender as early as 12 weeks. 42 Comments. You can practice by taking one of our quizzes on the nub theory, or view the ultrasound galleries for hundreds of examples, filtered by gender and week of pregnancy. ! Cannons of pink smoke & confetti filled the sky on Saturday! In order for a sonographer to have the most success of predicting the correct sex, the fetus must not be curled up; it needs to be lying on its back as flat as possible. Several studies have been conducted and have found that, in controlled settings, nub theory ranges between 98% and 100% in accuracy. Jan 8, 2021 - Explore The Nub Whisperer | Specialist's board "Confirmed boys! You can practice by taking one of our quizzes on the nub theory, or view the ultrasound galleries for hundreds of examples, filtered by gender and week of pregnancy. It was a BOY! According to the nub theory, a girl’s “dangle” is 30 degrees or less relative to the backbone, and a boy’s “dangle” protrudes at a 30-degree angle or more when the fetus is lying straight on its back. Daisy X. L. Lally123. While we cannot corroborate this statistic with significant evidence, this may be a helpful indicator when trying to predict the sex of your baby - just for fun. nub theory. Such a wide range of accuracy is based on factors such as the visibility of the nub, the angle of the fetus, abdominal wall thickness, and the amount of amniotic fluid. Jade T(18) 1/24/2014 at 7:23 PM. Nub Theory Explained. There are other gender markers we take into account here, the significant rise seen from the spine to the actual nub, the length of the nub and how the appearance of the stacking looks. It is definitely worth giving it a go. Nub theory was right - we're having a girl! The nub shot must be perfect for a chance to determine the sex accurately. Nub theory gender. See more ideas about nub theory, gender prediction, ramzi method. There have been many studies on the accuracy of sex determination via ultrasound during the first trimester and there are some pretty high accuracy rates too. Nub theory/stacking.. Can anyone help with a sexing question? One of these nubs was predicted to be a girl elsewhere, he is now born. Putting the Nub in Nub Theory The nub is a protruding mass of tissues that starts developing around 4 weeks into the pregnancy, but it’s hardly noticeable by ultrasound, if at all. Sometimes, the nub theory can be wrong . I definately think we are going to have to know at 20 weeks now, as it's driving me up the wall! We have studied this method for many years and we know that if your scan images are analysed correctly, using the many different gender markers, then the nub theory is up to 99.9% accurate. As you can see in our examples below the 11.3 week nub shot shows a boyish appearance. Gestation plays a huge part, the exact gestation is a must, even one day wrong can make a huge difference in how the nub develops. Unfortunately we won't as we wouldn't want to get your hopes up for a specific gender. Has anyone heard of the "nub theory" being wrong? [Read: Chinese Gender Prediction Test] Tips To Get A Better Nub Shot. Jade T(18) 12 week scan then confirmed boy at 20 weeks (even though everyone guessed girl from this scan pic lol!) During the 12th week of pregnancy the nub is going through the rapid development changes and the accuracy of your prediction will be much higher. This theory was developed based on scientific data and sex determination. 4,468 Followers, 746 Following, 756 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from NUB THEORY / GIRL OR BOY? Saved from nubologists.com. These factors contribute to the nub theory being scientifically proven and provides an impressively accurate prediction of your baby’s gender. There are times when the nub theory will be incorrect, this is usually down to a poor image, the incorrect identification of all the gender markers and the wrong gestation submitted at the time of analysis. However a lower gestation will be given for this reason and other possible markers seen to know if a rise could potentially happen on your baby. 12 weeks 3 days please guess my baby's nub :) 12W. (@the.nub.whisperer) Keep in mind these are perfect nub shots Great "stacked" nub: one on top of the other (developing penis on top, scrotal line underneath) Girl nubs. 12 weeks 3 days please guess my baby's nub :) 12W. BOY OR GIRL? A boy nub doesn't always have to be seen as a typical boy shot and can appear forked, several gender markers will need to be taken in to account here to identify the forked nub as male. The nub looks forked but sits at an angle of less than 30 degrees. And this is my 20 week scan which confirmed boy x. Has anyone had a guess at 12 weeks based on nub theory and it turn out to be incorrect? Your baby's nub will always image as two lines,  the top half of this line in a girl nub will develop in to her clitoris and for a boy the top line of the nub will develop in to his penis. Frogsonlogs . The tip of the nub is also pointing down. Conversely, if you’re expecting a little girl, the nub will point horizontally. Thankfully our team here have the experience needed to predict with confidence. Discussion in 'Gender Prediction' started by Rahma, Apr 2, 2014. I had sent the scan off to some nub interpretation website and they guessed girl with 80 percent confidence too based on the 12 week ultrasound photo. My u/s tec said that going by the nub theory I would be having a boy, I'm 13 weeks pregnant. These nub shots show a classic forked shape and they look very similar in appearance. If you are unsure of which theory would be best, choose “Experts Decide,” and we will apply the most accurate theory for your scan. Ramzi Theory Accuracy. The theory simply states, during early pregnancy on 12-week ultrasound, if the angle of the nub is beyond 30° from the spine, it is considered to be a boy whereas if the angle is below 10° then it is considered to be a girl. Our experts will review and deliver The Gender Prediction Report same day, directly to your E-mail. In a word – yes. [Read: Chinese Gender Prediction Test] Tips To Get A Better Nub Shot. Jade T(18) 1/24/2014 at 7:26 PM. It’s A Girl. Many argue the inconsistency with the Ramzi Theory. Anyone out there have previous experience where the nub theory was wrong. Frogsonlogs . Sex prediction through nub theory largely depends on the picture of the ultrasound. However, rest assured. Hiya Ladies, So, I have my 20 week scan on 1st June and really excited! Only ones that for my girl right. Nub theory advocates believe that if you’ve got a little boy, the tubercle, or ‘nub’ will be aimed upwards. The 12-week-old fetus is very small, so to be able to see the nub on the scan, the baby has to be at a good angle when the images are taken by the sonographer. Reply. The boy nubs here have angles greater than 30 degrees, using the bladder as an anchor to draw through, you will get a definite rise and the tip of the nub is also pointing up. Example Below  11-12 Weeks In Gestation The Difference In The Nub Appearance. Aug 16, 2020 - The Nubologists are UK's leading experts in early gender prediction using the nub theory! Can't find your answer ? Draw the nub line. Many believe using the nub theory with your 12 week scan means you can find out a little earlier than you could via medical means. 0 like. Nub theory girl. So far we have 1 boy and 2 girls. According to the nub theory, a girl’s “dangle” is 30 degrees or less relative to the backbone, and a boy’s “dangle” protrudes at a 30-degree angle or more when the fetus is lying straight on its back. Boys angle upwards and girls lay flat, This is a FACT and not a theory! I went for my 12 week scan and the nub was sticking straight up, indicating a boy. It’s a girl! Hi I’m just wondering has anybody had mainly boy guesses Or “leans” as they say in the Facebook group from the nub But then it turned out to be a girl? ", followed by 3418 people on Pinterest. Nub theory boy This scan photo is showing a nub which is at a much steeper angle pointing upwards from the spine, indicating that this is going to be a baby boy. I'm hoping I'm not in the 1% ! The nub will point down at the very tip towards the baby's rump and you will notice the nub hangs over the rump too. We see so many comments that this is "just a theory" and that it doesn't exist, even some sonographers will tell you they have never heard of it. I have two boys and a girl. Anonymous. I know the nub theory is just that, a theory. Anonymous. Congratulations, 12 week nub theory was wrong for me too. This will vary between 80-99% depending on the quality of the scan. But has anyone had any experience with it being wrong? My u/s tec said that going by the nub theory I would be having a boy, I'm 13 weeks pregnant. We're almost at 60K! If a video is analysed by our team, then the theory is pretty inarguable. Frogsonlogs . Nub theory boy If the nub of the baby is angled higher than 30 in relation to the spine, it’s likely that your baby is going to be a boy. This nub shows an angle less than 30 degrees, draws parallel and the tip is pointing downwards towards the rump. Ramzi Theory Accuracy. Your prediction was accurate (14 weeks pregnant) We are having a girl! Both boys and girls start with a flat ambiguous nub, this is why most boys are inaccurately guessed as girls during the 11th gestational week. Yahoo! It is rare for a nub theory prediction to be incorrect by our team, especially if a fully imaged nub has been captured. 1/26/2014 at 12:53 PM. VillageFete Sun 23-Sep-18 08:57:09 Hi, Had my scan at 13+1, got a few images. They said a long nub (clitoris) and the angle in relation to the bladder suggested girl.